Custom Skybox? Created 6 years ago2019-01-29 10:39:52 UTC by sluggard sluggard

Created 6 years ago2019-01-29 10:39:52 UTC by sluggard sluggard

Posted 6 years ago2019-01-29 10:39:52 UTC Post #341880
I have a single 256x256 image that I wish to use as a Skybox for something I'm working on, how do I import it so I can use it in the game? (environment map under map properties)
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-29 12:53:36 UTC Post #341882
you need to have six images in tga format. all must be 256x256 pixels. you can download custom skys from the net or make your own with modelling programs. or you can make a simple one with paint.

six files must be placed in half-life/modfolder/gfx/env

or in half-life/valve/gfx/env to use in all mods

or in half-life/valve_downloads/gfx/env downloads folders of mods is where maps placed when a server specific file is downloaded from the server (only for steam version)

somethingup.tga for up sky
somethingdn.tga for down sky
somethinglt.tga left

you can use gimp for saving images as tga files. gimp is a free software.

or you can use "xnview shell extension" i love this software. normally you can only see thumbnails of some of the image format. with this program your pc will show other image thumbnails in folders as well.

xnview also adds right click menu options. you can right click a bmp image and quickly convert it to a tga file.

then you need to go map properties in hammer editor end write "something" to cl_skyname option.

or you can edit bsp files for change the skyname of compiled maps. i guess a notepad editor is suitable for editing bsp file.

or you can change a maps sky when creating a server. there is a console command for that.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-30 10:40:38 UTC Post #341888
Man, why is it so complicated like this, why can't we just use a single image texture lol. Thanks I'll try. Hopefully I'll come up with something.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-30 11:13:04 UTC Post #341890
Wow. Thanks! I love it, author of the website even decided to be kind enough to illustrate the process with animated .gifs.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-01 14:05:40 UTC Post #341905
Ohhhh nnnnnooo get back here, you can still convert single image skybox to half-life, using a program called skypaint and does all the file naming for you.
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-01 18:48:46 UTC Post #341907
Yes, that's what I'm using. It's mentioned among the methods in the303 site.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
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