New Comp: Video Issue Created 17 years ago2006-12-27 19:09:24 UTC by RotatorSplint RotatorSplint

Created 17 years ago2006-12-27 19:09:24 UTC by RotatorSplint RotatorSplint

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 19:09:24 UTC Post #207730
I just finnished building up my new computer. Just for fun, I decided to pop in a CD with a regular old .mpg on it and ran it in Windows Media Player. Much to my dismay, the entire image is extremely dark and the colors look terrible, as if my computer was running 8-bit color. I used the contrast option in WMP to see if I could brighten the image, but even that didn't work. I have also tried using the WMPC included in the KLite Codec pack with the same outcome. This leads me to believe that the issue is with my computer's hardware or software drivers.

I'm running a BFGTech Nvidia GForce 7900, with all drivers installed. Games, such as Half-Life 2 rune smooth as glass on it.

I tried getting a screenshot of the problem, but printscreen doesn't display video when it's used.

What's up with this computer?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 19:12:09 UTC Post #207731
Well, if you say games run good, it's unlikely to be a graphics issue... more likely something with the video playback. Try different videos - all the same result?
Try them in different media players (winamp, media player classic...) - still?

That's all I can think of.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 19:21:43 UTC Post #207732
I've tried only .mpg so far (that's the only format I have avalible to me, I'll see if I can't get my hands on an other format to test), I installed the KLite Codec pack, so I severely doubt that it's a codec issue, and I have tried WMP and WMPC - I'm downloading WINAMP as I'm typing this.

I'll post again if anything changes, etc.

EDIT: It's even worse in WINAMP
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 20:47:43 UTC Post #207738
I installed the KLite Codec pack, so I severely doubt that it's a codec issue
Unless the codecs you installed are borked somehow?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 20:56:28 UTC Post #207740
Mmm... I doubt that, because the actual video plays fine :

I'll chat w/ my brother about it when he gets home - he helped me build this thing, maybe he'll know what to do.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 21:06:23 UTC Post #207741
Odd. How about flash playback in browsers? Try youtube.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-27 22:38:12 UTC Post #207749
The Flash Macromedia site is not loading up for me right now... I'll try again later. Also: .mpg may not work properly, but DVD does.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-28 03:06:21 UTC Post #207774
install WMP version 10 if you can find it. and copy the MPG from the CD to your HDD. I have had the same problem, and media played from discs does not allow me the brightness option. However, when it is on my HDD it allows me to brighten it, that is what i end up having to do.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-28 03:13:28 UTC Post #207775
Ahh, yes, I was having that problem, however copying it to the HD and ajusting the brightness levels still left the video too dark. :

FIXED: I hopped on over to and grabbed their display drivers for my card. Everything seems to be working fine.

If I have any more issues concerning this problem, I'll use this thread again.

Cheers :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-28 03:42:30 UTC Post #207777
I'm running a BFGTech Nvidia GForce 7900, with all drivers installed.
FIXED: I hopped on over to and grabbed their display drivers for my card. Everything seems to be working fine.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-28 19:50:16 UTC Post #207823
I meant the drivers that came with the card on a CD, not the desplay drivers from the site. They're two sepparate things :D
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