this problem is one of the typical noobs features :
_first because a noob is mainly attracted by easy things, and want instant results as if they were ordering in a fastfood (common consumer behavior) : I think the soft the noobs are dreaming just got one only big button in the middle of the screen, "do the map", then wait some hours of compilation, then release the century map every week ...
_second, is that you aren't talking to the same guy every time you answer : noobs come, because something is new, popular, attracting, and leave, because they realize they suck, say they don't like the community, the game got bugs, cheaters, something like that, and switch to an other stuff new, attracting, popular, again again and again, the typical behavior of the frustrated consumer. it's as if you were talking to an hydra, with multiple heads, and got some amnesia illness ...
_at last, you aren't answering to the noobs. you think so, but you don't : noobs want results, not technical answers. they are expecting you to do the job, not to give them stuff they will have to think about, test ... that's why they are asking again and again, not asking for technical answers, but guys to make what they would like.