Func_tank shoots out of side. Created 19 years ago2004-11-04 21:35:33 UTC by Rory Rory

Created 19 years ago2004-11-04 21:35:33 UTC by Rory Rory

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 21:35:33 UTC Post #71583
Hello once agian TWHL, been about a week since I disappeared. About the crap that i'm leaving. Just my bullshitting around..Life's back on track agian.

Question is now, when i make the func_tank, and set all the settings to what I think is perfect, which all the values are valid, and when i go to use the gun ingame, it turns 90 degrees upon USE and it shoots out of the side of the barrel..Or box...Or gun...Or whatever.. But it shoots out of..Hell heres an example

*=player +=bullet -- OR | =GUN


when it should be


Thats the best I could do, if this isn't explained enough, I apologize fully.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 22:19:01 UTC Post #71584
From the tankrockets tutorial:
The side of the barrel that you intend the rockets to emerge from means nothing to the game engine, so you need to make the rocket-launching side of the barrel face 0? in WorldCraft, and use the little Angle compass in the Properties sheet to set the direction you want it to appear in the game. For example, my barrel has to face 0? in WorldCraft, because that's where the engine is going to make the rockets shoot from.
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