Resetting entities problem! Created 19 years ago2004-10-31 00:39:34 UTC by Maquar Maquar

Created 19 years ago2004-10-31 00:39:34 UTC by Maquar Maquar

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 00:39:34 UTC Post #70718

For the life of me..I cannot get my entities to reset properly at the beginning of each round. I followed tutorials located at:

The map is for Condition Zero Multiplayer. I have 3 seperate buttons. Each button controls a laser and an ambient_generic like so:

func_button (target = laser1)
"laser1" consists of 2 lasers and 1 ambient generic with the start off and start silent flags checked.

func_button (target = laser2)
"laser2" consists of 1 laser and 1 ambient_generic with the start off and start silent flags checked.

func_button (target = laser3)
"laser3" consists of 1 laser and 1 ambient_generic with the start off and start silent flags checked.

When the first button is pushed laser1 comes on (laser and ambient_generic)when pushed again they are shut off. The buttons work exactly like they are supposed to in the first round. After the first round I am getting weird things going on, such as, laser2 sound being on and nothing else or the lasers on but no sound and when I press the buttons the lasers come ON and the sound turns OFF.

I followed the tutorials step by step and I still cannot get it to work properly. I did the following:

I built a tiny room off one of the outside walls and put a door inside with the entity "func_door / target = reset_manager". No other settings were touched.

I then made a Multi_manager in the center-top of the map with the following:

Name (targetname) = reset_manager
roundreset 1
laser1 1
laser2 1
laser3 1

Now when the round restarts I can hear the door shut but the entities dont reset to their original position. I've been reading and trying this for days now. Can someone please help me out?

Thank you,

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 04:53:14 UTC Post #70722
Yeah, that tutorial is hard to make sense of, have you tried it without using the door to reset them?
As most entities like that will reset anyway..
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 05:50:10 UTC Post #70726
If you mean without using the multi_manager, yes I have. And it resulted in the same problems. They didn't reset! Any ideas?

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 06:38:33 UTC Post #70734
Have you tried running the map in standard CS? It might be a bug in CZ.

If it still doesn't work under that, post the map in the Map Vault and I'll 'ave a look.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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