Ad-Aware Scam Created 16 years ago2009-01-22 15:38:08 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Created 16 years ago2009-01-22 15:38:08 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 15:38:08 UTC Post #261852
I installed Ad-Aware this morning, because I was concerned that the Zonet website for the fax modem gave my computer some cooties.

However, after I installed Ad-Aware, I realized that the Ad-Aware Free itself is actually a spyware.

Beware of this software. After I installed it, it rummaged through my HDD and caused my computer to crash repeatedly.

Even with a hard restart, the computer took 10 minutes to reboot and I had to manually uninstall this piece of shit.

Be careful.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 15:43:01 UTC Post #261853
It's no spyware. Most anti-spyware/anti-virus software crash sometimes. Sucks when it does.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 15:45:58 UTC Post #261854
Ad-aware is not a spyware, it's very trusted. If it didn't work for you, try Spybot-Search & Destroy for a good free anti-malware.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 15:54:30 UTC Post #261855
i've used ad-aware for years, and know many other people who have as well.

it's lovely.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 16:03:25 UTC Post #261856
Click Here to scan your computer for infectons!

Seriously tho, i've never had any problem whatsoever with AdAware and i've used it for years... You installed it from the Lavasoft site so shouldn't be any problem...

I personally stopped using it when i stopped finding infections of any sort. (I could be wrong but i think newer sps for xp and vista make AA obselete. I depend on avast antivirus and windows defender now... Plus, i just looked at the current adaware website--which now seems to support 64-bit vista--, and am i correct in seeing they are only offering limited trials now through trialpay?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 17:21:01 UTC Post #261858
Ad-Aware is perfectly legit, it's not particularily useful seeing as most of the things it detects are easily removable and detected manually but it's still legit.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 20:03:54 UTC Post #261864
Oops! My bad.

I just found out that what's making my computer freeze up and take more than ten minutes to reboot is my stupid Zonet fax modem.

I thought I could just leave the modem in my computer and ignore it. But apparently it's confusing the BIOS and the computer has a hard time reconciling it when rebooting.

After I removed the modem from the PCI slot, the computer boots fine again, and it's stable.

But the Ad-Aware licensing annoyance was enough for me to uninstall it anyway. I don't miss it.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 20:45:28 UTC Post #261866
I've tried Ad-Aware - It's not really very useful if you run a decent scanner like Spybot.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 21:08:09 UTC Post #261868
Also I've read people who claimed AVG thought it was a virus when it was just colliding with each other. Shouldn't have more than one virus scanner.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-22 22:17:36 UTC Post #261871
Lol! I thought I had a virus or hardware problems when my comp was skipping in its performance. Turns out it was my wireless card pinging around for available networks.

Internet makes you paranoid.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-23 00:49:49 UTC Post #261874
Bad things happen to good people on the internet...everyday.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
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