Texlights light only parts of faces Created 15 years ago2009-03-21 22:22:10 UTC by Soup Miner Soup Miner

Created 15 years ago2009-03-21 22:22:10 UTC by Soup Miner Soup Miner

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 22:23:14 UTC Post #264400
The following screenshots are of two different places in the same map with identical geometry. The first one is the problem, and the second picture is how the first one should look.

User posted image
User posted image
These were both taken at the same time. The red lights are the only source of light. Any ideas on why one side isn't being lit?
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 22:24:09 UTC Post #264401
How are the faces cut?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 22:34:20 UTC Post #264402
User posted image
User posted image
They're both cut down the same line. The areas sit opposite of each other, but it's the same cut through.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 22:38:07 UTC Post #264403
Only thing i can think of is re-making the brushes a different way and re-compiling
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-22 00:49:22 UTC Post #264404
I found using zhlt lightflags like (opaque blocks light)causes some damn weird light glitches like this. Have you used and lightflags anywhere around there?

I've also found using "texture light style" on func_walls to make texture lights blink, pulse or what have you, will also sometimes cause lighting glitches all across the map. If you have any of these in your map try deleting them.

Last thing i can think of is make sure they are either both world brushes or both brushed entities, as obviously world brushes will react differently to light than entity brushes.

Last last thing i can think of is if you have a light_environment in the map. maybe it's lighting that area more than the other fsr... you could try disabling the light_environment to test.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-22 01:11:55 UTC Post #264405
I found using zhlt lightflags like (opaque blocks light)causes some damn weird light glitches like this. Have you used and lightflags anywhere around there
This might have fixed it. I had one func_wall blocking light for a mirror, nowhere near the screenshots above, mind you, but letting light pass through seems to have fixed it (as well as some other areas too).
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-22 01:44:13 UTC Post #264408
Yeah, the ZHLT lightflags seem to fail totally imo.

I had this hallway where the floor was not reflecting light at all--completely black--, no matter how high i turned the lights up. This pissed me off for hours because i couldn't fathom what was happening. Turns out the door in front of the hallway set to "opaque, block light" was causing the problem for some ungodly reason.. I never even try to use the zhlt lightflags anymore.

Is this for your rooms map?


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-22 02:10:03 UTC Post #264409
Thanks for the tip.

Aye, it is; and it's really close to being done. Didn't get a chance at all to work on it Thursday or Friday, but I'm running a semi-final compile as I post this.
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