Error: ReadSurfs g_numplanes Created 17 years ago2007-05-26 15:30:23 UTC by F0ld F0ld

Created 17 years ago2007-05-26 15:30:23 UTC by F0ld F0ld

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-26 15:30:23 UTC Post #223507
delete please, error fixed
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-26 15:40:14 UTC Post #223511
If it shows a number in the error, like this:

ReadSurfs (line 99416): 32189 > g_numplanes

...tread on:
  • Before you go wild, try a recompile or 2 - sometimes it is just a random thing. Also search for a brush with more than 32 faces, such as a cylinder in the Maxpoints error.
Otherwise this error means you went over the limit of the number of planes allowed. This means too many faces in the map = too many brushes, or too complex ones. Time to trim back the level map! Some solutions:
* Do not put a box around your map to fight leaks. Seal each section seperately and fight the leak war.
* Try to line up the faces of brushes with the same texture at the same scale. Then the engine may make them into one face plane.
* Avoid detail brushes, use texture to "fake it" instead.
* Plain make fewer brushes. Keep construction simple. HL and complexity mix poorly.
* There are some newer compiler programs being tested that remove unused and unneeded planes from the outside of a level. You could try to get and use one of them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-26 16:46:37 UTC Post #223518
It was a issue with my compiling tools, nothing wrong with the map I'm working on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-26 16:47:48 UTC Post #223519
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