Certain types of maps should be banned Created 20 years ago2004-11-23 22:54:30 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Created 20 years ago2004-11-23 22:54:30 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 23:28:06 UTC Post #75007
Hmm, you seemed to have neglected to comment on Nightwatch (which is made with the half-life engine)
Nightwatch was made by a team of many very skilled mappers, coders, animators, modelers, and texture artists. I am a single mapper. I said already that I'm not the best mapper but I'm very good at what I do. You took something that I said and tried to make me an ass outa of it. I called myself an expert mapper because I know how to use the entities and create fun and original maps. I didn't say I was the best mapper. There is a difference. An expert is someone who know's the ins and outs of there trade. Like I have said already I'm not the best but I do know alot about hammer and still learn more. I enjoy mapping and some punk isn't going to persuade me into thinking that I'm some kind of egotistical asshole simply because I said I'm an expert at mapping.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 23:57:53 UTC Post #75008
It's never a good idea to boast your own skills, even when it's clearly warranted. Humility goes a long way.

I remember the architect of MoMA (which just underwent a grand remodeling) said in an interview that he thinks his structure is plain and not noteworthy--just a box with an inner garden. This is stated despite widely acclaimed praises from critics world-wide.

Some of the best mappers I know are extremely humble. They proclaim that their maps need a lot of work and is imperfect, and yet everyone who ran their maps exclaim that these are really true works of art.

Sometimes being a bit humble and understated can make one even greater than he/she already is. For a true expert, the praises come from others, not him/herself.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 00:21:08 UTC Post #75011
Satchmo at the beginning of this thread I thought you were a jerk but now I see your a pretty nice guy. I wrongly judged you at the beginning of this thread and I'd like to apolagize for that. In return I'd like for you not to judge me. Today was a good day for me and I was happy so I thought it there would be no harm in expressing it but obviously it did. I am not a person to go about bragging about anything and I'd like to keep my good name because no one likes assholes. It's a rarety for me to take a step back and look at my work and get the chance to say "hey maybe this is good." Even the NS map on Snarkpit which I think is currently my favorite map I've made needs a lot of improvement. I hate how I textured thing in it and it still needs a lot of improvement with lighting texturing. I hate it though when I get to enjoy the work I've done once in a while only to have some little asswipe jump in and say I''ve got a huge ego and I think I'm better than everyone else.

Can you understand where I'm coming from?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 00:24:16 UTC Post #75012
This really isn't going anywhere. Aren't the moderators suppose to being doing something on these forums?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 00:45:19 UTC Post #75018
And just to clear things up, I am not Anonymous. And since I'm not on Haldol (TM), I am not diagnosed with any schizophrenia either. In fact, according to the DSM IV-R, schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder. It's a widely believed misconception that these two mental illnesses are related somehow.

And Spartan 34, I don't blame you for misconstruing my initial post. I didn't express my idea clearly, and I can understand how I can be seen as "anti-noob". But, as you know, I am a noob myself.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:12:07 UTC Post #75026
What started this all was when I said that I managed to finish half a map in three 3 days and then it carried on from there. This arguing is getting really old and I don't believe I have my foot in my mouth. I am just getting tired of aguing with you over something that everyone misinturprated as me being egotitistical when I made my statement. THis is the last thing I want you guys to think. This is getting really fucking old though and I agree to quit if you do and set this thread back on course.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:21:51 UTC Post #75029
DSM IV: http://www.appi.org/book.cfm?id=8897

And I have a feeling that the Anonymous is either Seventh or Rabid. I could be wrong, but those are my best guesses.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:23:14 UTC Post #75030
Why would one of the members go about posting without logging in?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:26:36 UTC Post #75031
I am hoping I'll steer this thread into a psychiatric investigation on the identity of "Anonymous".

Let's all psychoanalyze his (or her) tone of voice and style of writing (and even the way he misspell words) to ascertain his true self. But again, he/she can mislead us by actually participating in the guessing game, thereby throwing all of us off.

Finally, I could be Anonymous afterall, thereby proving that I have one fucked up mind.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:54:36 UTC Post #75035
As near as I can tell, Anonymous is a registered user... he just registered as Anonymous.

Let's switch up a second and talk about a court jester and what their real function in a royal court is.

On television, a court jester is portrayed as a buffoon who can't juggle very well, tells bad jokes, and tries to make the king laugh... but that's not really his job description. I doubt authentic court jesters ever did such a thing.

A king's court is comprised of "yes" men. Most were appointed as political favors. But if the king suggests an idea, everyone jumps. They do their best to make it so, even if it's a bad idea. The court jester's job was to disagree with the king, point out his weaknesses, look for holes in the king's ideas... with amnesty, since most others were tossed in a dungeon for disagreeing with the king. Usually they were the king's freind before the coronation. Most court jesters held other positions in the court, but they were usually a very trusted advisor... to a wise king. A modern day court jester could be said to be Secretary of State Colin Powell, who sometimes openly disagrees with the Bush cabinet. Think what has to happen behind closed doors there!

That being said, every strong court needs a jester... And since the first post I read of his, I've thought that Anonymous fills that billet here. And that TWHL is stronger for not deleting his posts or banning his account (a pointless notion, regardless) I'm not defending ANY of his posts, mind you, but I am defending his right to make you think.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:55:16 UTC Post #75036
PS. I am in no way affiliated with Anonymous or TWHL...

So there! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 02:08:48 UTC Post #75038
Anyway, who cares if someone makes a map in 3 days? With mapping, it's not quantity that counts it's quality
I didn't say I made every map in three days. I only stated that because it was the fast mapping I had ever done and I thought it was awesome that I could get that much done that fast.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 05:06:03 UTC Post #75048
I'm not anon. I've got DM_Petrol to finish - I don't hang around in the forums making gigantic posts :P
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 05:59:58 UTC Post #75052
I really dont see how a team of animators, coders, and modelers would have anything whatsoever to do with how impressive those screens look
Uhm, do you know what a coder actually does?
Aren't the moderators suppose to being doing something on these forums?
What, like killing a fairly sensible one?
As near as I can tell, Anonymous is a registered user... he just registered as Anonymous.
Well then his name would link to his profile.

as for
And I have a feeling that the Anonymous is either Seventh or Rabid.
Certainly not. I wouldn't be arrogant enough to criticise somebody else claiming to be an expert ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 10:20:04 UTC Post #75077
Maybe TWHL would benefit from something like a limit on how many maps you can upload. Then you would have to choose more carefully.

the problem with that is that good mappers will suffer because of the N00b-map-spammers. :
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 11:14:42 UTC Post #75085
a quality poll system : every map with less than x% (say 20), is directly kicked from the server after y votes ...
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 14:31:11 UTC Post #75099
Bad idea, you'll get people going "i dont like that 1!!!!!!111111111111111 ill votea milliontimeszzzhahahahah" and then people's work'll get deleted unreasonably.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 15:01:03 UTC Post #75102
Seventh: THat could easily be defeated if there was a "One-vote-per-user-only" system.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 16:58:51 UTC Post #75106
What if someone were to sign up as dozens of usernames and vote multiple times?

Anyways, I don't think we have to modify how the vault works. My original intention of the post was to prevent people from embarrasing themselves by posting un-original maps and then get flamed by a lynch mob. But I guess getting flammed and learn your mistakes that way isn't a bad idea afterall. Because, for some, that's what it takes for them to learn their lessons. Sometimes multiple maps need to be criticized before they realize that they need to spend a lot more time and planning on their maps before releasing them.

Hey, if being hit on the head with a slimy trout is what it takes for some to learn, so be it.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-28 07:57:00 UTC Post #75179
I guess satchmo is right. there were these kinds of maps before, it's just that recently TWHL have been flooded with them, and the N00bs.

Note that there is a difference between a Newbie and a N00b.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-28 07:58:00 UTC Post #75180
And I was always wondering why I smelled fishy...
I agree mostly, but flaming isn't going to help. Helpful advice is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-28 10:02:44 UTC Post #75205
Yeah, but can you blame people for getting angry when N00bs ask the same questions over and over again?

Instead of reading the tutorials and searching the forum
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-28 12:13:07 UTC Post #75218
this problem is one of the typical noobs features :

_first because a noob is mainly attracted by easy things, and want instant results as if they were ordering in a fastfood (common consumer behavior) : I think the soft the noobs are dreaming just got one only big button in the middle of the screen, "do the map", then wait some hours of compilation, then release the century map every week ...
_second, is that you aren't talking to the same guy every time you answer : noobs come, because something is new, popular, attracting, and leave, because they realize they suck, say they don't like the community, the game got bugs, cheaters, something like that, and switch to an other stuff new, attracting, popular, again again and again, the typical behavior of the frustrated consumer. it's as if you were talking to an hydra, with multiple heads, and got some amnesia illness ...
_at last, you aren't answering to the noobs. you think so, but you don't : noobs want results, not technical answers. they are expecting you to do the job, not to give them stuff they will have to think about, test ... that's why they are asking again and again, not asking for technical answers, but guys to make what they would like.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-28 13:20:24 UTC Post #75239
you aren't answering to the noobs. you think so, but you don't : noobs want results, not technical answers. they are expecting you to do the job, not to give them stuff they will have to think about
Then we'll carry on as we do.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-28 20:07:31 UTC Post #75310
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-29 01:31:46 UTC Post #75391
Hey, G_KID, perhaps you should post a tutorial for using that button. But make sure you mention that it only comes in a hacked version of Hammer, which is available for purchase from you for $50.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-29 11:03:47 UTC Post #75426
Sounds like a plan. The moderators would of course demand a fair split seeing as you're promoting a product on 'their' forums :P
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-02 07:08:31 UTC Post #75938
Interesting topic indeed...
I know there are plenty of n00bs out there that flood the vaults with crap... Having made that mistake (2 crappy maps in the vault - my first map, and an unfinished version of my glass compo map... Both are pure crap) I can understand the urge that new people have to get feedback and such... But one has to learn that one can't just post EVERY piece of crap they make... They should learn... read the tutorials (at least the "In The Beginning" ones (1 through 6 if I'm not mistaken)... I couldn't say I'm an expert mapper, but I can definitely say I've got most of Hammer's stuff.... And now that Hammer 4 is out, there's a lot of new shite to add to that, lol. I hope hl2 has less problems with the render speeds though... Cause I can't model, so I use brushes to create trees etc, and it really kills the map... like you can walk through the entire map in less than half a minute, and it has 1000 wpoly.... Anyway, that was off topic and I appologise... I agree that flaming is NOT the way to tell a n00b that he's a n00b... One should first try to be kind, and helpful. If the person refuses to pay attention and disregards your advice, then I really can't blame you for getting mad :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-02 07:14:40 UTC Post #75940
Edit: I've got most of Hammer's stuff down
Edit: it hits 1000 wpoly
Just some stuff that bugged me :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-02 14:17:09 UTC Post #75989
I agree that flaming is NOT the way to tell a n00b that he's a n00b
I agree, they should be told through a string of cryptic clues and messages, each more feindish and devious than the last.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-02 16:11:16 UTC Post #76008
Hehe, nice one.

Except that it's "fiendish" ;)

Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-02 17:49:23 UTC Post #76021
Shush you, get back in your box. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-03 01:35:11 UTC Post #76078
I'm putting money that there are kids who are very young trying to map. My 11 year old and 8 year old both map a little bit, because it's less graphic than the game, which they can't play, but it lets them do what dad does. It kills them when I tell them they can't post their completed maps, of which they have me beat 3 or 4 to 1, because they are crap. I think these are the real culprits. People who are seriously trying, no matter what the age, are critical enough of their own material that they self-censor the bad stuff.

Just my opinion....
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-03 02:10:00 UTC Post #76082
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 19:24:05 UTC Post #80681
:P ;) amen
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
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