Definitely doesn't look bad; For next time, try to diffuse the lighting as much as you can.
Your lighting setup looks very direct, and makes her skin look rough and almost shiny to a degree. Remember: smooth, soft lighting is flattering lighting.
Criticism aside, it really does look good. I'm just too OCD to ignore the lighting.
Lately I've been getting so anal about what I post so I don't have much to show nowadays.
I've had this blade for a while now, and about a month ago or so I managed to break the tip off. Feeling as though binning it would be a waste, I decided to just grind the top of the blade down to the edge and then gave the top an edge as well. The knife is freestanding in a plank of wood.
This next set is about illusions.
This scene appears well lit and warm, but in actuality it was taken during a total power grid blackout in one of the coldest, windiest nights we've had on the island that I can remember. It was pitch black, you couldn't tell your ass from your elbow if both were glued to your face.
This one is a little simpler. A deadbolt attached to... Nothing. It's a black posterboard that the lock has been propped up against. But without examining it, your brain will simply believe it's a door... Or more generically, a
surface that it is
validly attached to and serves a valid purpose.And of course...