CS:S Content In a HL2 Mod Created 11 years ago2013-04-07 07:54:19 UTC by Frohman64 Frohman64

Created 11 years ago2013-04-07 07:54:19 UTC by Frohman64 Frohman64

Posted 11 years ago2013-04-07 07:54:19 UTC Post #313272
Hello. How would I go about using CS:S models in my HL2 mod? I can't just copy-paste the model and material folders because that is illegal. Is there some other way to do this? Legally, of course?
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-07 10:33:45 UTC Post #313273
You could try mounting the CS:S content in your gameinfo.txt file. All the files should be available for use then.
Just make sure to let people know they need both HL2 and CS:S to play the mod, or there will be errors everywhere.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-07 15:14:01 UTC Post #313277
I thought this was actually illegal..
Well, so long as you're not distributing the individual models i think you're fine. The legality issues come along when you're handing out copyrighted property.
As JeffMOD said, the people are going to need both games in order for everything to run smoothly.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-07 15:45:25 UTC Post #313278
Forcing people to own CS:S is a bit of a problem. I'm going to just have to make all new custom models. Thanks for your help, anyways.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-07 23:10:37 UTC Post #313279
Dude, no one cares anymore, just move them over already, haha.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-07 23:26:54 UTC Post #313280
Copyright is a serious issue and is not to be taken lightly. We don't support piracy at TWHL.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 00:26:12 UTC Post #313282
Valve has said repeatedly they don't care about using assets from one of their games game in another one of their games.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 01:16:48 UTC Post #313283
Hmm, I haven't seen anything along those lines. Can you give me a link to that?
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 05:21:51 UTC Post #313285
Using content from other games

Through Steam

You can access any number of games through Steam, even if they don't use Source, by tweaking your gameinfo.txt. This doesn't require extracting anything from a GCF, but you can't guarantee that the user owns the games you've mounted.

Note:If you are thinking of extracting content from a GCF and distributing it yourself, see the next section.

Legally-speaking however, making (for example) a Source mod that features music from Defcon may not be permissible, even though only those who own Defcon could play it. This is because there are two competing rights:
The right for the creator to dictate how their works are distributed
The right of those granted access to works (e.g. by buying them) to mix them together for personal use

There is no legal precedent for the quasi-authorized content mixing that Steam allows.


Anyone who has uploaded a map .bsp with content embedded in it has done the same thing. Distributing materials that you arnt sure if the person using is authorized to use.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 05:52:12 UTC Post #313286
That section you copied is specifically talking about using the gameinfo.txt system to play content from other games that the player owns on steam. That should be okay, but it is pretty clearly stated that you need to be using Steam's content loading system to ensure that you're using content that the user has the appropriate access to. That is: if you don't own CSS, none of the CSS content will appear.

Ignoring the fact that the VDC is user-generated content and is by no means approval from Valve, the section directly after yours forbids extracting content from a game and redistributing it.

"Note:If you are thinking of extracting content from a GCF and distributing it yourself, see the next section."


"Simply don't do it without a proper permission.

The copyright discussion above is just as much in effect with commercial games, and you are also under an End User License Agreement(EULA). EULAs usually forbid decompiling/modifying/re-distributing the game's content."

Valve's EULA is no different. Redistributing copyrighted content without proper permission is piracy.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 15:33:24 UTC Post #313294
So by definition that is every map ever made without 100% custom content.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 21:30:32 UTC Post #313295
No. A BSP contains references to the content, not the content itself.
If you were to change a VMF or delete a model from the game files, they'll be different/missing in the map. You still need the content in order for it to show up, the same way you need the base game to run a mod.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-08 21:59:41 UTC Post #313296
Exactly. Most maps just use the content from the game and include a couple of custom-made textures and models. Packed BSPs only include custom content that doesn't already exist in the game.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
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