Wow tutorials are hard Created 20 years ago2004-09-20 22:14:44 UTC by davideo59 davideo59

Created 20 years ago2004-09-20 22:14:44 UTC by davideo59 davideo59

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-20 22:14:44 UTC Post #60887
Andy I have to say that I respect you alot more now that I have actually had to make a tutorial for myself. BTW people, this is a mini-site that is actually for Half Life 2, but I am starting off some tutorials right now.
lol, its in the beginning part 1 all over again :P

Anyway, please give me some feedback on how I can improve that one, any errors or ways to make it more understandable, or suggestions in general.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-20 22:17:17 UTC Post #60888
A new feature of this site is the FAQ. Anyone can submit a question to me and I will answer it (if its appropriate of course) and have it posted up in the faq that would really be nice for this site too... someone should probably submit that to the ToDo list.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 06:33:43 UTC Post #60915
had a quick skim through, and I am now stabbing you in the face with an imaginary knife.
why are you teaching people to hollow?! nobody hollows, its a sin!
give the noobs a break and tell em how its really done.
apart from that,nice site.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:46:27 UTC Post #60921
I hollow------ people who a starting should be taught this,

----Nice work davideo59
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:53:04 UTC Post #60923
The only things you need to know are vertex manipulation and the hallowed arch tool.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 08:35:28 UTC Post #60930
Hmm, that was me. Forgot to log-in. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:13:22 UTC Post #60946
As for the site, the orange links on grey background are a pain to read. You might think of a better color scheme.
The tutorials page also had some glitches. The text after the red 'Hard' icon was taken to the next line in 800x600 and 1024x768.

Nah, I'll take it your site is still in developing stage, right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:29:12 UTC Post #60948 </pimpage>
my first tutorial, hopefully first of many, for photoshop.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:31:59 UTC Post #60950
Obviously you need to know about texturing CP, but the clip tool i would consider to annoying for a beginner to use (I still never use it as a rule).
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:35:08 UTC Post #60951
On the whole, quite a good tutorial davideo, but personally I'd have the bracketed definitions eg:

(Texture : A texture is what the wall looks like. You can have rock, dirt, metal, and 1000's more.)

As popups/footnotes rather than in the actual tutorial itself.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:47:13 UTC Post #60956
Oh, I use clipping a lot. It's a simple, fast tool. Easier to learn than VM. Some tools may not be more multifunctional but serve their purpose well. Besides, some tools are faster than others in specific occasions.
I'd say, know your tools, know what to use and when. Know their advantages and their disadvantages.

I like the popup idea. Footnote or inserted block of text may be enough distinctive too.

One thing I would like to advise is the use of tables. You can set text to fixed width's to avoid text stretching on large resolutions. It's often also easier to read a text divided into several easy-to-discern blocks.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 15:38:02 UTC Post #60985
It is in the developing stage and I have gotten alot of complaints about the color scheme. About the hollowing, there is absolutly, completely, nothing wrong with hollowing out boxes. It doesnt add compile time or add errors, and its the easiest way for a person to start out. Besides you don't want to make it complex at the start. There is going to be more tutorials and editing of course.

Also adding a few quicklinks that just go down to a certain section of the page (if you dont want to look through it all) is a very good idea that I actually thought off adding but didn't - it isn't that hard to do and helps alot so I will when I get home though.

The formating of the parts is messed up in some area's do to resolution. I am making it in like 1240*1000(something like that im at school so i cant say exactly) and on other computers and different resolutions it looks different.

Clipping is so much easier that using vertex manipulation IMO. Having popup definitions is a very good idea I think.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 16:33:19 UTC Post #61000
My god, uuuuggglllyyy site. Luckily, I am making a nice looking version with CSS (no, not cs:source you stupid cs freaks) and photoshop based on the PHP+Mysql system ehehehe open source pwnage.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 16:34:13 UTC Post #61001
Wait, on inspection, it is a different design. Ahh, no more uuuggllly images.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 16:39:04 UTC Post #61003
I made the table of contents to zoom to parts of the tutorial. I don't think I am going to make popup definition box's though because its more of a waste of time than a help. besides I don't really see anything wrong with using the parenthesis for the definitions anyway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 17:41:38 UTC Post #61020
Well it's a nice try.

It looks bland, the links are orange :confused: .

You taught them to hollow. :zonked:

Lots of spelling errors.

On the difficulties section, the hard description goes over into the easy section and is confusing.

People can be put of by being called a "newbie".
Anyone can ask a question by emailing me (there is a link at the top of the FAQ page)
There isn't a link yet at the top or even on the FAQ page.

The good thing is that all the links work.

Don't take these comments as being harsh, im pointing out what I think is wrong with it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:43:36 UTC Post #61114
Umm, I am in a hurry, so I didn't read the whole thread and only glanced at the page, so feel free to poke me in the eye with a stick, but I was lead to believe that the new editor is nothing like Hammer?
So I can't really see what you are trying to achieve by recreating the beginners tutorials?

Enough of my bitch'in...
The site is a good idea. Either way, you need to ask yourself this... Can you keep it going for the next 2 years.
Most resource sites are invaluable!! I mean that, sites like yours are the base of the community...

Good luck
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 09:14:46 UTC Post #61128
Guess you haven't seen any of the Hammer 4 screenies then; it's decidedly similar, just much cleaned-up with a couple of very revamped/new things.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 10:08:53 UTC Post #61136
'Tis pretty much the same, some new things, some remade things.
Urrh, what seventh said.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 03:40:12 UTC Post #61589
I have seen them,
But I will say this... from the amount I have seen, whilst the editor might look the same, mapping isn't.
My sources tell me that mapping will not be as simple.

So for those of you who consider it difficult already, it might be time to listen to people who have done stuff already, because there is one common thread in what they have to say....

Read, test, learn, build, learn, read test and if all else fails read the Help file!!
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