Sprites for entities in hammer 3.5? Created 18 years ago2007-02-15 01:28:16 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Created 18 years ago2007-02-15 01:28:16 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-15 01:28:16 UTC Post #212521
Hello all...

I recently downloaded a newer FGD (tommy's) and I noticed that in the ZIP there were sprites for all the point entities in hammer (ambient_generic, etc) I am assuming that these are so you can use hammer to "sprite" the point entities like in hammer 4 (for source SDK) so instead of seeing a purple box, you see a speaker for an ambient_generic, a camera for a trigger_camera, etc.

How do you set this up? My models are already previewing in hammer (cycler_sprites) I noticed a folder called "sprites" in the valve hammer editor directory, I put all the sprites in, and still did not show up in hammer?

I suppose this isn't a big deal, but it would be nice to see "sprites" of point entities instead of all those different sized cubes, and for complex entity setups, it would make keeping track of them easier.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-15 06:11:36 UTC Post #212537
Make sure you keep the path-structure in the sprites-folder that came with the fgd. Eg. my sprites-folder in Hammer Editor-folder looks like C:ProgramValveSteamHammer EditorspritesCS and inside that CS-folder is the .spr's.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-17 00:37:29 UTC Post #212729
So what's the best FGD to use? I have this one:

It came with the sprites for the entities, and I put them in sprites/CS (that's how they were zipped.) but no sprites show up in hammer (just ugly purple cubes).

I was using a similiar FGD, cs_expert-tom793b_wc35aa.fgd, and with that one I got a model preview of my spawn points, and a lightbulb sprite for a light entity, but 793c_wc35 doesn't have those in it, even though it looks like a newer version?
Nevermind, I'm such a dolt..... Here I thought my hammer install was in c:/valve hammer editor, turn out I was using s desktop shortcut which pointed to c:/program files/valve hammer editor.

I moved the sprites to the one in program files and it works fine.

Now if youll excuse me, I'm going to go put a bag on my head and sit in the corner......
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