Okay what I want to achieve is four platforms, arranged like this
|--------| |--------| (TOP View)
| 1 | o | 2 |
|--------| |--------| with two platforms inside each other at 1 and 2
I want to have two buttons, one makes the platforms spin around the origin (o)to the left and one that makes it go to the right. This is the first time i have really ever used killtarget for something. I have two platforms tied to a func_rot named platrot1 and another two named platrot2 inside eachother as in the diagram. I have One button targetting a multimanager named platmm1 which triggers two func_doors. One door has its killtarget set to the second button, and the other has its killtarget as the other rot rotating platform.
The other button is vice versa. So I have two buttons which essentially remove the other button and the platform which they arent triggering. This works fine until the next round, the buttons and platforms are always gone. Do killtargets remove for the entire game or something? If they do is there another way for me to achieve what I am trying to?
Edit The text picture didn't work. . . hopefully you can understand what I mean from the description