Triggering Messages... Created 17 years ago2007-07-04 00:02:36 UTC by ip ip

Created 17 years ago2007-07-04 00:02:36 UTC by ip ip

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 00:02:36 UTC Post #227307
Okay, I'm trying to trigger a message to appear on screen, when a player walks through the center of the map (over a bridge). I have the area covered in a trigger_multiple. I have the target set to 'message1' which is a env_message entity, and includes a sentence under 'message'. (also added a little sound for fun). Now however, when I test the map, and walk through the trigger, nothing happens. Any help on how to fix this would be appriciated, thanks :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 01:30:52 UTC Post #227312
Use a multimanager.
Have the trigger_multiple trigger the multimanager which then will trigger both the env_message, and (i'm assuming you're using a ambient_generic?) the sound.

try that
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 01:53:55 UTC Post #227315
I found the problem, for some reason I forgot to name the env_message. Also the env_message has a sound tab where you can upload the sound you want. But now the problem is, when I enter the box, it plays the sound, however the message doesn't appear?

EDIT: Oh I see, env_message only uploads the file. game_text eh? Do I download it off the internet? I don't have it on my hammer????? (3.5 w/ ZHLT).

Oh not only that, but I don't have any of the game_ entities in my list. I have to go, will be on tomorrow, thanks in advanced.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 04:56:49 UTC Post #227328
Game_text comes from some Half-Life .fgd, not sure which one though. It'll be in the latest, whatever that one is.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 09:15:55 UTC Post #227338
For an env_message to work, you must provide the actual message in a file called titles.txt. Here's an example:

Gordon Freeman
Male, age 27

Ph.D., MIT, Theoretical Physics

MESSAGE01 and MESSAGE02 are the message names which you enter in the message name property of the env_message.
For formatting options (color, fade-in/out time, old time, etc), take a look at the default titles.txt file for examples.

Note that when using your own messages with your own titles.txt, you need send this file to everyone who wants to play your map, so in this case, using the game_text entity is probably your best option.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 10:40:45 UTC Post #227341
Isnt there a way to make your own message come up on screen?
i know i've done it before.


Game_text should work if you want custom words.. and muzzleflash just said that but i didnt notice it til just now.
oh well
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 12:21:01 UTC Post #227353
Okay, just one last question.... does the new half-lifex3.fgd (or whatever its called), work for Counter-Strike 1.6 too? Because I can't seem to find a .fgd file specifically for CS with the game_ entities.


EDIT: Nevermind, got the .fgd file.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 13:45:47 UTC Post #227360
Im pretty sure it doesn't.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
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