I created a pretty basic vtf, basically, just a blue square, slight light to dark gradient. Next, I write my VMT:
"$basetexture" "casino/main"
"$surfaceprop" "glass"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmaptint" "[0.8 0.8 1]"
}For a blue tinted mirror-like reflection.
I texture in hammer, place a cubemap, and then build cube maps once in game. However, it looks matte-like, and nothing like what I expected/hoped.
The effect I am aiming for is that similar to very reflective metal, blue-tinted, as seen on the exterior of a casino I am modelling a map around: [The MonteCito Resort, for the show 'Las Vegas']
Any help here? I know I have been asking for quite a bit of help recently, but if I can get this casino working it will be STUNNING!