My little train Created 16 years ago2008-08-10 15:00:03 UTC by 413X 413X

Created 16 years ago2008-08-10 15:00:03 UTC by 413X 413X

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 15:00:03 UTC Post #253560
Hello, a mapping question again.

I have built a train (func_tracktrain), and I have set it to go forward normally, turning at some points and so on. BUT, then the train comes to a cliff where i want the train to go down.

Now here's the problem, the train likes to "point" to the path_track, so when it comes to the edge, it tipps over and you falls off when it goes down vertically.

How do I keep it from tipping over, and just keep it "steady" when it goes down. I tried several times with diffrent stuff but failed. I guess it's func_trackautochange or what is it? help plixx =))
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-12 17:04:40 UTC Post #253654
I don't really understand the problem you're describing, but here are a couple tracktrain example maps i found that might help:
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 03:38:33 UTC Post #253689
I understand the problem. Its that when this train goes over this edge, it points directly down and the player falls off the train.

the train will always point directly toward its next path, so doing this falling off edge with one train is impossible,

It is entirely possible if we do some trickery. Ill get to work on an example map showing you how to do this with 2 trains.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 04:54:26 UTC Post #253690
the train will always point directly toward its next path
Isn't there a flag which fixes that?
Or is that in Source?
Or am I just making shit up? ;S
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 05:14:47 UTC Post #253691
I think thats source, not sure, im a little rusty in source at the moment. I know its not in goldsrc.

Ok, 413x, i have an example map for you. The train in this map "falls" along a sloping path, so that it doesnt drop straight down. I included the black mesa train prefab, which enclosed enough that the player doesnt fall out. Try it in the .bsp and let me know what you think, if you like the effect, you can copy the train, or make your own enclosed train.

That method limits you to enclosed trains however. If you want an open-air train, i can whip up a map to show you how to have that type of train fall, but stay steady. That method will make the train drop like a stone, straight down. Not too pretty, but the player doesnt fall. Good for a small fall perhaps. Thing is, i have no knowledge of a way to make a train follow a sloping, falling, path, while staying completely horizontal Unless someone can enlighten me.

Let me know how this helps 413x
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 08:30:56 UTC Post #253695
Actually, i think 413X wants this:
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 09:51:25 UTC Post #253697
yeah, that's what I thought too
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 11:56:31 UTC Post #253699
I am currently mapping something similar to this, and am having the same problem.

There are 2 sections of the map, 2 cities, connected by a subway train.

The cities are on different levels so that it will all fit in the map.

To clear up exactly what it is I am looking for:

Just like the opening sequence in HL1, seen in maps c0a0b and c0a0d, I am looking for a func_tracktrain that will turn on a level ground, and also go directly up and down without pivoting.

I know that using path_corners and a func_train will keep it level, but then it wont pivit at corners.

The example map still had the train do a nose dive at the cliff.

Also, does anyone know where the hl maps are located? I can't seem to find the bsp files to take apart to use as a guide.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 12:30:25 UTC Post #253705
what if you set the angular velocity at that point exactly to the reverse rotation it would normally rotate at?
It'll take some finagling but you can make it work methinks.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 12:31:36 UTC Post #253706
flags -> no pitch (x-rotation) for cs1.6 and hl1
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 12:37:37 UTC Post #253707
Tetsu0: Doable... i'm tempeted to try it myself just to see if it works. = )

Vulstar: did you test it is that the solution? I know Half-Life does this but i can't remember if they use a level change and new train or func_platrot or what.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-13 14:15:50 UTC Post #253710
I have been trying to figure out the func_autotrackchange, but to no avail.

If anyone can figure this out I think this is the key to the problem.

I just can't seem to activate it. It is a brush based entitity that acts like a train elevator/rotator.

Check the entity guide on the forums for help, I am still playing with it too


Thanks vulstar

that did the trick.

to recap:

Click the flag:

No Pitch (X-rot) - Limits rotation to the z plane, left and right only.
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