Can't trigger_hurt specific entities? Created 1 week ago2025-03-07 04:19:52 UTC by egghead2 egghead2

Created 1 week ago2025-03-07 04:19:52 UTC by egghead2 egghead2

Posted 1 week ago2025-03-07 04:19:52 UTC Post #349558
blast pit. One bullsquid is stood in toxic liquid it doesn't hurt it just you when you stand in it. Was this a script? In Jackhammer editor I can't make it so trigger_hurt targers just you and no other npc's as there is no target for info_player_start?

Reference pic
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-07 05:22:29 UTC Post #349559
Decompile maps to see how they work. First type status in console to find out the map name. Then decompile it with a program like BSPTwoMAP or WinBSPC or BSP Viewer.
Posted 1 week ago2025-03-07 12:04:42 UTC Post #349560
trigger_hurt doesn't hurt npc's unless they are moving, but also it might have TouchClientOnly flag on which makes it only affect the player
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