How would you like your Zombie Game serv Created 14 years ago2010-02-25 18:05:34 UTC by ZPAP.Project ZPAP.Project

Created 14 years ago2010-02-25 18:05:34 UTC by ZPAP.Project ZPAP.Project

Posted 14 years ago2010-02-25 18:06:50 UTC Post #279276
Just a few questions,

1) What make you shit in your pants in the horror movie ( Other than surprises)

2) What do you think make a zombie game, a good game.

3) What do you DISLIKE of Left4Dead (2)

4) What do you DISLIKE of Zombie Panic (Source)

5) Do you like when games are repetetive?

Qi: Are you planning to make a Zombie Mod game?

An: Obviously? Yes.

All comments about the general thread will be ignored and please do not start a debate off-topic.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-25 18:13:46 UTC Post #279277
1) Psycological horror. Dark red/green lighting to create a sense of uneasiness, blood everywhere, ect. Atmosphere, in a word.
2) As long as it has fresh gameplay elements and more than 5 Zombie models, sure.
3) That it came out in such a short time, as opposed to waiting for L4D to die out a bit.
4) Nothing really, though I've only seen gameplay, never played it. Seems solid enough.
5) No. Variety is the spice of life, so games should be as varied as the settings will allow.
Q: Can you give us something to work with for feedback? Even the engine/ engine version you plan to use would work.
Footnote: Both L4D and ZP could use more holdout stuff, like barracading yourself somewhere to rest for a bit, like regenerating health. I'd like to see a zombie game where your goal is to survive in a city for a set amount of time, (maybe a week, game time) then make your way to evac.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-25 21:41:11 UTC Post #279281
1) Nothing. Movies and games aren't scary.

2) Fast paced, coop, original.

3) Left 4 Dead 2 is good, but gets old, fast.

4) Everything. Its too dark, too slow, and too repetitive

5) Hell no. Monotonous killing floors full of enemies are the death of entertainment.

Note: Please for the love of God don't make a zombie mod. There's like a thousand of them and they all suck.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-25 22:26:04 UTC Post #279285
1) With Urby on this one. Usually the only time I jump is when there is a sudden loud noise which I wasn't expecting because I wasn't paying attention. Otherwise, suspense is my favorite. Waiting for the bad thing to happen when you know it's coming.

2) Coop, and will nearly always result in death. The goal is to live as long as possible. I love the survival modes of L4D but they get a bit over-the-top. But that's because they don't want you to survive for up to 10 minutes

3) Not enough feeling of 'Survival'. You are almost superhuman and it feels unbalanced. It goes from dead easy to ridiculously hard

4) Too slow and complicated and frustrating to play as a zombie.

5) This is a pretty one-sided question. No

If you are going to make a zombie mod, you better come up with an original idea or else it will slot in with every other dead zombie game out there. And there are alot.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-25 22:48:14 UTC Post #279286
For atmosphere, if you have HL2, take a look at Ravenholm- It creates a tense atmosphere very well, with sharp contrasts between dark and light, ambient zombie calls, and closed off, claustrophobic streets. In the first playthrough, you never knew when you were getting your next health pickup, or how far you were from the exit. Plus, zombies were always spawning and sneaking up on you. Most of this would apply to you, as well.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 01:06:56 UTC Post #279288
1) Seeing and hearing something dangerous but having no idea what it is, or not having a way of fighting it.
Coop, and will nearly always result in death. The goal is to live as long as possible.
5) No.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 01:32:59 UTC Post #279290
Seeing and hearing something dangerous but having no idea what it is, or not having a way of fighting it.
This. Fear of the unknown is one of the biggest and most misused aspect of horror, I believe.

The best horror is very psychological, it shouldn't rely on gore and shock scares. It should mess with your head, make you feel like you're in a situation completely out of your control, and make you deal with something completely alien to you (zombies aren't alien to us anymore, they're a tired cliche). It's just very, very hard to pull this off.

That's 1 and 2 covered.

3) It's entire routine is old and stale already, and it's been ruined by dorky design.

4) Only played it briefly, but it's rough quality really made it hard to get involved in.

5) Obviously no, but it all depends on how great the actions you repeat are, I suppose.

1) Nothing. Movies and games aren't scary.
Ooh, big man Urby. :P

There's still some classics out there, probably better known for being more unsettling and a class above slasher/zombie/splatter shite. I'm thinking The Thing, Jacob's Ladder, An American Werewolf In London, films like that, and games like Eternal Darkness.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 11:08:18 UTC Post #279299
The Thing
Ah, forgot that one. That was a horrible thing to witness. I was 5 when I first saw it.

I went back to it when I was 17 to convince myself that the effects were bad and it wasn't creepy. I didn't work.

Also, I supposed Silent Hill 1 creeped me out a little. Since then though, I've never really been scared by a game. FEAR was a joke.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 11:33:53 UTC Post #279300
FEAR isn't scary at all. :P

The repetitive corridors and combat take all the atmosphere away from it.

Apparently this game is genuinely scary, but it doesn't seem to want to work on 64 bit Windows 7. :[

But yeah, slightly more back on topic, I'd love to see something that's purely psychological horror. No gimmicks, no horror movie cliches... especially no little girls. Something really unsettling, like House of Leaves: The Game.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 12:12:37 UTC Post #279301
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 13:49:04 UTC Post #279306
holy god damn fuck, strider. Which made me jump like 5 times.

2 endings. both awesome and sad.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 15:43:52 UTC Post #279308
Strider: I have XP and I can't play it either. The screen just stays black.

Atom: What the hell is that? It's weird.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 22:12:08 UTC Post #279320
That is a creature from the movie "The Thing"

I really want to watch the movie. I played the game and I loved it. Not knowing which of your allies you could trust because they could turn into horrible mutant things in the blink of an eye. Was really cool becuase not only did you have them to watch your back, but you still had to watch your back, :walter:

Oh, and it worked for me and I had to stop playing because it scared the crap out of me. But it's like a short little puzzle game. I haven't finished it yet because I'm stuck. The creepy headless/heartless woman wont give me the bloody keys (oh and she keeps appearing right behind me which is why I had to stop. Fucking made me jump AND exclaim loudly)
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-26 22:56:07 UTC Post #279322
Sounds like a scary game. I'll have to try it on my XP laptop. D:

I played The Thing game recently, it's still awesome. The trust/fear system is great. Having a team member "turn" on you in the middle of a fight, or when you're both alone... great stuff. Bit of a shame about the boss.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
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