Can't Save in a Map, and Can't Load to t Created 15 years ago2009-07-27 21:26:29 UTC by TomCat TomCat

Created 15 years ago2009-07-27 21:26:29 UTC by TomCat TomCat

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 21:26:29 UTC Post #271020

I have a Mod and I am experiencing an odd problem with it. When I get up to the 15th map of my Mod (pls15.bsp), I cannot save in it, or else the game crashes. Also, once I go to load to the next map (to pls16.bsp) then game also crashes. However, if I go right to that map by typing "map pls15" in console, I can save in it fine, and it loads to the next map without a problem. The only thing I can think of is that the save file is corrupt, but then why can I load the save file fine and why can I save in the map before this (pls14.bsp) but not this map (pls15.bsp)? I guess it could be that the Mod can't take all of the data from the previous 14 maps that have happened, but I chose "Yes, start new map unit" in the map settings for this map, and it still produced these two problems.

If anyone wants to try this out for themselves, let me know: I'll give you a copy of my Mod with the save files that I am experiencing this problem with. If anyone can give me any suggestions as to why this may be happening, I would greatly appreciate it.

By the way, my Mod is Pulse: Episode One.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 23:03:57 UTC Post #271023
Yeah. I had a similar problem in my Competition 27 map. To avoid this i prevented the player from dying. has someone else had the same problem? As i found that only my computer suffered from the problem...and it worked fine for everyone else
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 00:11:30 UTC Post #271026
Thanks for the reply. Maybe it will only be a problem with my computer and not for everyone else? I hope that is the case, because for me it wouldn't load to the next map, and that next map begins the best part of my Mod. I hope it won't be a problem for everyone.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 00:37:13 UTC Post #271029
Get in contact with someone who is playing it and get them to test's the best solution...or get a friend to install it on his computer and try it yourself
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 00:51:26 UTC Post #271031
I've asked people on MODDB to tell me if they see that problem, but I doubt they'll say anything about it, even if they do see it. I'd like to get one of my friends to beta test this Mod for me. He's tested it a while ago before it was finished, but I'm sure I can get him to go through it again.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 01:01:33 UTC Post #271033
Thats good...I'd do it but I can't download on my net...not a file that big anyway it would cost me a fortune
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 20:32:09 UTC Post #271060
OK, my friend tested my Mod for me, and he had the same problem, although not in the same map that I had this problem in. It appears that the .sav file eventually gets overloaded (or something of the sort), and then you cannot save again in that map, and you cannot load to the next map. This is a very odd situation, and I wonder if it has something to do with too much data being carried by the game from map to map, and then all of a sudden when it reaches a certain map, it just can't hold anymore data and it crashes when you save or try to load a new map. It's a weird problem.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 21:58:37 UTC Post #271066
Have you ever used the 'Clear Previous Level Data' option in the worldspawn entity? Use this if you have a changelevel trigger that you can't return through. This might solve your problem if that is the cause. This will delete all saved data like dead monsters, decals, ect from previous levels that you can't return to
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 22:30:53 UTC Post #271067
But it will keep the weapons that the current player holds and their total amount of health and HEV charge, right?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 22:45:20 UTC Post #271071
Yes, of course. All it does is delete data on previous levels, things that are saved like which monsters are dead and alive, how much health they have, where their dead bodies are, where blood decals were splatters, the state of all other entities like which boxes are broken, ect. Doing this just deletes this data. So if you go through to the map where it will delete this data and then return to a previous map, the level will load like it was the first time you entered it. All the monsters will be alive and everything is reset. Player data is kept so the amount of ammo, health ect is saved
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 22:59:17 UTC Post #271074
Thank you very much; this seems to be just what I need. I'll modify some of my maps to include this entity, and then I'll test it out. If all works out, then this could be another bug that will disappear with the Beta 2 release of Pulse: Episode One.

Thank you again for you help!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 23:12:11 UTC Post #271075
;) No worries! Hope it works for you
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-29 19:48:09 UTC Post #271160
I just realized that I had all of my maps already using the option "Yes, clear previous levels" for the "New Level Unit" setting. Was that what you were talking about? I thought doing that would fix this problem, too, but apparently it isn't working as it should because, even though I have this option set to "Yes, clear previous levels", everything still gets carried over from the previous levels. Why would that be, if it's specified not to do that? Is this a malfunction of the option? Obviously, if it's still carrying data from the previous maps to the new map, that means this setting isn't working for me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-29 23:10:44 UTC Post #271169
Have you tried autosaves?? Or even renaming the map...? Recompiling?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 00:32:53 UTC Post #271171
I have autosaves at the beginning of almost every map. I could try recompiling them, though. The thing that stinks about this is that, when I try a fix, I have to go through more than half of the Mod just to see if it worked or not. If I don't crash and I finish the Mod completely, then that means it worked. Maybe I could just noclip through the whole Mod to save time - that would probably have the same effect on the save files as going through it regularly would.
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