How do you make objects break when the.. Created 20 years ago2004-07-18 10:08:49 UTC by Zebadee Zebadee

Created 20 years ago2004-07-18 10:08:49 UTC by Zebadee Zebadee

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 10:08:49 UTC Post #42535
Hi i would like to make it so some crates break when the bomb blows up.
BUT i would like it so the players cannot break the boxes, only the bomb.
Please Help!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:13:48 UTC Post #42543
Noob! Learn to read.
Ever noticed that the func_bomb_target has a 'target' key?
Click here if that wasn't enough of a hint.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:16:24 UTC Post #42545
Um, he asked how to make so that players cannot break the boxes, not how you can trigger em. Learn to read noob ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:19:04 UTC Post #42548
sorry i posted that when i wasnt logged in :S
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:24:41 UTC Post #42549
@jaardsi:Sorry, I just go annoyed. It sux that so many people don't try to solve their problems alone. This one requires no special knowledge at all.
Check out the func_breakable flags.
'Only Trigger', hmm what could that one do?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:30:05 UTC Post #42550
You know you are very annoying yourself but thanks for the help m8!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 13:03:45 UTC Post #42559
jeez!!!! I think hazardous just spent to much time in the steam forums. :x

I'd like to add that although I am new to this forum. This is the first thread where someone (Hazardous) posted back a rude and belittling reply.

let's stop that here and now.. these forums are really so nice used compared to the rest.. thx
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 17:37:40 UTC Post #42614
I'm sorry. I apologize for being so rude.
It just overwhelmed me.
Still my oppinion has not changed.
Many people worked hard to write comprehendable tutorials and guides, so that you don't have to wait for an answer on a forum or a chat.
Please make use of these, that's what they're made for.
If you learn to help yourself (this is ambiguous), you will also more quickly improve your skills.
This does not only apply for mapping, but for everything you can do.
Just try around, you might find out interesting things that can be handy later.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 22:27:48 UTC Post #42678
Hazard, not everyone is going to search everywhere and do this, do that thay are going to use the simplest solution, using the forums!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 23:05:17 UTC Post #42686
mapper_man, what Haz is saying is that people have worked hard to write guides and tutorials on the subject being asked, but instead of spending a few extra minutes on Google or the forum search, we see another topic of a question responded to and explained before. Needless to say, this is dissapointing, to say the least, to the article and tutorial creators who have covered this exact subject.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 00:12:51 UTC Post #42698
o yeah well
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 00:14:22 UTC Post #42699
yeah well thats BS everytime i'm told to search on google i end up with nothing!!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 06:22:39 UTC Post #44281
sorry for reviving a old thread. I see rabbid and haz's point. that tutorials are made for the reasons they listed.. However..

If there are tutorials made that would answer someones questions, I tink any sane person would go threw that tutorial. BUt most times a question that could be answered or a problem someone is having is contained layers deep inside a tutorial. Tutorials are named by the goal in mind by the creater.

for example, If someone can't figure out how to make a object breakable and only be broke from a trigger. They should look at a BOMb/DE making tutorial right? Well I tell ya, (and haz and rabbid could probably agree on this) when your just beginning, it's really hard to say what even a trigger is. So you could speed read right by it without even understanding that was the answer. I personally, when needing something unknown to me, made known, I read all there is(slowly if need be). If I would come across the word trigger, and say "WTF is that", I'd load a new window and look up that until I understand it. Then I would continue on with the tutorial.

but guess what HAz, rabbid, and others. not all people are like that.. You guys may have further complex methods of learning that I don't utilize. So that there tells us theres allways someone under ya.

Forums are here to post. Rules/guidelines for posting are no doubt here and listed somewhere. But hey.

If someone needs to know how to make a bomb make something go crack, but not let peeps make that object go crack, Their gonna post it.
Why? well vocabulary for one(you need it in any given subject to search effectivly. and two, like said above. It's right here a tool for getting help from the experts/ people in the know.

I feel there are two things actually going on here. Getting upset over repeated posts month after month.

Response: #1
Do you have to post? NO
I look over threads when have time for anything I don't know. read the thread, and leave knowing. I can't search for what I don't know if I don't have anything specific to search for. SO... people posting the same thing over and over for you means something new for someone new. get it?

Response: #2
People post something that was posted before(maybe many times/ maybe not). A REG see that post and says .. AH -ha!!! I can seem big here.. I can say this and that. and hide behind the "already been asked and answered" , or the "theres a reason tutorials are made".

final opinion.
If you the REG do not feel like posting another long winded answer that you may have answered in the past(many times), POST the link to the tutorial, or WOW!! thread that answers the question being asked.
Ctrl > C, Ctrl > V. now I can in my spare time run along the "NEW" threads and get stuff I don't know answered. instead of getting nothing cuz peeps are afraid to post.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 06:28:20 UTC Post #44282

SO... people posting the same thing over and over for you means something old, allready been there, done answered it. For someone new it means something new. get it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 08:54:34 UTC Post #44293
You know what? it could be cool, that when you want to post a new thread, it would first search in all tutorials AND formums for words in your topic name, and asks do you realy want to post it than :D i don't know is this a good idea but i think it is ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 10:31:21 UTC Post #44310
When you set only trigger they can still be shot so give them a health of like 9999, thats what the game does.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 10:40:20 UTC Post #44314
Only trigger means only trigger!
You can shoot at it, but it won't break.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 13:31:20 UTC Post #44364
posted by: Crusader_bin
You know what? it could be cool, that when you want to post a new thread, it would first search in all tutorials AND formums for words in your topic name, and asks do you realy want to post it than i don't know is this a good idea but i think it is.

yeah when I was writing it. I was kinda thinking when I got into the Rules/guidlines for posting area....... That maybe there were somekind of checks that occured(could'nt think of any- but you did), and had check boxes above the post button. like;

X - you have searched the forums already, and did not find a match.
X - etc.

whaeva I just woke up, can't think of any. I'm sure someone could.

at any rate, yeah.. you get what I mean.. K laterz
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 13:32:35 UTC Post #44365
um zeeba.. are you sure guy?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 21:51:58 UTC Post #44558
Sprry if this has already been said, but you must set the breakble to trigger only. Check the flag.
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