thread response idea Created 13 years ago2011-07-30 06:30:10 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Created 13 years ago2011-07-30 06:30:10 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Posted 13 years ago2011-07-30 06:30:54 UTC Post #297160
When you write in multiple forums its hard to go back and find each response directed to you in each thread. It would be really nice if in a forum before typing you could click on people's post and control select them to select multiple people's posts. Than it could hilight them and when you reply it notifies them. Than they could click each notification and it would take them to the forum with your post hilighted one color and there response a new one. Eh?
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-30 07:31:17 UTC Post #297161
i REALLY like this idea.

I would also like to see some kind of "subscribe" button for threads and journals and maps.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-30 08:22:15 UTC Post #297163
There is a subscribe button for the threads. It's the slightly hidden [T] in the upper right. "Forums > Site Comments and Suggestions > [T]"
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-30 08:37:38 UTC Post #297164
holy crap no wai i didn't know that!! TY =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-30 18:39:42 UTC Post #297184
uhm. yeah. [T]
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-30 21:54:06 UTC Post #297187
Perhaps it should be slightly less discrete though. I'd never have guessed unless I was here when it was put there in the first place.

Perhaps there should be a button next to the

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Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 05:25:50 UTC Post #297191
I mean, every other web forum i've ever seen simply has a "subscribe" or "watch" button on the bottom of the page.. =/

Wish i knew about this sooner! is there a way to make it email you upon new posts?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 09:23:57 UTC Post #297199
nah, but that's just messy. Would you really use it? Imagine one e-mail for each response. It'd be like the facebook mailbox rape you get before you find out how to turn it off
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 10:06:00 UTC Post #297200
i use it for Interlopers, mapcore, youtube and some others already, and it seems to work fine. STILL, i can't believe i NEVER notices topic alerts before!

I will admit though for REALLY active threads, like "those simple questions" at 'lopers, i turn off subscribe, cuz my phone buzzes every 5 minutes with a new update.


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 15:33:45 UTC Post #297208
The automatic mailing system on facebook made me want to shoot myself, but I guess we're all different. At least this would be voluntary.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 15:46:06 UTC Post #297209
It doesn't work. I never asked about the feature, but I tried using it in the past. Even though I press that T, it still says I'm not tracking any threads in the cp.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 16:05:29 UTC Post #297210
Nope, it just doesn't work for you.
User posted image
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-31 16:14:19 UTC Post #297211
Hmm, it magically works now. That's weird.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-01 08:19:37 UTC Post #297239
Striker: It hated you fsr, but now it doesn't. =)

Maddy: particularly nice if you can update from your android or whatev smartphone, i get a msg from gmail for every response, and i can answer/ignore or unsubscribe once i get the answer i need from the thread. I find it EXTREMELY useful when i'm away from my laptop for long periods of time.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-01 09:32:26 UTC Post #297242
I'll consider it, CapT.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 20:15:58 UTC Post #297891
I just read this. The solution to an email for every response, would be having the system store the date/time when the last email was sent, and the last time you visited the thread. That way, it could send you just one email (at the cost of not knowing beforehand how many replies there were, but I still prefer it that way) until you visit again.

The same could be done to journals and maps.
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