Lighting neons (help im bot :O) Created 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:00:35 UTC by alch1 alch1

Created 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:00:35 UTC by alch1 alch1

Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:00:35 UTC Post #306805
Hey everybody. First of all sorry for bad english.

It's very interesting for me how others make things like this.
User posted image
You can see a block with neon inside who glows, but frame around doesn't glow. I know how need to do it on func_wall, because func_wall doesn't move, but in the picture this block is func_door, and if you want that this block need to move, you must group frame and neon and do texture - some light, but then glows and frame.

So tell me how to do func_door block with glowing neon inside and non-glowing frame around the neon :OO
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:33:56 UTC Post #306806
Image link is broken :/
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:33:56 UTC Post #306807
Lol, i hate this map.

Ok, that part is made out of AAATrigger texture with render mode PURE COLOR. As far as i know this render mode DOES NOT work in VHLT, so you will have to use SHLT. I am also researching why doesnt it work in VHLT.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:39:44 UTC Post #306808
umm. now i thinking is it possible maybe put that texture in lights.rad and if i won't do it lighting will it glow?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:43:46 UTC Post #306809
Its made out of 1 entity (Or two, depending on does it work right), you would make it by making an AAAtrigger texture block and the rest around it and tying it all to an entity.

You dont need to use lights.rad for this, only try to get it to render the aaatrigger in pure color.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
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