1) Hostile Intent: Phoenix Rising mapping. MultiPlayer 4 eva..
2) A map where this big monkey comes out of the sky, and then this bomb goes off, and 3 million grunts fall from the sky, and a space ship flies down to earth, but you get to watch a small 50 minute feature film about the aliens, and then, but, yeah but no but yeah but no but, this gun comes out of your bum and you pick it up and it melts in your hands because it is a "Heat Log" and can only operate under 25 degrees celtigrade so you have to fly to teh north pole in teh spaceship and kill all teh aliens by smearing the Log in their faces and crying and moaning about how everyone cool is dead.
3) I will make a map that helps people to grow up, it will be called: A Computer Destroying Virus.