Best way to make a DM map Created 17 years ago2007-07-04 22:51:02 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 17 years ago2007-07-04 22:51:02 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 22:51:02 UTC Post #227390
I really want to dedicate to one map in particular. Which means: i want to start a map, and finish it. Now that Muzz had a HL2DM server (kicks ass b.t.w.) Better maps can be released for the public.

I have a nasty habit of drawing up a design, starting to hammer it out, and then i just get bored with it too fast and i never seem to complete anything i start.

What do you guys do to have a map go from an idea to a finished product?
All too often i find myself just starting in hammer and not going anywhere with anything. And it's extremely discouraging because i want to finish a map, but never seem to actually have a final product.

Basically.. where do i start?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:05:48 UTC Post #227397
Find a theme you want.
Think of what type of layout would go well with that theme.
Think of the gameplay style you want, and how that will affect the layout.
And that's it.
If you get bored with it too fast, that means you're not making much progress. Try to go step by step and getting each area to look right before moving on to the next. That way, you'll think you're getting somewhere and you will realize that the end result is worth it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:10:04 UTC Post #227399
I have a nasty habit of drawing up a design, starting to hammer it out, and then i just get bored with it too fast and i never seem to complete anything i start.
I am EXACTLY the same way. I have a HL2DM map i'm working on that I really want to finish but I fear i'll just give up on it out of boredom. I find the best way to guarantee working on a project is to change the way you work. Constantly.

I can't remember how long i've been mapping but i've been doing it the same way the whole time and have gotten bored of it. So I break it up a bit, I look at some reference pics, I dev texture a whole room, texture it, then move on. I change the music I'm listening to, I sit in a different position, I eat something.. etc. :P

Though i guess it all boils down to being in the right mood, which is getting harder and harder to do.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:28:52 UTC Post #227402
I have the theme i want.
And i just drew up designs for the level.

A Deathmatch map that takes place mainly on the rooftops of buildings.
Basically there's 4 buildings, and each building is connected to another somehow. But like.. there's craters everywhere, parts are blown out of the roofs and the walls.. floors...
loads of debris.. just a bunch of junk you can grab with the gravity gun and launch.

Theme is brick buildings.. urban neighborhood.. i know there's skybox buildings for it too.

I'm in the mood right now and i have the 4 buildings (just the walls and roof) in the right situation.

(i dont have any music on but i'll put some on now.)

The biggest thing is for me.. i'm really new to source mapping so i dont know the limits of the engine.. i'm not used to the detail needed for a level to not look bland... There's really not a lot of reference pics i'm finding for rubble...

So.. i guess now i'll start on the connections i want in-between the buildings.

[Does dev texturing really help you guys at all?]
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:31:43 UTC Post #227403
I find it does if you use it for the right purpose, like for fleshing out the layout rather than focusing on the visuals.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:40:22 UTC Post #227404
right now i'm using 16unit walls and making the basics (in brick)
working on the first floor of the northeast building. Just the wall layout (which parts i want blown out.. or windows) working on the stair situation...

Do you guys think i should have platform elevators or stick with like.. and open stairwell sorta thing?

Im also thinking about putting up a fire escape on one or 2 of them as a means of level climbing.. (there's only 4 stories so it shouldnt be too bad right?)

And i have one more question before i call it a night...

i know walls are 128 high but what about floors?
Like whats the proper distance between floors? For like ceiling and such?

I was playing de_dust in CS:S and i noticed about a 32 unit trim between the upper and lower parts in the tunnels... is that good or too much?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 05:54:55 UTC Post #227418
To build on what Kasperg said, you need to determine a basic theme and layout. Towards that goal, I often build up sections of map just to make a base of theme to work off of, and get my creative juices flowing. They're usually in no way connected with eachother or the map, but style guides to think about when I get stuck.

An other problem I've encountered is not giving myself enough space to start. I always find that if I make my beginning area too small, or too large in some cases, it becomes difficult to make progress because it's always getting in the way, psychologically. You may want to determine the size of your rooftop first, and further down the road, expand if you need the space, or simply not make a skybox at all until you need to compile.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 12:15:04 UTC Post #227589
Yeah i'm gonna work on the main buildings before i even think about the skybox. I have to figure a good way to block it off anyway.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 12:41:07 UTC Post #227592
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 12:54:32 UTC Post #227594
Ok.. im just not in the mood fo map right now (i wish i was because i want to)
Maybe ill play some guitar and then draw up some more plans


played a little guitar, took a shower, and while i was in there, i thought of a new idea.. Scrap what i had because it's too advanced for me in my current mood lol.

I'm not as skilled as i thought i was but anyway...

Started working on another plan that i thought of in the shower... I just have some real fast game-renderings of it. Simple textures, basic layout first.. Some dev textures..

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Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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