Borders searching ipods for illegal cont Created 16 years ago2008-05-28 03:47:53 UTC by Soup Miner Soup Miner

Created 16 years ago2008-05-28 03:47:53 UTC by Soup Miner Soup Miner

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 03:49:24 UTC Post #250621
Piracy is ruining the economy, guys! Let's counter it by destroying laptops with mp3s on them, that'll teach those pesky hooligans!
Great! I'll grab my stuff!
Seriously, this is so fucking stupid it's not even funny. Gotta love those ACTA folks.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 05:48:15 UTC Post #250622
Remind me not to go to Canada.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 06:34:14 UTC Post #250623
Don't go to Canada, Ant.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 08:13:28 UTC Post #250624
I'm wondering how they'll determine legit mp3s from pirated mp3s. Making personal copies of your own CDs to your computer is perfectly legal under any law. Would you have to bring your entire CD collection (and receipts saying you bought them) with you every time you boarded a plane? ...
Effective, no doubt.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 08:55:10 UTC Post #250625
that is ridiculon.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 16:13:53 UTC Post #250640
That's just stupidity beyond any words to classify :S
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 16:54:30 UTC Post #250645
It's like even ACTA didn't want Canada aboard, so they thought up the craziest acceptance task ever thinking Canada'll piss off.. which it didn't.

Seriously, though, I can only imagine the lines at their border this new search will cause. EAT THAT, PIRATEBAY!!
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 18:18:10 UTC Post #250716
Friggin' Canada. It's about time we invaded that country...

If you have encrypted data are they going to send it off to the supercomputer to make sure you don't have a Starland Vocal Band mp3 hidden inside? What a fucking joke. :gak:
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 18:43:46 UTC Post #250717
Not only is it stupid, it's also scary ass hell.

But what I can't figure out is; if you actually steal a CD or a DVD and get caught, you have to pay like... 30$? If you COPY the same thing, you have to pay 999999999999999$, your computer and possible jailtime.

The artists usualy gain money from piracy, more people discover their music = more people buy CD's and attend their concerts.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 22:36:09 UTC Post #250719
Unconstitutional Bullshit is Unconstitutional.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 23:24:53 UTC Post #250723
Yeah. I'm sick and tired of all these laws slowly taking away from our god-given rights to listen to music.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 23:49:11 UTC Post #250725
Everything doesn't have a price, but people want everything to have a price. The best stuff is free anyway and most of the music of today sucks. Ever since 2003 music has been on a serious downward spiral. Especially with Raggetone and Rap. No one gives a shit.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 02:20:47 UTC Post #250727
But everything does have a price. It's Newton's law D:
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 03:36:19 UTC Post #250728
Good old Hard Rock is still alive and kicking.
The underground scene is great.
And yeah. After coming back from jamaica, i worshiped my iPod again.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 06:12:00 UTC Post #250734
Everything doesn't have a price, but people want everything to have a price. The best stuff is free anyway and most of the music of today sucks. Ever since 2003 music has been on a serious downward spiral. Especially with Raggetone and Rap. No one gives a shit.
Good job of generalising the whole music world there, Rim. Just because you listen to bad music doesn't mean there isn't any good music being produced - just the huge amount of music being produced each day ensures there will always be great music produced in all genres you could think of. Current mainstream music might not be in your tastes, but that's no incitement to say all music produced in the last 5 years is bad - that's just an incredibly narrow-minded viewpoint.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 06:25:28 UTC Post #250736
I think the so called "downfall" of the music industry (if you believe the record-labels) is just a load of crap. They still make loads of money, despite people downloading music without paying for it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 09:02:12 UTC Post #250739
I'm a pirate
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 09:42:35 UTC Post #250740
The artists usualy gain money from piracy, more people discover their music = more people buy CD's and attend their concerts.

I rarely download whole albums (my connection is too slow and too fail to do so comfortably most of the time), but I can guarantee if it weren't for the odd few songs I've downloaded, I wouldn't own half the cd's in my collection. Stupid law is stupid.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 09:48:06 UTC Post #250741
Later in the news... Canada is facing a economy crisis for lack of tourists.

seriously these guys are greedy bastards who don't want to loose a penny.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 15:04:57 UTC Post #250757
Methinks it's about time the USA Annexes Canada. We could use another state.
God i CAN NOT stand stupid people. Stupid people meaning almost every politician I've heard of.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 15:18:17 UTC Post #250758
Stupid people meaning almost every politician I've heard of.
Well, that's just because you live in America.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 15:23:37 UTC Post #250759
It is. I hate our politicians. They're so crooked and have the WORST opinions about the middle class' world.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 20:13:07 UTC Post #250778
"The best stuff is free"
It's true, but i don't think in the way you mean. When someone said "the best things in life are free" they meant the best things: Love, Respect, Major life achievements, etc... can not be purchased with money, but only your own blood, sweat, toil, and sacrifice. ( I can't remember where i read this, but it seems true to me.)

And not trying to gangpile you Mr. Rimrook, but I think there is constantly good new music being created all the time... i don't think that'll ever change! = ) (Unless you pigeonhole yourself in to one paticular type of music like classic rock for example, then yeah, nobody really makes a lot of new good stuff for that paticular type anymore)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 15:53:31 UTC Post #250820
Ever since 2003 music has been on a serious downward spiral. Especially with Raggetone and Rap.
Aye, I agree with ZL, that's a incredibly narrow-minded viewpoint you got there. What you mean with the 'Raggetone and rap' part anyway? I know for a fact that most people here find the rap genre horrible music, but when I ask of which artist they think of when they think of rap are 50 cent, Snoop Dogg and Busta Rhymes I cry deeply inside.. I hate it when people generalize. I'm a enthustiac rap listener and when you actually look further than your daily 50 cent crap there's quite a bunch of good rap out there. If you don't like rap as a whole, fine, then it's just a matter of taste, but that doesn't give you the right to call the genre a bunch of crap and a reason of the 'downfall' of music. (You might not have said that, but it came across like you meant that.)

The 'downfall' of music as in, selling less CDs, might be true. But heh, that's the problem of shitty music labels. They still make profit. For the artist themselves it's only a good thing that most people download. Why? Because it gives them more exposure, which results in more concert tickets sold... and I hope we all know that a artist gets more money from concerts than CDs.

/end rant
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 16:13:30 UTC Post #250822
The music industry desperately trying to fight piracy is somewhat understandable. This is an industry, we're talking about - record labels, not artists. And their outdated method of distribution (namely, records) is apparently flawed. Of course, this is not the way the industry sees it - according to them it's easy, we're all thieves and they're doing what's right.

What they should be doing is find alternate ways to distribute music. A step in the right direction would be online stores that don't suck (fuck off iTunes, DRM-ridden, low-quality expensive crap). Believe it or not, internet users will pay for music - if it's easily accessible and goes to the artist not some label. I know I would, anyway.

Well, this is somewhat of a useless rant, I suspect we are all in agreement on the subject.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 18:33:42 UTC Post #250825
Yeah ZL, I think that's the general opinion. The music industry fucked up and missed the natrual development in distribution.

Nobody wants to buy a CD with one song you like and 11 songs that you either haven't heard or don't like... And nobody wants to pay 1 - 2$ for a single song either, it's just stupid.

For me, "piracy" is more of a statement nowdays.

But I do buy movies, never at full price though, I wait untill they're cheap or kinda cheap before I buy them.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 18:57:04 UTC Post #250826
100% agreed, ZL. One of the main reasons to download music as opposed to purchasing CDs is because CDs are a dead medium. I only use them once, and that's to rip them, then I usually put them away and never use them again. As most people listen to music on computer nowadays, having to rip CDs and encode the result is an annoying, timeconsuming (if you encode it properly and at a decent quality) extra step that most people would rather avoid.

The convenience of pirated music is the reason it's so big, and the crappy quality and ridiculous cost of legal downloading is it's big downfall. I for one would be happy to pay to download music legally IF the quality wasn't totally shit and it wasn't in some obscure, shitty proprietary DRM format, provided the profit went straight to the artist.

What scares me is how they'd detirmine if the music they find is ripped from your own CDs or illegal. There's really no way to distinguish the two. Would they go to the effort of finding out whether you've actually purchased the music you're in possession of, or would they just assume it's all downloaded and arrest you? Pretty scary shit.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 19:06:41 UTC Post #250827
I'm a pirate
You are a Pirate!
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 20:05:27 UTC Post #250830
Yeah, most my iPod is downloaded or borrowed stuff, but even I buy some of it. I was at a concert, and after we were done moshing, I went and bought a t-shirt and some cd's. We need more low class artists. These cd's are DRM-free and really good quality. Why? Because they're recorded by unknown artists that most people don't give a shit about until they finally hear them.

Yeah, so I'll probably get arrested just for that, because it's from an artist no one knows. Great.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 21:11:56 UTC Post #250831
Someone should hit those guys with the REALITY hammer!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 20:36:58 UTC Post #252873
I'm pissed as a Canadian. I the article said that a lot of common privacy tools would be illegal. This to me seems to mean that we no longer have any rights to privacy, which is the biggest concern to me.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 23:19:18 UTC Post #252874
Well, let me put my two cents here........

I am pretty sure some of you have already heard of the Viacom vs. Google case where Viacom, which owns MTV and a bunch of other cable channels, TV stations, radio stations and other media outlets, took to court and won a lawsuit against Google over the pirated content on You Tube, which is of course owned by Google. For more reference on this, go here:

Now, what does this tells you? What's going on in Canada is just the beginning of things to come.

Oh, by the way, I am also a pirate, and since I live in Puerto Rico, I guess you can say I am a pirate from the Caribbean,......HA!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-23 15:14:25 UTC Post #252901
Here in Sweden the government have passed a law that makes it legal for them to monitor people's internet traffic. They can basically check everything you're doing. Goodbye privacy.

And this law got passed even though they recieved a petition signed by 6.6 million swedes. Just for reference, there's about 9 million people living here.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-23 15:29:27 UTC Post #252902
while there is people dieing that could use the money, the selfish bastards are using it in making their rich clients richer. How bout a boycott to music XD
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