Compile Log of most recent Compile
[quote] hlcsg 3.6 x86 (32b) SSE1 ON (May 2 2009)
Super Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build.
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh.
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Raising of limits and improved format done by Silencer.
PHLT_Copy_Brush entity implemented by Protector.
Submit detailed bug reports to
----- BEGIN hlcsg -----
Command line: hlcsg.exe -cliptype Smallest -wadinclude [psiwads]leszo.wad -chart -estimate -texdata 8192 "C:\Program Files\CSXX\HALFLIFEmapsANDmodels\psilos_lesbia\maps\"
Entering C:\Program Files\CSXX\HALFLIFEmapsANDmodels\psilos_lesbia\maps\
Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
--------------------|-------------|------------------------threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 33554432 ] [ 33554432 ]
max lighting memory [ 33554432 ] [ 33554432 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
clip hull type [ smallest ] [ legacy ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
nullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]
Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :
Brushes discarded from clipping hulls: 289 (totalling 2452 sides)
(54.39 seconds)
(0.03 seconds)
(12.25 seconds)
Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ----------------- ----------------- ------models 0/512 0/32768 ( 0.0%)
planes 32334/32768 646680/655360 (98.7%)
vertexes 0/65535 0/786420 ( 0.0%)
nodes 0/32767 0/786408 ( 0.0%)
texinfos 3585/32767 143400/1310680 (10.9%)
faces 0/65535 0/1310700 ( 0.0%)
clipnodes 0/32767 0/262136 ( 0.0%)
leaves 0/32767 0/917476 ( 0.0%)
marksurfaces 0/65535 0/131070 ( 0.0%)
surfedges 0/1048575 0/4194300 ( 0.0%)
edges 0/524287 0/2097148 ( 0.0%)
texdata [variable] 0/33554432 ( 0.0%)
lightdata [variable] 0/33554432 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 0/16777215 ( 0.0%)
> Total BSP file data space used: 790080 bytes.
Textures referenced: 0
Checking Wadfiles:
Including Wadfile: \program files\csxx\halflifemapsandmodels\psilos_lesbia\[psiwads]leszo.wad:
Contains 196 used textures, 100.00 percent of map. (247 textures in wad)
Added 11 additional animating textures.
Texture usage is at 2.22 MB (of 32.00 MB max)
71.47 seconds elapsed [1m 11s]
--- END hlcsg
hlbsp 3.6 x86 (32b) SSE1 ON (May 2 2009)
Super Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build.
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh.
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Raising of limits and improved format done by Silencer.
PHLT_Copy_Brush entity implemented by Protector.
Submit detailed bug reports to
----- BEGIN hlbsp -----
Command line: hlbsp.exe -chart -estimate -texdata 8192 "C:\Program Files\CSXX\HALFLIFEmapsANDmodels\psilos_lesbia\maps\"
Current hlbsp Settings
Name | Setting | Default
------------------|-------------|------------------------threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 33554432 ] [ 33554432 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
noclip [ off ] [ off ]
nofill [ off ] [ off ]
noopt [ off ] [ off ]
null tex. stripping [ on ] [ on ]
notjunc [ off ] [ off ]
subdivide size [ 240 ] [ 240 ] (Min 64) (Max 512)
max node size [ 1024 ] [ 1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 8192)
SolidBSP [hull 0] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...5000...5500...6000...6500...7000...7500...8000...8500...8655 (3.08 seconds)
BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'C:\Program Files\CSXX\HALFLIFEmapsANDmodels\psilos_lesbia\maps\lesbiaY7t.prt'
SolidBSP [hull 1] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...5000...5500...5849 (1.20 seconds)
SolidBSP [hull 2] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...5000...5500...5622 (1.13 seconds)
SolidBSP [hull 3] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...5000...5500...6000...6500...6517 (1.52 seconds)
Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ----------------- ----------------- ------models 253/512 16192/32768 (49.4%)
planes 11764/32768 235280/655360 (35.9%)
vertexes 28824/65535 345888/786420 (44.0%)
nodes 14645/32767 351480/786408 (44.7%)
texinfos 3585/32767 143400/1310680 (10.9%)
faces 21237/65535 424740/1310700 (32.4%)
clipnodes 27341/32767 218728/262136 (83.4%)
leaves 10036/32767 281008/917476 (30.6%)
marksurfaces 27116/65535 54232/131070 (41.4%)
surfedges 98671/1048575 394684/4194300 ( 9.4%)
edges 52551/524287 210204/2097148 (10.0%)
texdata [variable] 2328936/33554432 ( 6.9%)
lightdata [variable] 0/33554432 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 83226/16777215 ( 0.5%)
> Total BSP file data space used: 5087998 bytes.
Warning: Surpassed 8192 leafs, which is the old maximum.
If you encounter problems when running your map,
consider this the most likely cause. There exist no
records about this ever causing problems, though.
Textures referenced: 207
34.39 seconds elapsed
--- END hlbsp
hlvis 3.6 x86 (32b) SSE1 ON (May 2 2009)
Super Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build.
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh.
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Raising of limits and improved format done by Silencer.
PHLT_Copy_Brush entity implemented by Protector.
Submit detailed bug reports to
----- BEGIN hlvis -----
Command line: hlvis.exe -full -chart -estimate -texdata 8192 "C:\Program Files\CSXX\HALFLIFEmapsANDmodels\psilos_lesbia\maps\"
Portalleafs: 5241
Numportals: 18785
= Current hlvis Settings =Name | Setting | Default
------------------|-------------|------------------------threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 33554432 ] [ 33554432 ]
max vis distance [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
fast vis [ off ] [ off ]
full vis [ on ] [ off ]
(852.28 seconds)
(169198.28 seconds)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 491 and 492:
(2748.000 -266.000 159.500)
(2747.000 -265.000 160.000)
(2746.000 -264.000 160.000)
(2746.000 -264.000 74.000)
(2748.000 -266.000 74.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 3734 and 3731:
(2396.000 -2750.000 -82.000)
(2398.000 -2750.000 -84.000)
(2398.000 -2738.000 -84.000)
(2398.000 -2738.000 -84.000)
(2396.000 -2740.000 -82.000)
Average leafs visible: 632
g_visdatasize: 1055916 compressed from 3438096
Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ----------------- ----------------- ------models 253/512 16192/32768 (49.4%)
planes 11764/32768 235280/655360 (35.9%)
vertexes 28824/65535 345888/786420 (44.0%)
nodes 14645/32767 351480/786408 (44.7%)
texinfos 3585/32767 143400/1310680 (10.9%)
faces 21237/65535 424740/1310700 (32.4%)
clipnodes 27341/32767 218728/262136 (83.4%)
leaves 10036/32767 281008/917476 (30.6%)
marksurfaces 27116/65535 54232/131070 (41.4%)
surfedges 98671/1048575 394684/4194300 ( 9.4%)
edges 52551/524287 210204/2097148 (10.0%)
texdata [variable] 2328936/33554432 ( 6.9%)
lightdata [variable] 0/33554432 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1055916/16777216 ( 6.3%)
entdata [variable] 83226/16777215 ( 0.5%)
> Total BSP file data space used: 6143914 bytes.
Warning: Surpassed 8192 leafs, which is the old maximum.
If you encounter problems when running your map,
consider this the most likely cause. There exist no
records about this ever causing problems, though.
Textures referenced: 207
170055.19 seconds elapsed [1d 23h 14m 15s]
--- END hlvis