Since I have moved to the college dorm, for some months now, my sleeping pattern has been noticeably affected.
I've started experiencing weird dreams, to the point where I was terrified of going to bed. I've calmed down lately. One last dream I recall was with a screaming cat, although this is not necessarily scary. Sometimes I have uplifting dreams that enhance my mood, but the fact is that I started to dream a lot more than before.
I have colleagues that speak during sleep. It's bizarre because sometimes it's just... mumbles, you can't understand anything. They told me even I spoke once, although it seems I asked a math question(lol).
One weird thing happened to me once though. I knew all of my roommates would go to college the next day morning earlier than me, so when I got up I looked around and saw nobody in the room. I went to the bathroom, and when I entered the room I started packing. I suddenly hear a worried voice: "What's the time? :O". I instantly turn my head towards my colleague which had a terrified face with red eyes. I almost fucking screamed, I can not explain to you the feeling of horror I experienced. I knew I looked at his bed and saw nothing. Was he so well covered with the blanket? Was I not attentive? I questioned my sanity for the rest of the day... although the situation had a logical explanation.
I think it has to do with emotional stress and sleep deprivation. I get little time to sleep, and the internet is wasting my night time. I can't wait for weekends to recover...
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