Aspartame Created 20 years ago2004-09-13 12:18:31 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-09-13 12:18:31 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 14:54:19 UTC Post #59361
Man you are totally against people being happy, also what award?
And you are obviously not even a mapper so i don't feel obliged to help you in the slightest.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 15:13:05 UTC Post #59370
Who are you? Are you so scared about revealing your nickname? At least I am not afraid to confront you with my ideas. This is who I am and I do not stand down to ignorant individuals such as yourself.

And without reverting to the undignified use of foulness, your attitude is flipping discraceful.

I've seen more manners exhibited by someone brought up by a pack of wolves. You're horrific attitude towards others makes Margaret Thatcher seem like a nice woman. I suggest you practice your insults to your mother for giving birth to you before you insult other members of this site.

As for the VUE thing, that was a surrealist concept divised by the film maker 'Peter Greenaway' in his movie 'The Falls'. I do not take it seriously, it was just a bizzare joke.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 15:15:19 UTC Post #59375
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 15:16:38 UTC Post #59377
As I see it, Jahzel isn't trying to beat everyone, just trying to get people think about it. There's a difference.

btw, these are mapping forums.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 15:22:33 UTC Post #59384
Wise words from the moomin.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 15:27:52 UTC Post #59392
Who are you?
[quote]Are you so scared about revealing your nickname?[/qoute]
uhh... no-------------------->
This is who I am and I do not stand down to ignorant individuals such as yourself.
uhh... who said you had to stand down? and what does "this is who i am" mean? what if hitler said "dont stand up to me, this is who i am!"? (*not compairing you to hitler, just giving an example of how rediculous "this is who i am" sounds)

so what does that mean?? oh, wait... i get it now:
your attitude is flipping discraceful.
"this is who i am"... did i do it right!?
I've seen more manners exhibited by someone brought up by a pack of wolves. You're horrific attitude towards others makes Margaret Thatcher seem like a nice woman. I suggest you practice your insults to your mother for giving birth to you before you insult other members of this site.
so i see that since you can dispute none of what i've said, you have entirely degenerated your "argument" into infantile insults. i guess i expected nothing less from you.
Man you are totally against people being happy
uhh, yeah whatever... g-kid go away and be happy if you don't like me telling the truth about you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 15:34:49 UTC Post #59397
Davideo59 why are you being like this?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 16:14:32 UTC Post #59434
Oh quit with the bullshit and eat some SUPERIOR JAM
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 05:45:53 UTC Post #59510
What are you man? A teacher?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 11:17:16 UTC Post #59551
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 11:51:50 UTC Post #59562
This thread is unhealthy :| Jahzel thinks that there is a group of peoples that are ruling/destroying/poisoning normal peoples, and mr. Annonymous don't wan't to agree with that. But why do you have to fight each other?
And to tel the trouth i think that the answer is much easier. 1.ASPARTAME: Human body don't wan't to absorb it, it is unhealthy BUT it's better than sugar for those fat peoples. And some of them can do ANYTHING to be less fat. It's also for money (so that all fat peoples that want to loose weight buy their products) 2.FLOUROIDE: it IS good for teeth, in small doses flouroide is not so damaging 3. Jahzel have big imagination (threat it like a complement ;) ) Well, we don't need to think the same. That is what I think, and i know that is pointless to even try to convience Jahzel about that, but i don't care too much. But you know what? I want a pool, yeah! I would like to know what other peoples are thinking about that. :D

This thread is unhealthy :| Jahzel thinks that there is a group of peoples that are ruling/destroying/poisoning normal peoples, and mr. Annonymous don't wan't to agree with that. But why do you have to fight each other?
And to tel the trouth i think that the answer is much easier. 1.ASPARTAME: Human body don't wan't to absorb it, it is unhealthy BUT it's better than sugar for those fat peoples. And some of them can do ANYTHING to be less fat. It's also for money (so that all fat peoples that want to loose weight buy their products) 2.FLOUROIDE: it IS good for teeth, in small doses flouroide is not so damaging 3. Jahzel have big imagination (threat it like a complement ;) ) Well, we don't need to think the same. That is what I think, and i know that is pointless to even try to convience Jahzel about that, but i don't care too much. But you know what? I want a pool, yeah! I would like to know what other peoples are thinking about that. :D

Oh, and about fluoride... Money again, there are many toth pastes, and becouse flouroide makes toths look better, they added it! Just to improve their products, and to make it more attractive (what would you buy: tooth paste that makes your toths less healthy or that witch makes it look better?) I tell ya MONEY is the answer for MANY things.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 12:13:38 UTC Post #59570
The fact that Millitary Nerve Gas contains fluoride is alarming. And yes, one of the agendas was to create a world where we fear what others might think of us; a great way to keep all the sheep in one herd.
Materialism and all types of cosmetic product are certainly part of this ideal. Looking good is much more important, and we do not judge people for what they are - but who they are and what they look like and what qualifications we have, etc. You simply don't say the things I talk about or question reality -'it's not cool for your image.' What another great way to make sure the truth remains hidden from an unthinking, unquestioning population.

I could detail much more than I would in these forums but it extends beyond the condtioned norm.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 12:15:40 UTC Post #59571
Anonymous, you are obviously a little boy pretending to be an intellectual being. The signs that you are a lil' kiddie.

-You use bad grammar.
-Your spelling is bad.
-Your attitude is that of a 10 year old pretending to be a man.
-You are pathetic and try to insult people, but miserably fail.

I have several more things, but I will not waste my time with cunts like you.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 13:21:35 UTC Post #59587
I can assure you that water is not used in millitary nerve gas. I'd like you to read this article:

Well atleast our confronting oppinions can meet somewhere.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 13:26:30 UTC Post #59588
If you're planning on becoming a teacher I think you should be able to spell. Also, Jahzel is not a 'little kiddy', he's a uni student far'z'I know.

Also... what's messed-up here? 'Anonymous' used to be registered to the man who is now davideo, many moons ago. Now it's marked as having been registered for twenty days. A fraudulent user! jaardsi, you been up to something? ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 13:53:16 UTC Post #59608
doesn't seem to be enough good ones around help educate the little kiddies.
If this is going to descend into a flame-war it will be deleted.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 13:56:48 UTC Post #59612
If he had the full list of ingredients, he would surely not be in a position to telle every one how to make there own chemical nerve gas in a easy 9 step program. :lol: :P ;) :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 14:22:04 UTC Post #59619
But you insinuated it. :P ;)

Im just kidding with you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 14:26:46 UTC Post #59620
Seventh-Monkey is a moderator; you are a member - think about that for more than one nanosecond.

I don't know who you are, but if you become obnoxious you will soon be publically guillotined. I mean if it weren?t for capital punishment, we wouldn?t have Easter.

I also do not have to prove to you that fluoride is potentially dangerous. It takes less than common sense to realise it is harmful for the human body and that extensive research backs up this claim.

P.s. If the post is deleted, you are to blame - so watch it mister. :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 14:26:57 UTC Post #59621
That wasn't flaming, it was criticism.

What exactly is your contribution to this discussion; are you merely here to harass Jahzel For Your Country?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 14:28:19 UTC Post #59622
Heh...Ain't that the truth.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 14:40:42 UTC Post #59630
you are a member
Barely that :
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 15:05:50 UTC Post #59643
It doesn't matter whether i make a valid point, you mark it as not valid.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 15:15:02 UTC Post #59650
As I said in the other discussion thread, the truth is, that reality is what we make it, we are living in our own illusion. What that means is that if you live your life believing a version of reality, it will manifest itself as that reality. Unfortunately, and this is what I've been saying, they are controlling the sense of reality they wan't us to see. They are creating the illusion and we are believing it in many different ways.

So anon, your belief system is part of the general belief sytem we are all conditioned to accept as reality. You are, like so many other people, 'hypnotised' with the suggestions that discount anything beyond the norm as merely ridiculous. This is the job of modern science. The last thing they want us to understand is that we are merely living in an illusion and that we create our reality. That would be devestating if they wanted to control us and not get found out if you like.

*The visual cortex is what determines what our reality appears to be.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 15:58:06 UTC Post #59674
Yes, but because I am aware that life is merely an illusion and that matter is merely energry condensed to slow vibrations, it becomes apparent that I would infact know whether or not I was brainwashed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 21:24:30 UTC Post #59711
Wow! This is the 105th reply...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 21:25:24 UTC Post #59712
Maybe 104 or 103, I don't know...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-16 01:23:32 UTC Post #59739
well here's the problem with that... what if you're the one who's hypnotized and brainwashed and not me? you wouldn't know... would you?
I'm with you Anonymous. ;) It looks like Jahzel just don't wan't to belive in simple answers, he MUST blame government for almost EVERY bad thing that is on our Earth :D BUT i tell you again: moneys are ruling the world, not some idiots that wan't to control all peoples on the globe! Just think about it! Do you REALY belive that if they would order peoples to leave their homes and kill them self, they would listen? Or what are you actualy thinking? It's simply insane. Actualy, i even like you Jahzel, but this thread makes realy nervous :x Have you tried to think about it? For MORE than 5 sec?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-16 01:25:09 UTC Post #59740
(...)it makes me realy nervous(...)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-16 14:36:17 UTC Post #59853
I can't say I agree with everything Jahzel's posted, but I do with quite a bit of the less 'extreme' (forgive me) comments generally.

Either I was in a bad mood yesterday or our anonymous poster is making better posts, I don't know, but I can see his (or her) side of the argument more today.

Jahzel: let's not forget the other senses. Also... vibrations... energy... what?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-16 15:45:09 UTC Post #59910
Jahzel:You don't KNOW anything outside your own experience. You have read (im guessing string theory mixed with occult) and you think it sounds plausable, moreso than anything else but you don't KNOW it.

And yes, seventh, while the anonymous poster seems to be thinking a bit more, he is nonetheless a coward and non-entity. Neither of you can be correct.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-16 16:51:30 UTC Post #59951
And yes, seventh, while the anonymous poster seems to be thinking a bit more, he is nonetheless a coward and non-entity.

wake me up when you have anything to say that isnt retarded...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 03:45:26 UTC Post #60057
And that's that! :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 10:47:24 UTC Post #60102
Hmmm, everyone thinks (knows) that they'r right, everyone is right, so it's going to be:
2.ENDLESS THREAD ;) (and after 500 posts it will be deleted lol)
I realy don't belive anyone can win this conversation :D Anyway it's too personal now:
he is nonetheless a coward and non-entity
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 10:49:30 UTC Post #60103
I win D; !!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 10:58:52 UTC Post #60104
Speaking metaphysically: Everything that you could possibly think of is possible, even if it seems impossible. Our brains are 'frequency decoders' and since everything is made of a frequency our minds convert that frequesncy into what we see to be the 'real world'. This is done by the frontal cortex. Nothing actually exists, we just think it does therefore it manifests itself as the real world.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 11:12:51 UTC Post #60114
Nothing actually exists, we just think it does therefore it manifests itself as the real world.
That's not true for sure! There is something, but not everybody sees it OR sees it as something else (and sometimes no one knows who is right). And real world is what we know, not what is realy is. If 'real world' is for example 1,2,3,4,5 and we only know of 1,2,5 than 1,2,5 is real world for us. simple as that lol
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 11:39:03 UTC Post #60123
We are all one consciouness that is experiencing itself subjectively. We only think everything is real because we believe it is. If you believe that you will be rich one day you will because that positive thought will manifest itself as a reality. If you think that the best things happen to others then it will manifest as that reality. You are what you eat!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 11:41:47 UTC Post #60126
And I'm supposed to believe that?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 11:50:10 UTC Post #60131
That can be quite lethal in the case of flying.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 11:52:24 UTC Post #60134
yeah. and say NOTHING about the VUE.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 12:10:10 UTC Post #60138
Its entirely true. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 12:39:22 UTC Post #60144
Actualy there were peoples that REALY belived they could fly :( Ofcourse most them are dead. (and NO the rest is NOT flying lol) And most of peoples belive that one day they would be rich... And everybody knows that for 1 rich man are more than 100 poor peoples :( There ARE rules that were NOT created by us. It was WE who was created to fit that rules. Keep in mind that we are not center of the universe, vere are only small part of it. So small that almost meaningless. For now ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:20:13 UTC Post #60150
Oh, and you obvioulsy know enough to discount any evidence of NWO etc
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:24:35 UTC Post #60181
1. that has nothing to do with the fact that you claim to know just about everything about america, americans, government, flouride, nerve gas, VUE, NWO, god, spiritualuity, water, the physiology of the human brain, psychology, sociology, mind control, the media, etc, etc, etc...
Because I'm your God dude, ph34r me!

You have discounted the number of accurate information sources that prodive in-depth evidence that fluoride is harmful. If you are for One World Government and the Global Fascist State, you should be put down like a lame horse.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:26:55 UTC Post #60182
while we let the paranoids roam free across the green, teletubby-like hills?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:28:14 UTC Post #60183
Now you people discount anything to do with Secret Military Underground Bases, yet you have watched the teletubby's!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:30:13 UTC Post #60184
I don't discount secret military bases.

I think secret governments are entirely possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-18 02:12:17 UTC Post #60371
"one people, one government, one world"
Erm... was that an intentional reference?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-19 03:45:43 UTC Post #60571
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein F?rher" - Adolf Hitler
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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