Big Bro is watching you through your.... Created 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:09:43 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:09:43 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:09:43 UTC Post #76669
....cable boxes!

Can my cable company really hear me through my TV speaker?

"The answer is yes and no. Let me explain. The TV is comprised mainly of two sensory related technologies, specifically sound and sight. One is audio (sound) the other is video (sight). Let's first examine audio. Audio technology, or the telephone, was first invented by Alexander Graham Bell. During his experiments, Bell found that the microphone part and the speaker part of the telephone were nearly identical as both use vibrations to work. The microphone uses a membrane to detects sound vibrations from our voice and converts it to an electrical signal; then the speaker also uses a membrane to convert the electrical signal back to sound which we hear. because of this , a microphone can be used as a speaker and a speaker can be use as a microphone. To prove this, all you need to do is plug any external computer speaker into your microphone jack, and speak in a chat room or record. Now you know it works. Getting on to the question of can your cable company hear you through your TV speaker. It depends. The first question is whether you have a cable box or not. If you do not, you in all likelyhood have nothing to be concernd about. Were the cable company to attempt to listen in on any TV speaker-microphones just by plugging into their cable, they would hear every speaker transmitting from every one of their subscribers' TVs, resulting in nothing but a great homogenous noise or whoosing sound. That is useless to listen in on. On the other hand, if you have a cable box, the story is quite different. With a cable box, the cable companies have given you an "address". This address is needed to differentiate you from every other sunscriber on their network so they can know where to send an 'on-demand' movie that you may have just ordered. Inside that cable box is a chip that allows the cable company technicians to pinpoint and single you out of the thousands of other subscribers. If they want, as they do with 'on-demand' movies, at a moments notice they can create a selective connection between their main office equipment and 'their' cable box which is connected to your TV and your TV's speaker. Remember what we learned earlier about a speaker being used as a microphone. Now, with their selective connection using their cable box, they can listen in to your room using your TV's speaker as a microphone. So be careful what you say, "Big Brother" may be listening."
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:11:02 UTC Post #76670
I'd really be more worried if we were watching big brother.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:48:36 UTC Post #76675
Good point raised there ministeve. Big Brother is a complete and utter insult to human intelligence, both in concept and ideal.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 17:21:42 UTC Post #76687
wow, this is the first reall thing I read by jahzel.

Its a bit eary. I had no idea that a microphone and a speaker are basically the same thing.

just, wow...
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 17:46:30 UTC Post #76697
The Next Stage of the New World Order:

- Micropchipped population.

It's what has been said for years, often laughed at as science fiction, and "oh, they'd never do that to us". Well they will and are. If you've ever read George Orwell's 1984 he gives an accurate portrail of future society -- today's. Big Brother surveillance in order to 'combat crime and terrorism' (...whilst removing human rights, civil liberties, and infringing public privacy)

They are trying to sell this 'implantable microchip' concept as a good one, first selling it to us as a great way to keep track of our houshold pets, then a great way to keep track of our children, and now a great way to combat crime and terrorism.

The microchip must be prevented if we want to be free from a global Nazi Germany. So too must be Biometric fingerprint ID cards etc. This is all part of an Orwellian fascist state inwhich everyone becomes an unthinking, unquestioning consumerist yuppie zombie unaware of the truth. In other words, The Matrix.

Read the info here:

I can't believe this is happening. No longer is the NWO just some conspiracy kook rant. People are allowing it to happen as we are all being conditioned on a mass scale to believe that we are insecure and need better homeland security. They're even putting cameras in toilets in Michigan! For god's sake, this isn't freedom, this is Nazi dictatorship unfolding infront of us.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 18:57:59 UTC Post #76713
Well, if the government is listening to us through our cable, It won't do much, since those darn government workers seem to never get anything done ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-07 03:29:15 UTC Post #76753
I just had very interesting conversation with my tv..
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-07 04:53:11 UTC Post #76757
if u dont do anything wrong, you got nothin to worry about i spose

joins Jahzel!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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