Hey, soldier, you left a pile of bodies there in a country you only arrived from yesturday. what did they do to you?
"They're the enemy, Sir."
Have you ever spoken to them?
"Of course not, Sir."
Never considered that they are just like you, with families and children, and aspirations to build a better life in the face of a bloody dictator your amry has been flown to defend?
"No, Sir."
Ever read anything about this country you're in?
"No, Sir."
Then how do you know they're your ememy?
"My commanding officer told me, Sir."
And who told him?
"His commanding officer, Sir."
And who's the chief commanding officer at the top of his heap?
"The President, Sir."
And who commands the President?
"The people, Sir, this is a democracy."
How may of 'the people' just told you to kill that pile of bodies?
"Well, one, Sir."
And who was that?
"My commanding officer, Sir."
And who told him?
(See above)