Brush Sizing in Hammer 3.4 Created 7 years ago2017-05-28 11:37:58 UTC by thatguymalone thatguymalone

Created 7 years ago2017-05-28 11:37:58 UTC by thatguymalone thatguymalone

Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 11:37:58 UTC Post #335115
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could solve this issue that has been bugging me with Hammer 3.4:

You know how in newer versions of hammer, a brush that you create will automatically fit the dimensions of an existing brush that you selected? I want to have that same thing happen in 3.4. For some reason, when I create a brush in that version, some of the dimensions will be randomized. Is this fixable?

Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 12:10:09 UTC Post #335116
As far as I know that's how hammer works, and you can't fix it. You should use Jackhammer instead. It's like hammer, but it's 10 times better. Jackhammer is free, but if you want to support the developer, then you can buy the steam version.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 12:27:05 UTC Post #335117
Or Sledge. Don't forget Sledge.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 14:18:59 UTC Post #335118
Yeah, sorry, forgot about it. I never used Sledge though so I can't recommend it. What I'm sure about is that hammer is obsolete and there's no point to use it now.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 15:29:54 UTC Post #335119
There's also QuArK, Radiant, Trenchbroom (oh wait, that's for Quake, xd), and so on...
But the best 2 options are J.A.C.K. and Sledge Editor. :)
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