ok that's a bit much.
How about 6 days a week, with a rotating schedule.
you'll start with tuesdays off (today)
then next week, monday off, and so on and so forth
Created 18 years ago2007-03-03 00:34:15 UTC by
I'll be updating soon.WHOOOSH! 5 days later.
If i don't past an update tomorrow you may take my testicles off me.Hey, it's his fault.
Geeeeeez lay off the man. There are better things to do then play games, like make games, or do homework.Yeah, because we are all dead serious, right? There's no chance we are just messing around?
decides to stand by his bed, staring into space for about half an hour.Heh it seems you captured my style pretty well...I actually do that sometimes.
Daubster, Saribous and Rimrook wondered around in their underwear all daySo what I wondered without my underwear all day.
Because everyone here is either goth or emo.No, not really.
Rimrook wondered around in their underwear all dayThat's always my Plan A.