Models disappear and appear Created 11 years ago2013-06-08 05:29:41 UTC by Kaner Kaner

Created 11 years ago2013-06-08 05:29:41 UTC by Kaner Kaner

Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 05:29:41 UTC Post #313878

I'm making a map with some trees on the ground, when I stay on the roof, sometimes, I can see the trees and sometimes not. It is supposed the trees should be seen from the roof.

Notice this in the next images:

Is there any way to make that models to be visible from all the map? I don't know if is it possible to change manually the vis leafs and put that entities inside all of them.

PS: I compile using -full vis parameter.

Thank u for answering :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 10:09:07 UTC Post #313886
The trees disappear because their origins are in visleafs which are not visible when you are on the roof. You can edit these models and move their origin higher.
If you want a model to be visible from whole map, use VHLT's info_overview_point and set Reversed to Yes.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 13:11:53 UTC Post #313891
I guessed it would be for that reason, do you know how can I dig the origin of that trees? The models are not mine so I don't have the sources.

I've just used info_overview_point Reversed-Yes and nothing different happens, maybe I didn't set the entity in the correct place :
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 13:53:05 UTC Post #313892
Just decompile the models and add a line into qc file:
$origin x y z
Where you put specific numbers instead of xyz. I'm not sure if order of these coordinates are HL-like (Z is up/down) or math-like (Y is up/down) so you'll have to experiment a bit.

I forgot to mention how to use that entity - put that entity into visleaf which you want to be visible from everywhere.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 14:44:13 UTC Post #313893
To add to backup's post, most likely, the tree model's origin is at the base of the trunk. If you put the into_overview_point entity right next to the base of the tree you will be able to see it.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 15:00:53 UTC Post #313894
Thank you backup, the problem is dealt. I write below the steps I've followed if someone else had my problem they'd have find this helpful:

1. Open the MilkShape3D.
2. Tools -> Half-Life -> Decompile HL MDL File
3. Choose the model you want to "bury" its origin.
-- Decompilation done.
4. Edit the file modelName.qc with the notepad.
5. Add the line:
$origin 0 0 150
where 150 is the value you want to lower the model. Save and exit.
6. In the MilkShape3D, Tools -> Half-Life -> Compile QC File
7. Choose the qc file just edited.
-- Compilation done.
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