The HL story Created 20 years ago2004-07-17 14:54:44 UTC by Terrel Terrel

Created 20 years ago2004-07-17 14:54:44 UTC by Terrel Terrel

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 14:54:44 UTC Post #42330
ok in the whole hl story.....does the gman mean for the accident to happen becuase even before the accident he has a sharp eye on sheapard in bootcamp......and sais "the border world xen is in our controll for the time being, thanks to you" so i think that he wanted it to happen so that they could take over xen. but then again i think the xen planted the specimen that went into the they could stop the humans from invading their world.....and still it was prophesised from the xen that a man named "freemon would cross worlds" and releasing the telnorps and making the zan fight the xen.....from hl im all confused
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 15:07:05 UTC Post #42337
so im all confused
That's what it's supposed to do.
The HL story isn't like a Hollywood movie.
Gordon sees a part of what's going on from his point of view. Shepard sees another part.
No one knows the entire truth.
And no one is supposed to.
Redemption is not an official addon btw.
Why do you want to know all this anyway?
Wait for HL? to get even more confused. :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 15:13:14 UTC Post #42339
well that is very true.....i forgot about that...thx for reminding see the game through the characters know as much as the character knows......but whatever the story line is........knowone knows and mark laidlaw, excuse my spelling, does a good job at it too
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 17:00:52 UTC Post #42365
whatever laidlaw wrote for hl is the story, other mods are just that .. other mods
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 20:16:47 UTC Post #42401
It would be cool if they didn't conclude the story when Hl3 (yes, Half-Life Three) is released in the distant future and made fans wait till Half-Life 5 or summin to wait for the conclusion.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 20:47:47 UTC Post #42403
Or they might chuck a Star Wars and do some prequels! :P
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 23:45:51 UTC Post #42440
Ooh...prequels. I can play as Freeman and wander around Sector C annoying Scientists, drinking beer with Barney and doing boring paperwork for the Administrator! Sounds like fun!
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 04:58:13 UTC Post #42477
lol, rapid. HL2 will clear some stuff up, but it will probably add even more mysteries.

I want to know:

-Who the hell is the gman?

-Is the combine human or alien or robots or combo?(I know there are robots but I'm talking about the soldiers)

-Where did the combine come from?

-Why in the hell is a vortigaunt (Xen slave) on your side in HL2?

-Why did the disaster happen at black mesa?

-More about shepard please?

-Does Gordon have any special powers, or abilities? Why is he so special?

-What are the motives for the Xen aliens to take over Earth.

-How come there are so many of them on earth now?

-Where is Xen?

-Whats up with ninlanth? (he was destroyed, so who controls the aliens now?)

-And finally, what orginization/species is controlling the whole thing? (If any)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:34:33 UTC Post #42508
Fair points, Silent Gunz :D
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 09:14:36 UTC Post #42525
-Does Gordon have any special powers, or abilities? Why is he so special?
he can see through walls with gl_wireframe abilities,
fly through matter with noclip and absorb damage by turning into a god!

he can also spawn grunts, weapons, and read others' minds with special mystical Impulse commands!
:P :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 19:22:55 UTC Post #44160
Well the vortiguants have no reason to kill the humans there just being controlled by the nihilanth and....uhum...alein controller. Just a guess but i think the xen are just really pissed off because we reached into there refrigerator without asking so they decided to attack the humans........exept for the bullchickens that just want to much and mate...yes mate.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 19:24:47 UTC Post #44162
prequals? HL wa Gordan's first day on the job!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 19:56:59 UTC Post #44165
It was? How do you know?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 21:19:15 UTC Post #44185
yea i think it was supposed to be his first day on the job but how does everone that sees him say hay gordon? ? ? and he alwready has a locker! dont forget that...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 22:40:31 UTC Post #44213
The HL story as seen by Tecell:

Gordon freeman, employee of black mesa, much untapped potencial as seen by the Gman (agent of the administrator's organisation). Happens to be the unlucky sod who has to place the "sample Xen crystals" into the massive highly unstable generator/ test machine. Unlucky for him the equipptment and pre test theory fails and the sample causes a 'resonance cascade' (If u've ever played Star trek elite force on of the engineers in the engeneering section says "check the resonence cascade modulator" a little clip from/ tribute to HL :) ). lucky for him hes wearing this new HEV protective wear that helps him survive the accident. He fights his way learning what little he can of what is going on around him from what you play in HL. At the end of the game the Gman hires him because he alone managed to fight his way through black mesa and then single handedly defeat the last leader of the Xen (nihalith says at one point "I am the last you dont know what your doing" or somthing allong those lines). So the Gman hires him because of his achivements. The whole point of HL is that you see an epic story unfold through the eyes of one participant (in the case of HL the main participant, Freeman).

The whole point, as stated by 'Hazardous!', is that you dont know the whole story, you can only put together a few peices of the puzzle, which leaves the player to assume or conclude the rest making room for mods and whole mapping comunitys on which the story can grow and evolve. Like Blue shift and Opposing Force which stick to the primary story just from a diffrent perspective. Half life is an Enigma so to speak. HL2 (and 3) may answer a few more questions and probably generate a lot more, thus creating a never ending story which is just what Valve want. A story that never ends can never die and so the mapping and modding comunities will never cease to exist, or at least not for a very long time (hopefully lasting until appocalypse).

The whole story of Half-Life is based around that fact that you will never know the full story, only parts of it. so comming back to the original question, you will probably never know if the Gman wanted the accident to happen, or even if he played a part in creating the Resonance Cascade so that humanity could invade Xen. From what I saw in Xen in HL it looked like the Nihalith already planned some sort of millitary action because there were all those factory like places such as interlooper making Alien Grunts in pods, why build an army if you dont plan on using it? Bottom line is, all you know is what Freeman, Shepard and Calhoun saw, bits of the story never actually making a full picture, just parts of it. To truley know the full story you'd need to get inside the head of Laidlaw and the other members at Valve, somthing which will probably never happen. Maybe they didnt even make a whole story, perhaps it was just ment to be incomplete, a parcial view of what went on at some research base. Who knows...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 08:47:50 UTC Post #44291
thats why they never mention the "administrator's" name. It could be G-Man, it could be someone else. And maybe the expieriment went wrong on purpose. When all of the eqipment was failing and the scientist team tryed to warn them and they didnt listen? Sounds like a government conspiracy to me.

I also think that the G-Man was working for The Nihilanth but he betrayed him and let him get killed by Freeman. G-Man had other plans. So when he saw you could get through it all, he wanted to use you to obliverate all of the alien race. Hence Half-Life 2.

What do you guys think of my opinion? ;)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 09:24:07 UTC Post #44299
Gamn working for Naihlith? no, just no. Xen had only recently been discovered, hence why survey scouts in HEV suits had been sent through. Are you saying the Gman is an alien, that his "employers" were actually Nihalith?!?! crazyness!

And remember, the experiment went wrong in about 60 seconds (from when you activate the machine) Is that really time enough for them to stop whats happeneing? Plus they said they "tried to warn them" implying that they didnt manage to warn them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 10:09:42 UTC Post #44307
Well, Gordon survived "accident" not becouse he had h.e.v. suit, but becouse he was teleported to other (Xen) places, and than teleported back, when everything is calm already. And i think that "administrators" knew about Xen, and wanted to create portal to it, not to create a resonance cascade (if they wanted it, then why soldiers were so late? They should be ready. Same with Op4, when you fly to base, you were abushed by Xen "fighters", so it happened AFTER the accident). And i don't know who is gman working for, but i don't think that he's human (cyborg/robot or alien? or half alien, half human?)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 10:45:40 UTC Post #44318
is is definentlty not human. He talks like a snake! :confused:
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:27:38 UTC Post #44339
yea he's a sly one, and good point Crusader_bin if Gman had planned the invation there would have been blackops / grunts on standby ready to move in or somthing you know. On the other hand, he may have not put all troops on standby because if it all went wrong and the public got wind that the millitary had planned an invasion of another dimention there would be uproar. If it appears the aliens are invading and the millitary are just responding then the public would support the invasion.

Ahh, we could make asumptions and point out stuff about the politics of HL all day long.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 12:50:59 UTC Post #44354
ITS JUST A GAME! like when your going threw the train at the beggining (((why does it say"your physical condition can and will have aeffect on the dependence of the people around you and stuff before the mayhem starts... and was there realy a point to mario i mean cmmon... the person that created half life has the whole story in his own head and knows that there realy isnt one! It was just a realy good game idea... but im not saying that I dont play this game pretty mutch every second of my life, Im just saying that its not like some alien made this game, just some plane old guy that was good with comps...and had an idea------Lol this is pretty mutch like talking about the mysteries of deerhunter like wow i wander if that big deer has been watching my progress...and taking notes... yet half life 2 WILL! explain a lotta stuff and i can alwready tell you that by watching all the movies.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 13:25:16 UTC Post #44363
it was not his first day, some extra info is in the manual.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 14:19:05 UTC Post #44378
Zeba-G, no one is saying that some aliens made Half-Life! Ofcourse, it is highly possible BUT we can't be sure of it, don't forget about that! Well, i actualy could be just goverment experiment to see how we're going to react for this or to prepare us for future, but like i've said, we can't be sure of it...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 14:20:32 UTC Post #44380
lol not "i actualy could(...) but "it actualy could(...). I cam ASURE you, i'm not goverment experiment
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 14:54:18 UTC Post #44384
The Xen Aliens made Half-Life to make us believe that they don't exist but they really exist and they're going to invade us soon and the Gman really exists and he's watching the invasion for his own amusement and I think I heard something outside so I'm getting really freaked out and what the hell was that I heard it again I'm going to go get my crowbar and then the oh my god is that a headcrab holy s*** they're coming for me because I know and I'm going to get out of here and let me just tell you again that the gman is watching you and the aliens from Xen are coming for you and portals are opening in my room and my bed just disappeared in one and so did my TV and now all these headcrabs are coming and oh my god run everyone because they're coming and they'll get you guys after me because they think that you know that they're real and the Gman is my neighbor and I didn't even know until now because he just walked out of his house and I just killed a couple of headcrabs they aren't getting me I think loud music scares them so I'm turning on my stereo and they're running away and I think I just heard a Gargantua and oh my god there he is bashing through my wall and I'm going to run now bye!

lol, is that what you thought of us zeeba-G?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 16:13:29 UTC Post #44408
sorry i wasnt logged in
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 16:44:19 UTC Post #44429
Your Evil Twin from HIT had a site with the whole story. A few details are incorrect (He refers to gman as the administrator, but they are different people), but it's good. Go on:
PM Your Evil Twin and ask what his site is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 17:31:30 UTC Post #44466
It was just a bad dream silent go back to sleep.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 21:02:15 UTC Post #44556
Evil Twin lives @ I know this because I work for him :)

Yea, just read the manual and play the game enough times and you can pretty mych make your own assumptions as to what the story is, until HL2 comes out which should hopefully make things more interesting.

And about the "we are an alien experiment" thing Throws a bucket of ice cold water over your head I think we all need to get back to reality, even though the Half-Life serise owns all, its still just a game!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 23:23:36 UTC Post #44578
It'll be a trilogy too. More intrigue in store in Half-Life 2 & 3!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 23:44:20 UTC Post #44585
Here's what I think of the story so far:

Gordon Freeman, and average man, gets hired at the Black Mesa Research Facility. On one of his early days on the job, he has to put on a HEV suit and put a crystal sample from an alien world. When he puts it into the machine, everything goes wrong an explodes, but he is saved because for a brief moment, he is inside the world Xen. When he comes back all hell has broken loose. He fights his way past the aliens and soldiers while the Gman watches him. Along the way, people are telling him to get to the Lambda Complex, because the science team there can solve the problem. When he finally gets there, he gears up and gets ready to go into Xen, where he needs to kill the leader of the aliens, Nihilanth. He makes his way through Xen and finally gets to Nihilanth. Nihilanth mumbles about what seems to be the Gman before Gordon kills him. When Nihilanth finally dies, Gordon gets transported to a stange series of enviroments that mix Xen and Earth. Gman offers him a job, or a battle he can't win. According to HL2, Gordon accepts and steps into the portal, which leads to HL2...

What Blue Shift tells us about the story:

Next subject of the story, is Barney Calhoun. Barney has to escape the facility, and starts at the same time as Gordon. He finds Dr. Rosenberg, who leads him to a run-down part of the facility. Barney finds out that this was a pre-Lambda section, and the equipment inside it was used to transport HEV scouts to Xen to retrieve samples. The transport machine on Earth was dependent on a machine on Xen, so Barney had to go activate that machine. He did, and when he came back, the machine on Earth needed a new battery, so Barney goes down into the basement to get one. The military are invading the facility as he goes down, and he encounters some of them down there. He gets a battery, sends it up, and goes back up himself. The new battery is installed and the science team that was there all transport to the outside. Barney barely makes it, but when he does, he finds that he's stuck inside a "resonance cascade." He finally gets out and Dr. Rosenberg and the others drive away.

What OP4 tells us about the story:

The military is invading the facility. Now you are one of the soldiers. Corporal Shepard. Shepard and the others don't know what you're supposed to do there, but shortly after the crash, Shepard finds out that you're there to kill everyone, but you have a more important mission: to escape alive! Shortly before Gordon goes to Xen, new, tougher aliens from Xen start appearing. Shepard starts to see that Earth and Xen materials are combining, there is Xen land everywhere. Shepard finally gets to a strange room where you battle a huge alien. When Shepard defeats him, he is transported to the Gman, where he talks to Shepard about sparing him. During the talk, the bomb goes off, and Black Mesa is destroyed. Gman steps into a portal, and Shepard is all alone...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 00:27:31 UTC Post #44589
What if one of the scientists got gready and wanted to take over xen and planned the whole "accident"?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 01:22:09 UTC Post #44597
That's not likely... :roll:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 01:35:18 UTC Post #44599
You spoke of Nihilanth controlling the Voltigores yes? But Voltigores aren't Xenizens. they are a differet race.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 02:47:49 UTC Post #44613
prequals? HL wa Gordan's first day on the job!
First day working. He'd probably arrived at BM a few days before, so that still gives him some time to wander around and annoy people and drink beer!
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 03:06:06 UTC Post #44615
Voltigores ARE controled by Nihilanth and alien controlers. They're slaves. (try to play Point Of View ;) )
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 03:16:33 UTC Post #44616
Yeah, that's why they help out the humans in HL2, because they want to get revenge.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 07:01:42 UTC Post #44655
No, voltigores are from Race-X, who are enemies to the Xen race. Pit drones and shock troopers are in the same category. If you want a solution, you really have to read your evil twin's story.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 09:47:21 UTC Post #44687
ah, shit. Im not reading all of this...
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 14:56:24 UTC Post #44745
Evil Twins Page, got LOADS of explainations of pretty much everything to do with HL.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 15:09:52 UTC Post #44753
voltigores dont help the humans in hl2 the alien slaves or vortiguants do......if you notice, the green neck bands and rist bands are a security device used by the controllers so that if the slaves decide to go renegade, the rist/neck bands terminate the slave.............why deos everybody think the gman is the the gman works for the administrator.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 07:34:10 UTC Post #44988
Seems like you don't really look trough details while you play. Remember the momment of Op4 right before the old rail systems? In one room there was a large framed photo of Freeman with text below it saying "Employee of the month"! Just don't tell me that you could win this prize by working just a few days. And I'm not sure of this, but I think I saw a picture of some baby in Gordons locker. Therefor he has a family (unless I saw it in a diffirent locker or this is a picture of Gordon as a baby). Remember the G-man watching you at the Boot Camp of Op4? And the 'mysterious' pop of Shepard's name on top of the advanced training list? Here's my theory: the G-man needs someone to do some work for him and he chooses two people - Gordon and Adrian. He puts them both to tests (that's why Shepard is send to BM while he's still a rockie (despite of being a corporal he's still among the recon teams)) and Freeman proves to be the better one. But being pretty wise the G-man decides to preserve Shepard for just in case Freeman fails and the work still needs someone to do it.

And something for the Nihilanth - the sci-team says "We believe that the portal is created by the imense concentration of a single powerfull being. You will know it, when you see it. And when you find it, I'm afraid to say it, but you'll have to kill it...". Wich roughtly translates "Nihilanth is simply the teleporter device of the Xen race and someone else is the actual leader" and adds something mysterious - "...I'm afraid to say it..." means the Nihilanth had a good use for the scientosts but things just didn't worked out as planned.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 07:49:44 UTC Post #44991
G-man, our so-beloved mystery... we can only guess to what his real intentions and goals are.
Still funny to see those different theories about him... :)

As for Nihilant... "...I'm afraid to say it..." could also mean the scientist isn't that quick with killing. Like another scientist, the one that made the Gluon or at least helped developing it, who said he couldn't bring himself to kill other specimens. Ethical, you know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 14:50:46 UTC Post #45062
Nah, that phrase just means that the scientists are scared to fight. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 14:50:49 UTC Post #45063
Nah, that phrase just means that the scientists are scared to fight. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 14:51:34 UTC Post #45064
Oops sorry...

BTW: That's my theory too PTS... great minds think alike!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 15:11:08 UTC Post #45076
waht about dumb minds? they think alike, i would know... :lol:
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 16:46:50 UTC Post #45139
In the Manual, or at least the PS2 manual, there is a letter of employment for Gordon stating when he should begin his job, and some other paperwork. I noticed the Employee of the Month sign. Gordon also has the baby picture in his locker, but the manual states he is 'unmarried and without dependents.'
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 16:55:25 UTC Post #45143
There is that letter in PC version also. Why employee of Month? Why baby picture? Becouse they wanted to fill empty space there. They were propably not thinking about those alot.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 19:30:01 UTC Post #45211
Yea, Valve probably didnt go to the trouble of planning freemans whole life story, if it looked good it went in the game, it doesnt ALL fit together nicley.

Eitehr that or Gordon keeps a random pic of a baby and a girl in his locker and tells his co workers that hes married... when really he covering up the fact that hes gay.
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