Mod Storyline Created 21 years ago2003-11-22 15:54:57 UTC by Seventh-Monkey Seventh-Monkey

Created 21 years ago2003-11-22 15:54:57 UTC by Seventh-Monkey Seventh-Monkey

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 15:27:00 UTC Post #6680
Ho hum...................we need to go over the plot, not the setting. We have no plot, and we were just discussing setting. Keep to the topic!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 15:50:13 UTC Post #6682
the plot:
some guy comes in and is all like hey
and then some other guy is like KILL HIM
and the mafia comes and they're like: I am don vigrilo, then they blow the 1st guys head off,
then you get to murder the mafia etc etc etc
or something? i like mafias...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 16:01:42 UTC Post #6685
interesting...but an idea I had could be that at first gordon is doing some mission somewhere in the universe, whatever that may be, but then he finds out tiny snippets if information that say that the troubles on earth may be far from over. He travels back to earth, and does his exploring bit, killing aliens etc. but then in a secret other base in siberia or somewhere, he finds adrian sheperd in an isolated chamber or maybe through a teleporter (you may guess by now i kinda like this theme), and most of what happened is explained. By the end they (or just gordon) have found a way of going back in time to black mesa and confronting the final threat, whatever that may be...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 16:20:03 UTC Post #6691
Teams eh, maybe we should have a time machine and gordon's got to travel back/forwards in time to get some artifacts to stop stuff going wrong. We could split into teams of 2 or three and do fewer, but better missions. Well, whatever. If Andy decides what we are going to do, maybe we can do it before hl2 comes out and we all bugger off to do a different thing. We need Andy, if he is the team leader, to take control. :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 16:28:03 UTC Post #6692
Time machine idea! About 10 missions (like ts2) would be great. And we'd have to mix and match a LOT!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 16:37:00 UTC Post #6693
but we need someone to take control, so we dont get duplicates , ie two teams will make the same types of map. we need one team to make the lab type place where we start, some to do future type missions, some for past type missions and some for present day missions. teams of how many? we should all help each other on problems to make the game better.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 16:58:07 UTC Post #6694
Chrono Trigger for PC!!! :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-05 22:09:36 UTC Post #6713
The idea is cool though I liked mine?s better :P. The thing is, we CAN not have items and monsters (specially monsters) from different eras without coding new entities. Same happens with weapons....
A mod in which Gordon is being hunt down by grunt all over the earth epoques is a little annoying, but could be good. In these games in whic you travel back to prehistoric times you fight dinos and so on and then in the WW2 you shoot with these german guns its name I cannot remember and in the prohibition?s Chicago you use a Thompson Machine Gun... We don?t have those weapons and substituting a Glock for a old german gun or a Thompson for a Mp4 will be strange.
Let?s think.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:43:26 UTC Post #6743
tthe enimies will also have the time travel capabilities. then they will appear everywhere. or we could make just present day and near future maps, there are still a lot of different levels that we can do.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 09:18:55 UTC Post #6779
Yeah but, please, let?s use a poll ?cos not everyone may like the time travel idea (there?s a lot of physics to justify it :P).
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 10:27:44 UTC Post #6797
So they don't like it. That's the point of a poll, to find out what people want to do :nuts: lol.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 11:11:10 UTC Post #6812
why does every proposal have to sggest time travel?
i like the space idea
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 11:14:43 UTC Post #6815
A poll is mandatory

We can't start without a basic storyline
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 13:10:30 UTC Post #6819
We should post nothing here until the poll is set up. This way we could avoid going crazy with this :). We could open a new forum and then everyone could post just ONE message with a brief idea of what he wants or the idea he likes. Then the poll could be set among the most popular ones.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 17:37:47 UTC Post #6845
run with it :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 06:32:55 UTC Post #6889
Come on, we can use the existing weapons. It doesn't matter too much about realism. And as for the team idea, myself, I think it sucks, since I accidentally wrecked a team of myself and blackcat once when I was enjoying making the map myself so much I left him out! If we do have teams however, we TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! Then it won't cause problems. But I think individuals is better.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 08:39:59 UTC Post #6899
okay, individuals, but we have to have a progect leader/organiser to keep things organised. I nominate Vassy.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 09:35:33 UTC Post #6906
we need a leader for each team, if there is teams. i wanna b a team leader but if any1 good is in it they can b leader.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 10:43:44 UTC Post #6916
I think the leader task must not be to tell the others what to do with their maps and resources in order to get a finished product. It must be something like a supervisor, someone who takes care about all the things that are being done, taking care about the difficult, the look of it all, the librety of creation sticking to a determinate context... It?s a hard task, involves lots of taste, patience and playing maps from other people. The leader (supervisor) should also stick the team (small or big) together, inform everyone about what beings done in each moment and to inform the individuals about the evolution of their inmediate "Map surrounding" (what?s happening before and after).
Some of these things can be performed by the members themselves but some others are better to be done by someone with experience, mapping taste and patience. Someone who is not, evidently, me.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 10:49:25 UTC Post #6919
I think we screw teh teams idea, and go for individuals, then we have like a hierarky system:
MAJOR Leader (andy?)
     /        |
Leader    leader    leader

or something
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 10:49:44 UTC Post #6920
that didnt look right, but u get the point
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 11:20:04 UTC Post #6922
How about a dictator? (Andy) :P

(Editited) Why me???
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 12:12:50 UTC Post #6928
Queen and drones more likely.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 14:08:48 UTC Post #6931
thats what i meant, marlborometal. a supervisor. without organisation this will not work. anyway, how are we going to set this poll up? we need everybody to send in ideas and then we vote for them.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 14:56:38 UTC Post #6933
i say come up with several central ideas for the plot, display them and get anyone who will to vote (just a tick box thing) and bingo. the idea that gets most votes is the most central element of this game/mod, next gets a smaller role etc. Some things just won't get used, but that's life.

BTW i'm now finally convinced that going back and forth through time like in timesplitters is one of the stupidest ideas ever, because frankly, it would just be utterly pointless
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 15:11:31 UTC Post #6935
gordon must find a piece of the anomalous material that started the whole thing off, for some reason or another, but it seems that the military is always one step ahead of him, and he cannot get the blasted stuff. this is the only stuff that can save mankind.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 17:19:50 UTC Post #6943
ooh i like that
that's excellent, we should definitely use that
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-07 17:26:02 UTC Post #6945
Me? Leader? Oooh, lovely! Now work, slaves. I think Andy would be the best leader, but I'll be happy to be a sub leader.

(Edititited) I think Kol or Seventh or even you Vassy, would be brilliant....
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-08 16:02:37 UTC Post #6983
ill set up a forum for everyone to post ONE idea in, then after 8 - 10 ideas we will vote,, okay?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-08 18:49:50 UTC Post #6995
How about setting it in such a way that we dont need any creativity and end up remaking medal of honor or something
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-08 18:54:02 UTC Post #6996
the best moh levels were the ones in the town :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-08 19:13:14 UTC Post #7000
please, lets move on to the ideas thread hmm.......?
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