porting model from hl2 to hl Created 14 years ago2010-06-20 22:06:30 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Created 14 years ago2010-06-20 22:06:30 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 22:06:30 UTC Post #282178
I am fixing up an old map i made for a community, and I am wanting to make the terrain a model to save on resources. I can make models fine in propper, but that requires hl2.

Anyone can point me in the right direction?
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 22:12:20 UTC Post #282179
If you know how to compile a normal hl model, then all you need is to decompile the hl2 mdl, open the smd, and use that as you would normally for a hl model, only using a different QC file obviously.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 22:37:06 UTC Post #282180
might wanna take the polycount down a bit.
depending on what it is, anyway.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 22:45:44 UTC Post #282181
Well apparently using a model as terrain saves resources, so i assume he won't.

You know, your thread title is going to attract A LOT of attention, you know that right?
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 23:50:01 UTC Post #282182
Oh hell yes it will ;)

But using terrain model is ideal for GoldSource
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-21 00:20:41 UTC Post #282184
If you can model for HL2, then you can model for HL1. The models use the exact same kind of format before they are compiled, except that Source models can be rigged with vertex weights and jiggle bones and whatnot.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-21 21:36:37 UTC Post #282224
Yes, but goldscr doesn't work with propper


Ok, so got that all done, now i am have a hell of a time compiling this.

Any one be able to help me out?

Everytime i run it through jhlmv 1.36m it just opens a window and closes it befor i can see anything, and no model apears.

Here is what I have done so far.

-Create model in hl2 with propper
-Decompiled using CF's tool
-put it all in a folder 3 smd's and a qc
-edited the .qc file as per the tutorial on these forums
-exported the bmp file from the vtx and converted it to 8bit bmp
-asked everyone i know how to do this and ...

So I keep hearing that every hl model has to have a hitbox, I have no idea
what he reference 'bone' is, so when i opened up the hl2 version of the
model and looked under the bones section, it just called it static_prop.

anyways, here are the files if anyone wants to try to compile it http://www.filefront.com/16825197/terrain.rar

Or if anyone can talk me through it here, thanks...
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-21 22:18:03 UTC Post #282252
I did it for my 'Last Exit' map, but forget how I did it... :(
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-21 22:44:16 UTC Post #282253
Do not edit the qc file, generate a half life QC file.

Another thing, the way you have UV mapped the terrain is incorrect, or the program does it incorrectly, and the texture is screwed up.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-21 23:15:52 UTC Post #282255
figured it out, thanks anyways guys
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-21 23:35:15 UTC Post #282256
My job here is done! >:D
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-22 00:22:22 UTC Post #282259
Your application was rejected so you never had a job here rim. :P
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-22 00:22:25 UTC Post #282260
might I suggest an addendum to your tutorial though Rimrook.

I found it hard to follow the compiling process. You mentioned compiler tools, but had no link.

Milkshape 3d did the trick for me, but not without a lot of work.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 02:51:22 UTC Post #283226
There is a program that can transform a model into HL2's engine HL1 engine model?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 03:49:46 UTC Post #283228
Could you rephrase, that really made no sense at all.

And to the question, whatever it is, there is no program for porting, you compensate using your knowledge of the engines you are trying to port from and to.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 08:11:58 UTC Post #283241
You'd need a HL2 model decompiler, a modeling program that uses .smd formats, and a HL model compiler.
And a lawyer, because it's illegal unless you made the model. Just throwing that out there.
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