How to change hand texture throughout maps Created 7 months ago2024-04-29 15:33:08 UTC by RoboRufus7 RoboRufus7

Created 7 months ago2024-04-29 15:33:08 UTC by RoboRufus7 RoboRufus7

Posted 7 months ago2024-04-29 15:33:08 UTC Post #348760
Im trying to make it so before you get the hev suit your hand looks like a scientist, but after then it looks like hev. is this even possible?

Posted 7 months ago2024-04-29 18:10:07 UTC Post #348761
I remember seeing this being done in some mod, could it have been Azure Sheep?

If I recall correctly, there was basically a duplicated set of weapons, one that used the uniform-clothed hands and another with the hands wearing the HEV suit. Then at some point in the campaign you would be stripped of your weapons and find yourself a HEV suit before being given the HEV-variants of the weapons.

This is of course a game code change, not something that can be done purely through mapping.
Posted 7 months ago2024-04-30 01:44:54 UTC Post #348762
You can use Solokiller's Unified SDK to do this very easily actually.
Posted 7 months ago2024-04-30 14:48:44 UTC Post #348763
ok, i will try this when i get home. also thanks VHETUTOR, i love your tutorial videos.
Posted 7 months ago2024-05-02 02:40:39 UTC Post #348764
Thanks! The unified SDK does have a little bit of setup required, but once it's installed, you'll be able to use different weapon models per map.
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