First screenshot was a single, dull light environment.
I'm creating another top-down game within half-life. (Anyone remember Antlion Adventures?) However, this one works MUCH better, and you don't need cheats for the game to function correctly.
The current features:
-7 Digit Scoreboard (Score counts by 10's, 100's or 1000's)
-Life Counter / 1-Up rewards
-10 New particle effects
-Functioning, real time HUD and Minimap (Not limited to a grid, displays enemy and player positions)
-Every enemy is pre-fab based with auto-indexing entity names. (Quick level design / efficient bug fixing [Even the score counter digits are pre-fabbed so i can go up to however many digits i want])
Prefab Example:
So I just click once and I get a pre-configured version of that
I recently learned how to send the value of a math_counter straight into a logic_case. Had I known this a while ago, I could have made some epic logical decisions.
My next major hurdle is setting the global variables so the score and life count transfer between levels.
After that, I'll set up a 5 level beta pack and release it for comments / criticism.
And if you guys really want me to, I'll make some fancy tutorials showing you the TRUE POWER of the source IO system - I really unlocked the next level.