Posted 21 years ago2003-12-09 21:59:43 UTCPost #7092
I like fy maps. But I also use TEAMbot and because of them my computer freezes every time I start a server in a closed in map like an fy map. Where can I get another bot program? preferable podbot.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-10 14:27:13 UTCPost #7151
I use podbot a lot. They are quite difficult to beat, but de_aztec is a laugh with them! Get an AK47 and you'll have great fun. By the way, can you get bots for HL MP, OpFor MP, Firearms and TFC? I really want to play them!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-10 21:45:57 UTCPost #7225
I tried to use realbot on cs 1.5 and it kept saying that the AI.ini has been corrupted or something like that! REALbot sucks! Yeah, go on phl and search for bots! I searched on there and got loads of results!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-11 23:04:34 UTCPost #7342
POD Bot is my choice, because it is really similar to Sturmbot for DoD. I gave RealBot a go, but had difficulty getting the WIP1600 version to work. So I went back to POD... I find I can successfully waypoint a map in about 10 minuites, even if it is complicated. And POD has support wpt's for most of the CS maps already out there.... Don't forget to dumb them down a bit to start with because they are Good.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 08:17:04 UTCPost #7526
POD bot is indeed a very good bot, the only drawback i can think of is their ping in always 5 ... Nooo /me pings at 500 if there's lots on things going on
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 15:11:15 UTCPost #7569
The name "Ping of death" was given in the first version of PODbot when the bots always made a headshot on the player(s) directly the round begun. And trough every solid object that was in the way. At least that's what the readme says.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 03:23:05 UTCPost #7657
Steffen Hendrick's first version of RealBot was pure brillance... It didn't need waypoints and relied on entities to give the guidance. Problem was that the Bot's tended to crawl the wall's rather than run around in the open. It worked as far as I can tell, but was limited and not all that much fun once you got used to it. POD on the other hand, can catch even the most experienced player off guard. The Bot's do learn, try playing Bot's that have been on a server for a while... creepy stuff.