Occult Numerology and 911 Created 19 years ago2004-11-18 20:04:49 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 19 years ago2004-11-18 20:04:49 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 20:04:49 UTC Post #73771
Take a look at this information here ( http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/911/Robert.htm ) to understand the Globalist's interest in occult numerology. (Includes 911 numerology -- 9+1+1=11, Flight#11, Twin Towers - '11', etc)

Excellent resource for those who want to know the truth about Pike's 'Order Out Of Chaos' agenda, and the real 'masters of terror', the Millitary Industrial Complex. (Terrorism is a stepping stone to a NWO and police state. More and more evidence is coming to light in official documents such as Homeland Security and Patriot Act that the plan to merge the millitary and police and enforce a global totalitarialism. (In other words folks, we will all live in a global equivalent to Nazi Germany if we do not wake up and realise we are being lied to and enslaved)

Under the Homeland Security and Patriot Act, a code red scenario means that individuals will have their rights taken away to 'help protect the country'. Also, anti-war protest and any critisism of government policy is to be considered an 'act of terror' potentially endangering the lives of the county's citizens. Considering this is a 'War On Terror', how come they are terrorising innocent people and taking away their rights? Answer: Because it's not a war on terror its a war on freedom and the beginning of a global fascist state.

This is not a conspiracy, this is all beginning to unfold. I wish it was just a harmless conspiracy.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 09:29:59 UTC Post #73819
The brilliant thing about numerology is that you can make anything have a super symbolic number, by adding and subtracting it untill it does. Its the occult version of Countdown. Liber 777 by Crowley is a good list of numbers of Qabalistic significance etc. too.

The whole thing is rather pointless since you can 'prove' everything has significance. So I'm not worried about the dates,times, number of times someone does something etc. Numerology in this scraping the barrel sense simply annoys me.

Anyone with a big list and a calculator can predict patterns and prophesise things it would seem. Not so.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 11:27:28 UTC Post #73832
Its just coincedental though.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 12:41:17 UTC Post #73842
No its actually less to do with numerology. The number 11 is significant to the Globalists. You will always find references to '11' throughout history, like the end of the second world war.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 13:35:25 UTC Post #73853
You can find lots of these if you try hard. as the guy who wrote that obviously has.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 13:42:09 UTC Post #73855
Its too coincidental to BE a coincidence.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 15:14:29 UTC Post #73866
(A bit like your comment)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 16:16:18 UTC Post #73876
Why, oh my, it looks like anonymous is back with a cool homophobic attitude! Keep it up, you're my hero.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 16:18:45 UTC Post #73877
back to irc with your gayness, no one cares Posted on 19 Nov 04 21:11
by Anonymous
I think we have a clue, dear Dr. Watson.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 23:08:52 UTC Post #73920
(best comment: remove anonymous posting!)

A lot of emails should do.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 11:54:45 UTC Post #73938
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 16:14:40 UTC Post #73963
and they would like them more from someone who has just shown up and started throwing insults at everyone?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 16:44:58 UTC Post #73964
I know, at least these mapping newbies have a personality, all-be-it n00bish.
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