(repost) I am DESPERATE for help!!! Created 17 years ago2007-08-06 07:29:38 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Created 17 years ago2007-08-06 07:29:38 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 07:29:38 UTC Post #231381
Sorry to repost this, but I'm at wits end!

For those who do not know my dilemma...

In Hammer (source SDK) when I go to compile ANY map, the compile process does not complete...

vbsp runs fine, vvis runs fine.... upon execution of vrad.exe, THIS shows up...
User posted image
Upon entering the map in HL2, the map runs, but is unlit!

I've both refreshed sdk content AND reset game configs more than 5x each, I've completely REMOVED and REINSTALLED steam, I even deleted some .blob file that was suggested to me in IRC.

I'm at wits end! I've tried hlrad and cstrad, but hlrad is for non-source, and ALL of the cst*.exe compile programs come up with that same error!

PLEASE HELP if you can! I'm ready to give up on mapping for source! And we all know I cant map for SH** for HL1 stuff! :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 08:16:35 UTC Post #231385
Well just sounds like your VRAD is broken. So you say you refreshed but did you re-install SDK?

I could send you my VRAD which may fix it if you just replace the one in your bin folder. First tell me if you have re-installed SDK and if so I'll send you my VRAD.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 08:44:48 UTC Post #231386
Last night I UNINSTALLED and WIPED OUT all steam content, and started over fresh... I had to redownload the SDK and HL2.

forrent@pittweb.com would be a good place for that file. I hope this works, I've almost given up hope on it. I know it isnt my machine, I've mapped quite a bit on this in the past
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 11:05:12 UTC Post #231390
No need for the email, I got my own FTP.

Anyway download this zip:


And place the vrad.exe and vrad.dll here:

C:program filesvalvesteamsteamappsUSERNAMEsourcesdkbin
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 14:22:09 UTC Post #231408
No change

My instalation folder wouldnt have anything to do with it would it?

c:steam <---

Instead of

c:program filessteam

I assume it wouldnt considering everything ELSE runs just fine

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 14:51:47 UTC Post #231411
I submitted a question to steam support - this is madness

In the meanwhile I guess I play small maps, this machine cant handle huge maps
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 15:54:13 UTC Post #231424
My instalation folder is D:steam and I have no problems so I don't think that is it.
Have you tried compiling diffrent maps incase it is something in a certain map that crashes it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 15:58:10 UTC Post #231425
Right what else can we do...So even re-installing didn't fix it. Then it has to be your PC or something outside of Steam...I can't imagine what but your PC can't handle big maps. So maybe it can't handle RAD...:)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 16:12:50 UTC Post #231426
Maybe you're missing somekind of important dll library that vrad needs when its running, or maybe one or more dll's got borked and cause vrad to crash. Try reinstalling the C++ Runtime files, and see if that fixes it. You can get the package from the Microsoft site.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 21:03:10 UTC Post #231451
Wouldnt that cause worse problems?> Like no compiling AT ALL?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 07:23:53 UTC Post #231483
True but try to think of the possibilities...Maybe a part of it is broken or Hammer can half work with corrupted DLL's...

Worth a try right?...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 08:44:43 UTC Post #231488
What specs you got on your machine btw? The compile programs are fairly resource intensive...
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 11:59:17 UTC Post #231498
This is where I get a lot of "Holy ** dude I'm amazed anything runs on that thing!"

AMD Athlon 1.1GHz
ATI Radeon 7000 Series (64MB)
1024 x 768 (75Hz)

Now let me include this... HL2 runs! I've built quite a few maps on this machine, had numerous LIT maps... granted the default maps for HL2 storyline run pretty sluggish, but that doesn't stop me from making a small map and toying around with it... I have a map for CS:S that, even though unlit (mat_fullbright 1) it still works really well.

My main problem is lighting. rad will not run. EVERYTHING ELSE DOES.

I've emailed Steam about this, and no response as of yet.

Where do I find those DLL's? :nuke:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 12:32:02 UTC Post #231502

Just wondering, are you running any antivirus software during compile?
Did you recenly installed new (third party) software?
Is your system adware free?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 12:38:11 UTC Post #231503
No Antivirus software to speak of (memory hoggers!)
3rd party software??? Like what?
Adware free as far as I know (I have Adaware)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 15:17:54 UTC Post #231513

I decided to uninstall steam... at that point i went into regedit and deleted EVERY reference to "steam" and "valve" - took me a while but I got it done.

I then restarted my PC, and with NO OTHER PROGS RUNNING (verified in task manager process window)

I decided to REDOWNLOAD and INSTALL steam to the default folder of c:Program FilesSteam

Got the SDK, got CS:S, when they were finished I started CS:S to establish the files, then shut it down and went into SDK Hammer and made a VERY basic cube room with 16 spawns each side, an IPS (info_player_start) 2 buyzones, and 9 point lights...

Upon compiling, vbsp ran, vvis ran, and even though NOW I do not get that Send Error Report window, in the comile process window it appears it is skipping over VRAD - you see the attempt to execute it, but within milliseconds it copies the BSP file and finishes....

When I went into the map, all was well except..... (go ahead, GUESS) NO F***ING LIGHTING! (mat_fullbright defaulted to 1)

Steam has yet to respond to my "question" and I am ready to give up on this. It's aggravating me this much BECAUSE I once built several maps on this exact machine. The only difference is the upgrading from a hacked cpoy of XP Pro, to a LEGITIMATELY PURCHASED copy of XP Pro.

Outside of updating windows through that nerve racking Windblows Update. I DUNNO WHAT ELSE TO DO!!!?!?!?!?!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 15:19:35 UTC Post #231517
This is most likely the indirect cause of your problem.

The direct cause might be a problem with your pagefile (or hard disk itself) which with only that much RAM, Vrad is going to be forced to use on a map of any size and/or detail, especially if you are using many different textures.

Or you might not really have a problem, and Vrad might just hate having to page at all.

I'd wager a RAM upgrade would get rid of this problem.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 15:46:43 UTC Post #231521
My ram was never a problem before... upgrading would take a trip back in time as I have the old RAM type.

I am using only 3 textures... walls, floor, and ceiling...

I even used a reg cleaner and nothing is happening.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 16:11:14 UTC Post #231523
Well, since it affects any map, and that it used to work, it would be logical to assume that something, somewhere has gone wrong.

If the map compiles fine on a different computer using the same OS and executables, then what is there left to blame?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 16:52:12 UTC Post #231525
You could try the custom source tools. I don't use them myself and don't know if there even uptodate but might work if the valve ones don't.

CST tools:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 22:34:08 UTC Post #231544
Those tools all came up with the same error - exactly like vrad
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 03:15:38 UTC Post #231566
On the Vrad error that you posted a picture of at the very top of the thread. If you click on the link where it says "To see what data this error report contains, click here", what is in there?

Does it give you a memory address in there anywhere?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 03:53:22 UTC Post #231569
Try using a Batch Compiler.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 15:22:47 UTC Post #231638
Trapt... Nem's batch compiler uses the old compiling prog's - is there ANOTHER batch compiler out there with it's own RAD?

PLAYBUS: this is what comes up when I click on that....

AppName: vrad.exe AppVer: ModName: vrad.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00003d14
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 08:50:32 UTC Post #231683
Well it seems a few other people out there on the Intarweb experienced this exact problem after installing Episode 1.

You haven't just installed Episode 1, have you?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 12:37:08 UTC Post #231696
I dont have Episode 1

Funny how I emailed Steam about this 4-5 days ago and have heard NOTHING back from them
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 12:40:53 UTC Post #231697
Oh you'll get that all the time. But now that you mention RAD I have been getting this message in my compile for a while now:

Could not find lights.rad in lights.rad.
Trying VRAD BIN directory instead...
Warning: Couldn't open texlight file c:program filessteamsteamappshabboisourcesdkbinlights.rad.

That 'could' be a link in some way...Perhaps an update on Valve's half has done something to us.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 13:41:26 UTC Post #231699
Funny how I emailed Steam about this 4-5 days ago and have heard NOTHING back from them
Last time I raised a ticket with them, they got back to me 7 days later to say "Sorry we don't support the SDK, check out the VERC Forums".

I suspect you'll get similar.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 15:32:58 UTC Post #231705
I doubt that the lights.rad thing is related. I get that all the time and I assure you, VRAD runs.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-10 17:03:17 UTC Post #231802
It may be a silly question but is everything on your PC ok?

Drivers up to date?
Defrag HDD?

Could the HDD have an error itself causing problems when trying to use vrad?

Its worth trying as its just something else to eliminate from the long list of possible causes.
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