Compiling prob+other question Created 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:05:24 UTC by The Voice The Voice

Created 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:05:24 UTC by The Voice The Voice

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:05:24 UTC Post #64476
Hi its me, the voice.
Creator of Hi_importance, and i got an compiling error:
and another question: i am making a ventilation tunnel but i want the tunnel metal door thing on the end to be vreakable AND to be a door.
so that u hear the rambo's but cant hear the elites. how i do that?
error under this text.

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...Error: Entity 0, Brush 395, Side 9: plane with no normal
Error: plane with no normal
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

70%...80%...90%... (1.00 seconds)

--- END hlcsg ---
Edited for sanity (Andy)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:18:52 UTC Post #64480
Go to (in Hammer) Map / Go To Brush , type in (in the Brush Line) 395, you've done some vertexing and it's caused this.

From now on, before you Export to Map in order to compile, Press Alt+P to check for problems. It will save you posting thread after thread for teh same problem ;)

HI has no new code to allow us to link two entities together.

You could overcome it by using a combination of a func_breakable, env_render and a func_train (plus the mighty multi_manager).
But if you're havin problems with Alt+P, I suggest youleave that for a while.
I'll try and knock something up for you.

"so that u hear the rambo's but cant hear the elites" - I don't understand you, what do you mean? As in, what has a breakable door got to do with rambo-spotting?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:21:56 UTC Post #64483
well, as tango u can hear if u shoot it open but u cant if they just opening it by pressing E. So if u rambo u wanna hurry and shooting is faster, but tango hears that. So best way (elites) is to open it :)
not big thing, just some fantasie maybe :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:23:23 UTC Post #64485
Yeah, ok, I get you, I'll try a few things, see if I can come up with anything useful, it's a nice idea, may make your map stand out a little bit more.

Find teh error?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:26:31 UTC Post #64486
its treu i made some vertex blocks but when i deleted it and tryed to run again some thing :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:29:32 UTC Post #64490
*same thing
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:32:31 UTC Post #64493
what do you get when you press Alt+P? what errors does it come up with?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:34:29 UTC Post #64494
lol many :)
func breakable is empty, walls are empty. think one of those is the evil thing
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:36:24 UTC Post #64495
where your .rmf is, post the .ERR log, that will have a simplified version of teh problem, but it's not always teh best.

If you give us as much info as you can, we can help.

Ok, just looking at your log, you are only using zhlt.wad right?

I wouldn't advise that, as there's only three textures in that: skip/null/hint, and all are usless for creatign a map from, null will horrifically rape your r_speeds if you use it on teh whoel map, and hint/skip won't even show up, let alone let you compile a whole map of just those textures, and god forbid you have any entities made out of those textures.

I'd suggest a retexture..
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:36:40 UTC Post #64496
if theres an "empty" entitty, it means you did something to a brush, and somewhere along the way the entity came free of the brush and now occupies all of your map. just click "go to error" or whatever, then hit delete.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:37:18 UTC Post #64497
No, if anything says it is empty it doesn't matter, it's just syaing a line in teh entities properties is empty, no need to delete.
You''ll know an error when it sayd shit like: invalid etc
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:43:45 UTC Post #64500
hmm wich compile thing i need to use then? ur right, my r_speeds are little bit to high if i spectate away and when i see whole map, somethin like 1490 or somethin.

i will find the problem thats no big problem, r_speeds is biggest problem.
u know some things to chance to lower r_speeds too?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:49:12 UTC Post #64503
make complex brushes (i.e cylinders) into func_walls. this should stop face splitting, which can lead to higher r_speeds. also, check out the tutorial on r speeds.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:52:49 UTC Post #64504
So you can play the map?

What textures have you used? because it's not including them in your compile log, I suggest -wad including your textures, it's insisted upon by teh HI Development Team, as a way of avoiding people not giving out wads with maps (learn from this noobs who give out maps without the wads!! you frickin' noobs!)

To wad include, open Batch Compiler, go to teh BSP clipboard, and Tick NoWAD Include, this means teh textures you use in teh map will be written into teh .bsp file and you won't need to give out wads with your map.

R_speeds huh, well, HI has a max of 1300 (you can go a couple 100 over without too much effect) so 1400 ish ain't bad. um, what kind of map? I'd like to see it so I can give you some feedback, please.

I could help with any errors before you release it onto the HI community, they can be a tough bunch =/
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 13:50:40 UTC Post #64511
here u see my map, got lot of good comments! :)
please tell me what u think of it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 07:12:53 UTC Post #64586
Yeah, I commented lol ;) I am [BWS] LOgan there due to clan reasons.

Now I know what your map looks liek it's interesting to see what style of things you're going for.
So the problem isn't taht you're using an invalid texture, I don't really know what it is form taht log, I'd need to see teh map I guess, or teh .ERR file, but is it sorted now? have teh problems been fixed?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 07:51:12 UTC Post #64592
In order to accomplish the door, as Peaca&Love said you can't tie two entities to one object, so you'll have to make Two exact doors one func_breakable and two func_door, then set them up to be triggered by an env_render

Like this...

If your going into the tunnel have the door open (this doors name is door1- Its a func_door or doorrotating) then you enter the tunnel and the door closes.

Now where the door closes is the exact point where the func_breakable door is located only that its invisible because you set the env_render to make it so. Now set up a multi-manager to trigger the first env_render to make the func_breakable appear, and then one second later trigger another two make the func_door dissapear, so now instead of having a func_door that closed you in its replaced by a func_breakable door, now have the door to explode(when triggered) and have to grunts repel down(I did this with a map once it was cool, But my tunnel was going up with a ladder, when I reached the bottem it happened) so there you have it, enjoy. :lol:
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
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