Local Gun Law Created 13 years ago2011-08-04 08:49:27 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Created 13 years ago2011-08-04 08:49:27 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:36:14 UTC Post #297416
Pot does not kill braincells.

The myth that it does is based on a 1974 study in which rhesus monkeys were given the equivalent of 1.25 joints every hour for 90 days.
There's actually substantial evidence that pot stimulates the growth of new braincells and can even help with memory loss in cases of head injury (although the latter point is somewhat sketchy).
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:54:39 UTC Post #297417
Ok Archie, so i'm safer without a gun if a gunman asks me for my laptop? Because I would run away if I didn't have a gun. When I carry my gun I will have my hand on it and if I see someone creeping up on me I will draw it first. I'm thinking ahead of the game. And i'm not a complete idiot I will go to the shooting range a lot and have been shootiing all my life.

No offense crollo but I would never try any form of self defense against a gun besides running, submitting, or shooting back. Those are my only options. Don't bring a fist to a gun fight or your begging to be shot.

People think its ok to just hand up your shit. But not when you work your ass off for it. I will defend it and my life. Its not like i'm some crazy gun hoe fool ready to shoot people. I just believe in fairness and safety. I'd rather shoot someone fairly than be shot unfairly.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:57:23 UTC Post #297418
Of course you're safer without a gun in that situation. The gunman doesn't feel threatened and has no reason to shoot you. If you have a gun, he does.

And the fact that your first response to someone creeping up on you is to draw your gun is a perfectly valid reason for you not to own one, frankly. That's shocking. What if you've made a mistake and it's some kid in a hoodie looking for someone or even just walking in loosely the same direction as you. I know that situation - being in a really risky place at night alone and becoming ultra paranoid that the footsteps behind you belong to some nutter. That is not a situation adding a gun to would improve.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-04 23:58:36 UTC Post #297419
So what do you suggest, hand him my laptop and say have a nice night? I understand where your coming from and what your getting at but once again you don't understand. In fact you don't even know me. I'm always extra alert and not a fool. If someone's coming at me I can tell if something is up or not. And just because you draw a weapon doesn't mean you shot it.

Honestly instead of just saying i'm wrong what would you do in my situation?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 00:06:45 UTC Post #297420
Archie is bringing up the exact point as to what I'm referring to. And you're still not getting my point with self defense.

If you receive a good amount of proper self defense you would not do that and you wouldn't have that attitude towards the matter, you NEVER EVER carry anything on you that you would die for, your life is not worth a thousand dollar laptop, of course you won't want to try and charge him, I've said endless times that I'm NOT saying you're going to be attempting to take him down or dispatch him when I say to learn self defense, stop reading it as 'self defense' because it's much more then that.
As Archie said you could get paranoid and draw the gun on a innocent suspicious looking person, and because you're so paranoid you might just kill them there and then. If you receive proper training you would not let paranoia cloud your thoughts and you would think things through so much more logically, and would only draw if he posed an immediate threat to you and in a situation where you had no other choice. Self discipline goes a extremely long way in the ways of owning a gun, believe it or not martial arts [or any form of self-defense] do not just help you in only hand-to-hand combat.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 00:07:03 UTC Post #297421
If someone's coming at me I can tell if something is up or not.
You just can't know that. Not for sure.
I live in the stab-capital of Europe, remember. I do understand.

In your situation I would make damn sure my laptop was insured which it should be regardless of where you live if it cost as much as you said.
I would then demand that CCTV be installed in the car park which concerns you.

If a gunman approaches me in the carpark, then hell yes I give him the laptop. Then there's CCTV footage to show the insurance company that it was robbery, they buy me a new one and it's quite possible the gunman's face was caught on CCTV so he could be arrested, and the original laptop might even be returned.
Also the simple addition of advertised CCTV would probably deter most muggers anyway.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 00:20:09 UTC Post #297422
Hey, if it's worth so much to you actually, why don't you safeguard it? Install some GPS tracker embedded deep inside it that you can access at any time, if somebody ever mugs you for it, hand it over to them and then get the police involved.

If you think it's worth shelling a shitton money and time over to get a gun that might save you from having it stolen, then it'd probably be more worth it to invest into a gps unit.

The only time a gun would be beneficial would be if they were going to take the laptop and kill you ANYWAYS, but AFIAK you're not referring to murderers so I don't imagine that situation would arise anyways.

A gun for self defense should ONLY be used for just that, self defense. It should not be brandished simply as a means to scare a robber off, believe it or not but honestly that is exactly the equivalent to brandishing a chrome 1911 because some guy said something bad about you, it's irresponsible and unnecessary.
If somebody tries to mug you for it at gunpoint just hand it over. Your life is not worth whatever you're holding, and if it is, then you should not have it on you to begin with. Only draw if they give you no other choice and were going to take your life if you didn't.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 02:17:21 UTC Post #297423
If guns are needed in America but not in the rest of the world, then America needs to change. You'll never get rid of those guns if you never start disarming. Criminals and everyone else. Disarming good people may put them in danger or make them vulnerable to abuse over the next years, but once the guns are off the streets it'll be worth it. Freedom is worth sacrifices and the freedom of living without having to risk getting shot or threatened with a gun is to me a very important freedom. Worth a few restrictions.

That said, I don't blame Zeeba for getting a gun. I'm sure he'll handle it fairly responsibly. As would most people. I'd probably have a gun if I were American. I wouldn't risk my life for a laptop though. It is not worth risking a life for, your life or that of the person taking your laptop.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 02:22:57 UTC Post #297424
Thanks to all of you. Yall are all making really good points! And yes there are murderers around the campus. My buddy went into a really ghetto fastfood place off old spanish road and everyone mean mugged him when he walked in. Than a cop showed up behind him and said he should probably leave for his own safety anf that he was investigating a homicide.

Seriously before any more is said. America is a very safe place to live. But certain areas especially around downtown are very bad. Go to google maps and view university of houston architecture building. Type in Gerald D Hines architecture houston texas. Its the teal roofed building. Parking is above it and across Elgin. Atleast that's where I park if there's a spot. People get robbed at gunpoint every so often. If you check out the southern side of the university for example in the moody towers, a girl was "quote: sexually harassed from I think 10 pm until 8 am". I think someone climbed into her window or something. And people get held up in all the parking lots.

Its not some huge major epidemic but it happens from time to time. And i've heard they usually go for guys. I thought about it and its probably because they expect the girl to have mace and a guy to be defenseless.

As for not carrying my laptop... Uh I need it for school lol. Well what do yall think? The campus is much bigger than it looks on the map. What do you say I just sprint to my car every night? :lol:
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 02:31:01 UTC Post #297426
Like I said, take up self defense so you can get even the slightest of a grasp as to how the human body functions, because simply buying a gun will not solve ANYTHING, after you take self defense and understand thoroughly how the human body functions, where vital organs are, vital arteries, nerve bundles and soforth, then you can get a gun as a means of extra security, but if you don't know anything about the human body then don't get a fucking gun.
Reminds me of the person in Avatar: The Last Airbender who is able to poke you in certain areas paralyzin you.

If all else fails, jump down, rip of his shoe, and stab his foot. It'll put his body in momentarily paralisis.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 02:35:19 UTC Post #297427
Sorry, haden't read this part. Hmm lets see. I am a human body. Been for over twenty two years. Been in a few fights. Used to box. I work out about four days a week and train quite often punching and kicking. I know what hurts and what doesn't. I know generally what places would be a fatal shot and not. Your talking to me as if i'm some retarded alien.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 02:42:27 UTC Post #297428
Your talking to me as if i'm some retarded alien.
No, they're talking to you as if your some little kid who has to figure out a safe way to school.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 03:13:38 UTC Post #297429
Or just someone who doesn't know absolutely anything.

Wow, I just went through the previous page and it was pretty entertaining. I just got back from eating out with my dad so I haden't the chance to read it until now.

Thanks Blitzkrieg for the common sense hehe.

Crollo your right. But like I said, you don't know me. Iv'e played paintball and airsof all my life. I've hunted. Ive boxed. I work out my mind and body everyday. I strive for greatness within myself. I work my ass off for things like my laptop that can help me better myself and become a successful architect. I'm not however who you depict me to be. I'm just a very self motivated young adult that refuses to give up my belongings or my life to some ass face off the street. I will defend my life and my belongings. If you come at me in the dark of the night, your not going to get my best of judgement weather or not a shot from my gun will kill you.

You will become a fly that willingly flew into my web. Its like those idiots that swim where there are sharks. Theyr'e giving the shark the "option" to bite or kill them. Not saying, "oh get a gun it will save me". I'm not a retarded idiot. I'm very logical. Of course the most logical thing to do is leave school in groups and look out for eachother. But the most important thing is to always be aware and ahead of the game. Things happen very unexpectedly and you have to be alert or they will catch you off gaurd. Yes I have God to protect me but I also will do my part.

Gps is a good idea but I don't think it would be very effective in the ghetto. I don't think a police officer would be willing to barge into someone's house for my laptop because I installed a tracking device in it.

Crollo must have watched Kund Fu Panda and thinks with inner peace that you can deflect cannon blasts...

I knew a kid in school that new "karate" and thought he could beat up the strongest kid in school and he was a shrimp. Yea it can help you but muscles also help. There are many aspects that contribute to an outcome. Some of you believe there is only "karate"...

Mind over matter is very important. But matter matters too lol. Well I started this thread to see whatyou guys thought and all I mostly got was very strong opinions. Statistics are nice but they generally point at the big picture and not my specific case. Yet it does bring to mind what I am thinking exactly. That people will own guns no matter what. If there is a law forbidding them, than the criminals will have the upper hand because the law abiding people won't have a gun.

Honestly though it sucks. Guns are rediculously powerful and extremely underrated. They are pure death machines and way too powerful for anyone to really need to carry. But there out there and there out to stay.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 04:44:44 UTC Post #297430
I just went through the previous page and it was pretty entertaining.
See blitz? Our ripping of each others new assholes wasn't such a failure after all!
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 05:13:42 UTC Post #297431
But there out there and there out to stay.
I have to point this out, Zeeba.
Zeeba, my boy.
What the hell, Zeeba?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 05:13:42 UTC Post #297432
Check it. Complying with a robber doesn't always work either.

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 05:27:01 UTC Post #297433
I know this is not the right way to think about things, but i would never just hand over my shit to somebody, i don't care what they have. I think i might go chimpanzee on their ass, like as a reflex action not even thinking about it. (this would be especially true if i had gone without a cigarette for a few hours) ;)

ESPECIALLY my laptop. The only way anybody's getting that is to pry it from my cold, dead fingers.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 05:40:57 UTC Post #297434
:aggrieved: Sorry for my miserable spelling soupy lol :heartbreak: I was too lazy to write it properly.

Haha captain, that's what i'm getting at.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 07:07:45 UTC Post #297436
in any case, the gun laws in North America are just a little bit over the top. the fact that they can have like, assault rifles and stuff in ones house as a way of "protection" from intruders.

i mean, arnt the cops around for that sort of stuff?

also, in reference to "id fight for my life for my possessions": as the old urban survival hand book says "whats more important, your money or life?"
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 07:22:06 UTC Post #297437
I think i might go chimpanzee on their ass
For some reason, I found this extremely hilarious. The image of CT flailing his arms around like a fucking idiot to scare off a robber is amusing to say the least.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 09:43:30 UTC Post #297438
I would run away if I didn't have a gun
And let's hope you run faster than bullets! :biggrin:
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 10:39:39 UTC Post #297440
"whats more important, your money or life?"
Depends on how shitty my life would be if I lost that money.

Zeeba, what handgun does your dad own that you'd be borrowing?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 10:44:54 UTC Post #297441
And let's hope you run faster than bullets!
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks had better run, better run, faster than my bullet!
See, what you do if someone comes in with a gun and starts shooting, is play dead, then when they move past you, hit them over the head with something heavy. Or, if you have a high adrenaline level, you could save some lives by running towards them and have them use their entire clip on you. You'd die, but it would be nobly. And also painful.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 13:34:35 UTC Post #297442
i mean, arnt the cops around for that sort of stuff?
America is the place where pizza comes quicker than police.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 13:35:11 UTC Post #297443
America is the place where pizza comes quicker than police.
Unfortunately true.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 16:33:21 UTC Post #297445
Dominos should enter law enforcement! We prevent Murder-Death-Kills in 25 minutes your monies back!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 17:01:42 UTC Post #297446
My dad's gun is a sig sauer p2022 9mm. I can load a few bullets into it and at night before I walk to my car slip it into my pocket. Than if I need it I can quickly draw it and cock it. Maybe i'll post a video of it. Don't just assume i'd shoot someone for no reason, guns don't fire until you pull the trigger. Now to wait for my paycheck so I can get my license.

I asked my dad last night over dinner if I could use it and he didn't care. But I will get him to keep another gun out of the safe because I would feel bad taking his protection.

You don't really realize the safety of a gun until you mess with it and understand it. Or the deadliness until you shoot it. And 9mm bullets are suprisingly huge! And there's absolutely no way in hellthis thing would cock itself, it takes a lot of force. And it will not fire unless the bullet is in the chamber. So the safest way to handle a gun is with precaution and understanding. In my pistol's case it is somewhat safe to leave the magazine inside of it as long as it isn't cocked.

Another safety measure is to never aim it in anyone's direction. Even if it isn't loaded at all. Its always been good practice that i've done with guns.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 17:41:47 UTC Post #297447
If you were from, where I was from, you'd be dead.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 17:45:25 UTC Post #297448
yeah, but I believe Zeeba's a force a nature.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 20:39:32 UTC Post #297450
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-05 21:03:12 UTC Post #297451
you know if zeeba was wearing the right clothes he would even look like scout lol. Anyway looks like you know what your doing zeeba good luck in school!
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 01:22:55 UTC Post #297453
First attempt at watching I closed the video instantly due to extremely poor trigger discipline, not even 2 seconds in and you have your finger on the trigger of a weapon that you stated you would always treat as if loaded.

Second attempt at watching closed 10 seconds in when you put your finger directly on the trigger again. That is my last attempt. To be dead honest I would fear for my life if I ever met you in person knowing that you could potentially be carrying, from what you'd iterated you'd do in a situation when confronted combined with your extremely poor trigger discipline I'd honestly rather be held at gunpoint by a real robber.

Trigger discipline is a two way system: You either have it or you don't, there is no 'lousy trigger discipline' and from what I'd just seen within the first 10 seconds of you handling a gun I'd say you don't have it, adding the fact that you showcase such skittish behavior as to how you'd deal with a scenario where somebody MIGHT confront you I can only imagine that you'd probably end up killing somebody. Please, for the fucking good of your own safety and the safety of every innocent on the campus, give the gun back to your father, get some god damned training. I've seen little kids reviewing airsoft guns handle guns more responsibly then that.

EDIT: Oh jesus christ 2 minutes in you start jamming your entire finger into the trigger guard and do THAT? At least do a full clearance drill, while showing the camera for confirmation so you can at least LOOK like you know what you're doing. Come on man.

I'd be beyond scared for my life, I'd fucking call the cops on you, I'm sorry but I have NEVER, EVER seen such a irresponsible handling of a firearm, combined with your attitude towards dealing with anybody who might be 'suspicious' enough for you to draw on them... I would seriously just call the police right there and then.

I'm in Canada and I'll never handle a firearm within my lifetime, but at least I follow simple concepts such as your finger should not be on the trigger of ANYTHING when you do not intend to perform the action that would be execute as a result of pulling the trigger. When I use a drill I put my finger against the frame of the body even though in reality the chances of anything happening are extremely slim and even if I accidentally pull the trigger it probably would cause no harm considering the drill would just simply rotate in the air, but I do it anyways because I know that getting 'lazy' with something like that isn't an option. I do not intend to turn the drill so I ensure I can't accidentally turn the drill, even though no harm would be brought on by the drill turning by accident, it's still better to always be in control.

If I ever had a gun would I use it? The fuck NO, a gun for self defense is used as a absolute last resort, in a life or death situation where you have absolutely no other choice, however you for some reason do not follow this logic and instead seem to follow "If he's suspicious looking draw on him", functioning entirely off of paranoia fueled by stories surrounding you about people getting hurt, clouding your judgement and probably going to make you kill somebody you shouldn't.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 01:49:04 UTC Post #297455
Just keep a knife in your boot.

-Thread Discussion Complete-
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 02:30:50 UTC Post #297456
Uh, I said i'd draw my gun if the robber said "give me your money". And keeping your finger off the trigger is something I learned in grade school. I'm not worried about someone if their aiming a gun at me. I'm worried about eliminating the threat as quick as possible. If someone comes at me "aiming a gun at me" and demans something, I wouldn't stand there and call the police. Are you on drugs?

And it's a double action trigger its extremely hard to pull. Quit watching tv about guns and shitty karate and go outside.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 02:31:33 UTC Post #297457
I agree with crollo about the trigger dicipline and proper training. I would TOTALLY recommend a formal training course for concealed carry and self-defense.

That said, i agree with the main message of video: I will not be a victim to robbery, or god forbid a violent crime.

Again, i would still recommend buddying up with people in a carpool or whatever, and obviously try to avoid problem areas, and especially problem areas at night and the small hours..
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 02:52:53 UTC Post #297458
Yea. Well if I were to draw it to shoot I wouldn't follow that rule but I guess I should if I wasn't sure that I wasn't going to shoot it. I really have no experience with robbery self deffense so don't watch the vid as instructional. It was just what I would probably do.

Crollo looking at your journal makes me even more aware of how unfamiliar you are with guns. Scopes look "absolutely nothing" like that! The previous ones look better.

And like i've said, you "must" take the long course to get the license in the first place.

If someone has it in them to rob someone with a "gun" they deserve to get shot. You think they're following the finger rule?

For the most part I don't think I would actually ever draw my gun. But it helps to be prepared.

People think there's a solution to solve the broad issue of gun violence but i'm not the publice, this is an individual case. I happen to be in a predicament having to carry such expensive things at such late hours in the night through a dark ghetto parking lot three times a week.

I'm way open to suggestions and the only really nice one's are that I should pair up with someone. For the most part I will try to do so. Any other ideas? I know the best idea is to try to totally avoid confrontation in the first place.

Perhaps I can even just drive my car up to the front and than go get my laptop...
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 03:00:47 UTC Post #297459
For the most part I don't think I would actually ever draw my gun. But it helps to be prepared.
Thank you. That honestly does make me feel a little less uneased, but I still stand by my point: You need to have that trigger finger dealt with, the problem with putting your finger on the trigger while handling a unloaded firearm is not the danger from doing it, it is the habit that will grow out of it. And it is one of the worst habits you can possibly get into, because if you feel comfortable just plainly putting your finger on the trigger of a weapon unloaded or not, you will eventually be comfortable doing it with a loaded firearm as well, and you will become careless.

I thank you for not going in all swinging as I might've expected you to as I did go a little bit over, but you have to understand that getting a gun for self defense is a extremely serious thing and is something I do not take lightly in the absolute least.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 03:20:51 UTC Post #297460
Yea you'r right about the trigger, thanks. And I understand, its a touchy topic.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 03:28:01 UTC Post #297462
Yeah, apologies, I did indeed misjudge you far too many times, and I didn't stop to think about what you were doing or what you were getting at most of the time, but regardless, stay safe. Here's to hopes you'll never have to use it.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 05:09:56 UTC Post #297468
Your life is not worth whatever you're holding, and if it is, then you should not have it on you to begin with.

Also this is the reason I barely ever carry anything. I got sort of mugged not to long ago, and I was carrying absolutely nothing so the guy had to walk away empty handed. I'm saying "sort of" because the guy didn't get aggressive, he didn't get past the point of just being an oddly persistent beggar. Heh. Idiot.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 08:03:26 UTC Post #297469
I'm the same way Disco. If someone got into my car or wallet theye'd find dust. I've always been that way. Just turns out I won't even go to school without my laptop, its my most important tool. Never came across a sit. like this. I'm a fighter but not against guns. I planned on defending my stuff somehow and to my benefit it just so happens that Texas and other stated just passed a law allowing guns on public campuses. Guns are very beneficial if used properly and only if so.

As for carrying it and having it actually at school, I realized I don't need a safe for it. I have a safety lock I can put on it and just throw it in my backpack. If someone stole it they couldn't shoot it. And if I have to walk alone through the lot i'll unlock it and keep it ready. I'f i'm not walking with my laptop I probably won't even have the gun on me...
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 08:51:19 UTC Post #297470
having to think you need to carry a weapon (especially a firearm) when you go out onto the streets is a bit paranoid

im mean, why not try martial arts or actual self defence classes if you get that worried.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 09:10:35 UTC Post #297472
It's on the previous page, but, the answer to that is "because you'll get shot".
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 17:02:28 UTC Post #297478
Its not paranoid. I get emails all the time from uh facilitators that there's been an all night raping on campus. Or that someone has been robbed at gunpoint. Its just eery as hell. Martial arts won't protect you from a gun.

If you check vid.s on youtube about uh. campus robberies you will see that the students also mention the scary emails we get all the time...
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-06 17:12:47 UTC Post #297479
Basically, you'll get shot anyway, so the only actual solution is to move to a different place.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-07 02:25:09 UTC Post #297482
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-07 02:39:34 UTC Post #297484
Martial arts won't protect you from a gun.
well.... not in a bullet proof way
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-07 03:04:53 UTC Post #297485
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-07 04:06:36 UTC Post #297487
After reading through this thread, all I can say is that zeeba lives in a fucked up place and should move, there are way too many fucked up people in this world, "sexual harassment" is different to sexual assualt, and that I don't give a fuck what America's constitution says, guns don't make the problem of guns worse, but they sure as hell don't make it any better. Localized example, I think guns are a really fucking bad idea anywhere, on anyone.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-07 04:24:11 UTC Post #297489
Dimbark, so it can be done! Shew I feel better now.

And scotch, once again thats an answer to the broad. I'm an individual with an individual situation. I believe a gun will help me in my situation. But what might help even more is going the extra mile to get my car and than my belongings. Or pair up.
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