MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES Created 11 years ago2013-06-06 14:55:27 UTC by XaSer XaSer

Created 11 years ago2013-06-06 14:55:27 UTC by XaSer XaSer

Posted 11 years ago2013-06-06 14:55:27 UTC Post #313841

Can I fix this error without the need of using clip brushes?

Thank you
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-06 16:42:30 UTC Post #313842
There is no way to by pass this.
You must reduce clip nodes by using optimization techniques.

You can use Bevel to texture all invisible sides of your map.
Please post the compile log.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-06 17:51:03 UTC Post #313843
hlcsg v3.4 VL23 (Jan 7 2011)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: E:Mapstoolshlcsg.exe -nowadtextures -nowadtextures -wadcfgfile E:Maps -wadinclude rrstar.wad -wadinclude quarry.wad -wadinclude street.wad -chart -estimate -texdata 65536 -lightdata 6144 E:Mapscoop_street
Arguments: -nowadtextures -nowadtextures -wadcfgfile E:Maps -wadinclude rrstar.wad -wadinclude quarry.wad -wadinclude street.wad -chart -estimate -texdata 65536 -lightdata 6144 E:Mapscoop_street -low -wadautodetect

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
reset logfile [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 67108864 ] [ 33554432 ]
max lighting memory [ 6291456 ] [ 33554432 ]
priority [ Low ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ off ] [ off ]
clip hull type [ simple ] [ simple ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ off ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
nullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]
map scaling [ None ] [ None ]
light name optimize [ on ] [ on ]
UTF8 game_text [ on ] [ on ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadfiles not in use by the map will be excluded
Wadinclude list :

(15.12 seconds)
(9.20 seconds)

Including Wadfile: mapsstreet.wad
  • Contains 192 used textures, 72.45 percent of map (295 textures in wad)
Including Wadfile: mapsquarry.wad
  • Contains 37 used textures, 13.96 percent of map (88 textures in wad)
Including Wadfile: mapsrrstar.wad
  • Contains 36 used textures, 13.58 percent of map (175 textures in wad)
"wad" is ""

Texture usage is at 11.68 mb (of 64.00 mb MAX)

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 0/400 0/25600 ( 0.0%)
planes 37004/32768 740080/655360 (112.9%)
vertexes 0/65535 0/786420 ( 0.0%)
nodes 0/32767 0/786408 ( 0.0%)
texinfos 10300/32767 412000/1310680 (31.4%)
faces 0/65535 0/1310700 ( 0.0%)
clipnodes 0/32767 0/262136 ( 0.0%)
leaves 0/8192 0/229376 ( 0.0%)
marksurfaces 0/65535 0/131070 ( 0.0%)
surfedges 0/512000 0/2048000 ( 0.0%)
edges 0/256000 0/1024000 ( 0.0%)
texdata [variable] 12244036/33554432 (36.5%)
lightdata [variable] 0/33554432 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/2097152 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 48024/524288 ( 9.2%)
264 textures referenced

Total BSP file data space used: 13444140 bytes

26.43 seconds elapsed

--- END hlcsg ---

hlbsp v3.4 VL23 (Jan 7 2011)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: E:Mapstoolshlbsp.exe -chart -estimate -texdata 65536 -lightdata 6144 E:Mapscoop_street
Arguments: -chart -estimate -texdata 65536 -lightdata 6144 E:Mapscoop_street -low

Current hlbsp Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 67108864 ] [ 33554432 ]
priority [ Low ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
nofill [ off ] [ off ]
noinsidefill [ off ] [ off ]
noopt [ off ] [ off ]
null tex. stripping [ on ] [ on ]
notjunc [ off ] [ off ]
subdivide size [ 240 ] [ 240 ] (Min 64) (Max 512)
max node size [ 1024 ] [ 1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 65536)
remove hull 2 [ off ] [ off ]

SolidBSP [hull 0] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-1691,1866,-340)(-1688,1878,-339)
4000...4500...5000...5500...6000...6500...7000...7500...8000...8500...9000...9407 (3.23 seconds)
BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'E:Mapscoop_street.prt'
SolidBSP [hull 1] Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (3056,2629,-452)(3112,2783,-440)
500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2882,2313,-334)(-2848,2314,-332)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2884,2313,-340)(-2834,2320,-333)
5000...5500...6000...6500...7000...7500...8000...8399 (2.65 seconds)
SolidBSP [hull 2] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...5000...5500...6000...6500...7000...7500...7756 (2.28 seconds)
SolidBSP [hull 3] Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (3056,2629,-470)(3112,2783,-458)
500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...4000...4500...5000...Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2884,2314,-346)(-2849,2345,-316)
5500...6000...6500...7000...7500...8000...8500...9000...9194 (3.24 seconds)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2387,-125,-440)(-2347,-79,-381)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2371,-109,-436)(-2331,-63,-377)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3054,2399,-12)(-3050,2421,-3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2778,2322,-30)(-2778,2409,5)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2778,2400,-30)(-2778,2475,4)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3094,2321,-30)(-3094,2394,4)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3094,2399,-30)(-3094,2474,4)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2837,1673,-127)(-2832,1674,-117)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2870,1674,-127)(-2814,1674,-19)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1669,-129)(-2835,1673,-128)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1666,-130)(-2835,1672,-128)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2940,1634,-110)(-2854,1637,76)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2837,1397,-127)(-2832,1398,-117)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2870,1398,-127)(-2814,1398,1)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1390,-130)(-2835,1394,-129)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1392,-130)(-2835,1397,-128)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3033,1635,-132)(-3026,1667,-130)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3028,1386,-130)(-3026,1392,-130)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-57922,1358,-91)(-2854,1361,80001)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2836,1117,-127)(-2831,1118,-117)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2869,1118,-127)(-2813,1118,-19)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2866,1113,-129)(-2834,1117,-128)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2866,1110,-130)(-2834,1116,-128)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-57920,1078,-91)(-2853,1081,80001)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3032,1079,-132)(-3025,1111,-130)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2821,1413,-123)(-2816,1414,-113)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2886,1414,-123)(-2801,1414,3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2886,1414,-123)(-2801,1414,3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2883,1406,-126)(-2819,1410,-125)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2883,1408,-126)(-2819,1413,-124)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3077,1414,-121)(-3008,1414,-46)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3062,1414,-121)(-3008,1414,22)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3017,1380,-128)(-3010,1408,-126)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2821,1689,-123)(-2816,1690,-113)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2886,1690,-123)(-2801,1690,3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2886,1690,-123)(-2801,1690,3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2883,1682,-126)(-2819,1686,-125)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2883,1684,-126)(-2819,1689,-124)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-80002,1531,-80000)(-2859,1618,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2956,1618,-91)(-2857,1631,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2956,1618,-15)(-2919,1618,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3077,1690,-121)(-3008,1690,-46)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3062,1690,-121)(-3008,1690,23)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3023,1619,-130)(-3010,1683,-126)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2953,1342,-15)(-2856,1342,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2956,1342,-15)(-2919,1342,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2820,1133,-123)(-2815,1134,-113)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2885,1134,-123)(-2800,1134,3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2885,1134,-123)(-2800,1134,3)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2882,1126,-126)(-2818,1130,-125)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2882,1128,-126)(-2818,1133,-124)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2952,1062,-15)(-2858,1062,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2935,1062,-12)(-2858,1062,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2955,1062,-15)(-2918,1062,52)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3076,1134,-121)(-3007,1134,-46)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3061,1134,-121)(-3007,1134,23)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3022,1063,-130)(-3009,1127,-126)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2870,1674,-109)(-2825,1674,-37)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1667,-112)(-2835,1669,-111)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1667,-112)(-2835,1673,-109)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2940,1634,-88)(-2854,1634,38)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2870,1398,-109)(-2825,1398,-17)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1391,-112)(-2835,1393,-111)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2867,1391,-112)(-2835,1397,-109)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3033,1635,-114)(-3026,1668,-112)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3028,1386,-112)(-3026,1392,-112)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2940,1358,-88)(-2854,1358,38)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2869,1118,-109)(-2824,1118,-37)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2866,1111,-112)(-2834,1113,-111)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2866,1111,-112)(-2834,1117,-109)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-2939,1078,-88)(-2853,1081,54)
Warning: Mixed face contents in leafnode ( 1 and -2 ) at (-3032,1079,-114)(-3025,1111,-112)

Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file for a detailed explanation of this problem

--- END hlbsp ---

What is Bevel and how do I use it?
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 06:52:30 UTC Post #313850
From the error guide:

mixed face contents
Entity 0, Brush 12: mixed face contents
Texture ROCK_X1 and SKY
Entity 0, Brush 37: mixed face contents
Texture STEEL_9 and WATER7
In Halflife, brushes are required to have all faces be of the same type (solid, water, slime, sky, origin). Fortunately almost all textures are solid. If you put a water texture on one side of a brush which has dirt or steel textures for example, that would generate the error. The engine needs to know what is inside the brush, and it would be real confusing if different types could be put onto the same brush.

The fix is relatively simple. Simply find the offending brush, and then the faces with the inappropriate texture and change it. If a brush uses SKY, all sides must be sky. The same is true for CLIP, and ORIGIN textures as well. If you are careful it is possible to mix water textures (provided you don't accidently use a slime texture on the brush)
Bevel is located inside of ZHLT.wad file.
It is an texture whos purpose is to be read by the compiler and perform a special function.
Bevel removes the side on which it is applied from game. If you apply bevel to one side of a box, that side will no longer be visible/exist.

You have ZHLT.wad with ZHLT compile tools. Also, use the newest VHLT tools:
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 14:32:28 UTC Post #313858
Ty, however, it did not work (or I do not have enough sides to use Bevel on).

Is it necessary to use Bevel on these sides? (see picture below):

I do not have any error like you said (see below):
Entity 0, Brush 12: mixed face contents
Texture ROCK_X1 and SKY
Entity 0, Brush 37: mixed face contents
Texture STEEL_9 and WATER7
Entity 0, Brush 12: mixed face contents

The face contents I have, is because I use triangles to create terrain.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 15:30:32 UTC Post #313863
Yes, any side that wont be seen in normal situations should be removed from the map.
Underneath the boxes, behind walls, opposite sides not normally seen, etc.

Also, get VHLT, it will fix the problems (i assume). You shouldn't mix anything with !water textures. You can use optimization textures though.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 20:46:43 UTC Post #313867
I will try the VHLT tools. I have not mixed anything with the water texture. Optimization textures?
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 21:55:31 UTC Post #313868
Your errors aside, i've found i get the biggest clip economy from using -cliptype simple paramater for CSG compile(using compilator or expert compile).
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 00:53:04 UTC Post #313869
or you could func_illusionary things and use simple, larger clip brushes to define what the player can and cannot walk on.

For instance, that screenshot you posted, you can make ONE clip brush occupy the space of all three of those boxes to simplify things.

Any space that the player cannot walk in - clip brush it.
Have a 16 sided cylinder? Make it a func_illusionary and and put a 6 or (even better) 4-sided clip brush in its place

Anything you can do to make the compiler's job easier is a good idea
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 04:10:12 UTC Post #313877
Thank you all,

I have used a lot of clip brushes in my map (maybe too much...)
I will try to make cylinders func_illusionary (they are currently func_wall and there is a clip brush around them...).
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