1. Get RazorLame and convert your favorite songs to wav format.
2. Convert the playback rate and sound quality of the wav to fit the needs for Half Life playable wav's (though I have learned that 22kHz with an 8bit mono actually works fine)
3. Make a new folder in your sounds folder (mine is siomply called music)
4. Move all your songs into your sounds/<name> folder
5. The Following steps are for CS only:
-1. Open your commandmenu.txt
-2. Add the following lines at the bottom
"5" "Play Songs"
"1" "<name of song>" "speak <folder name>/<song name>"
"2" "Stop songs" "stopsound"
}-3. Add songs to the list by simply adding more sommands to the list
6. The following steps are for other Half Life games:
-1. When you join a server type in your console:
speak <folder name>/<song name>
-2. To stop your song type stopsound in the console
Note: By typing stopsound in the console all sounds around you that you can hear will also stop but will start up again when they reach their cue points or when they are triggered again.
Another Note: You must stop a song before you start another one, otherwise you run the risk of a sound overload.
Why use this instead of winamp?
Because winamp eats your computers memory.
Have fun!