trigger_push and func_water Created 17 years ago2007-09-01 17:42:08 UTC by ip ip

Created 17 years ago2007-09-01 17:42:08 UTC by ip ip

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 17:42:08 UTC Post #233300
Is there any 'easy' way to make a trigger_push work while in water. My river which contains the water, is using the scrolling method to make it look like its moving and I want it to be able to drag the player too. Its going at a speed of 60, and whenever I set up the trigger_push it only seems to work near the top, and once you enter the water, it stops pushing you. I've heard all kinds of things like set the speed to 800, but all that does is shoot the player across the map, and once again when they enter the water they stop getting pushed : (yes I'm setting the direction right).

Any help? :
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 18:05:20 UTC Post #233301
You could try tying a huge invisible brush to a func_tracktrain (or just func_train depending on your needs) and have it push the player through the water, but I don't see why the trigger_push isn't working. I swear I've seen it before.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 18:09:05 UTC Post #233302
Make a func_conveyor on top of the water, and make it not solid. Add a scrolling water texture, and there you have it.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 18:34:20 UTC Post #233303
umm that really doesnt push them, if its only at the top they'll only be pushed 'at the top' and not once they enter the water... and besides thats the exact set up im using right now, and I need the player to be pushed no matter where they are in the body of water, thanks though :
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 18:57:59 UTC Post #233305
Does it have to be a deep river? Like, deep enough for you to duck under? because if not, you could just put a func_conveyor on the floor.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 19:21:09 UTC Post #233307
Yeah its deep, about twice the players size :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 19:23:13 UTC Post #233308
Okay, but does it HAVE to be? Because I personally can't get it to work either.

If you just made the water opaque, it wouldn't really matter how deep it was supposed to be, it'd just be like you were floating on the surface.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 22:51:53 UTC Post #233312
Yeah i'd perfer it do be that deep, its a river and would probably look a little weird if it was so shallow, but then even if it was that shallow there really wouldn't be a point for a trigger_push if the player can stand in it, there wouldn't be enough water to push them off there feet. So either way is kind of a bad option, I'm just gonna leave it out unless anyone else knows how to get this to work.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 12:52:16 UTC Post #233334
You said you used a func_push, not a conveyor.

If you can't get it to work, then that's all on you, because it worked for me fine.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 13:27:54 UTC Post #233339
I never said func_push??? Besides thats not even a real entity (if I said it I was meaning trigger_push, sorry for the confusion).

I'm gonna re-explain my process, sorry its just easier for me :)

I'm using a func_water (which is invisible), and 1pixel func_conveyor on top of that using the a scrollwater texture. Now this works just fine, the water moves and you can jump into it and it gives the effect of a moving river. Now the problem is, setting up a seperate trigger_push (inside the whole body of water) isnt working, because once the player enters the func_water the push doesn't work at all. Only at the top where the func_conveyor is, the trigger_push pushs the player for a split second, then subsides when the enter the water (am I repeating myself?). I know its working because I can throw a gernade in and it has no problem being pushed through the river, but for some reason the effect doesn't work with the player, func_water > trigger_push.

Would making the scrollwater fill the entire size of the river (with push of course), and then making a func_water overlapping the scroll work?

I'm gonna try it out right now...

EDIT: I don't think it works :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 14:57:08 UTC Post #233343
No, it doesn't work. I've already tried both methods. Luke probably doesn't know that you want the player to be inside the water when you're being pushed, because his explanation doesn't lend itself to that at all...

The only thing that seems to work is when the player is either standing on the conveyor, or inside the trigger_push but not floating in the water.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-03 12:38:59 UTC Post #233412
Yah, I DO know that he wants the player to be pushed, which is why I responded. This method worked for me in the past, so I don't know what you're doing differently, or if there's something else I did.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-04 02:47:11 UTC Post #233455
I wanted to do the same effect but you can't have a trigger_push move a player while in water. I hate to say it but it is impossible. They fixed this in Opposing Force I think but this is HL. I had to settle for splitting the water brush in two and adding a trigger_push in the middle (ie, like a sandwich) and then add a trigger_hurt to do drowning damage (I was trying to create a whirlpool). Unless someone cracked this. Alas! Another limitation for HL! :roll:
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