one more small issue Created 20 years ago2004-12-08 00:55:22 UTC by The Tick The Tick

Created 20 years ago2004-12-08 00:55:22 UTC by The Tick The Tick

Posted 20 years ago2004-12-08 00:55:22 UTC Post #76939
hey guys... dont kill me, but there is one more problem

I thought running zoners half life tools would fix my lighting problem, but the zoner tools dont work when I try to use them. Am I missing something? Here's the error log when I try to use ZHLT.

thanks, peace

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdk"

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.cacounter-strike sourcecstrikemapsenvironment.rmf" "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.cacounter-strike sourcecstrikemapsenvironment.rmf"

** Executing...
** Command: "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdkbinhlbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdkcstrike_sample_content" "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.cacounter-strike sourcecstrikemapsenvironment"

Unknown option "-game"
hlbsp v3.0 rel Public Beta 2 (Sep 21 2004)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Built on code by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
For Full Credits please read credits.html
Submit detailed bug reports to (amckern at, or AJenbo at
If you have a mapping error, please ask at the modifications 'Nominated Mapping Help Forum'

= hlbsp Options =
-leakonly      : Run BSP only enough to check for LEAKs
-subdivide #   : Sets the face subdivide size
-maxnodesize # : Sets the maximum portal node size
-notjunc       : Don't break edges on t-junctions     (not for final runs)
-noclip        : Don't process the clipping hull      (not for final runs)
-nofill        : Don't fill outside (will mask LEAKs) (not for final runs)
 -noopt         : Don't optimize planes on BSP write   (not for final runs)
-texdata #     : Alter maximum texture memory limit (in kb)
-lightdata #   : Alter maximum lighting memory limit (in kb)
-chart         : display bsp statitics
-low | -high   : run program an altered priority level
-nolog         : don't generate the compile logfiles
-threads #     : manually specify the number of threads to run
-estimate      : display estimated time during compile
-nonulltex     : Don't strip NULL faces
-verbose       : compile with verbose messages
-noinfo        : Do not show tool configuration information
-dev #         : compile with developer message
mapfile        : The mapfile to compile
** Executing...
** Command: "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdkbinhlvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdkcstrike_sample_content" "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.cacounter-strike sourcecstrikemapsenvironment"

Unknown option "-game"hlvis v3.0 rel 3.0 Beta 4 (Nov 11 2004)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools 3.0 For Half Life 1
Based on code modifications by Sean `Zoner' Cavanaugh.
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (amckern at

If you have a Compile error with this stage of compile, please check or the Mods Mapping Forum `Search Function'.

= hlvis Options =
-full           : Full vis
-fast           : Fast vis
-texdata #      : Alter maximum texture memory limit (in kb)
-lightdata #      : Alter maximum texture memory limit (in kb)
-chart          : display bsp statitics
-low | -high    : run program an altered priority level
-nolog          : don't generate the compile logfiles
-threads #      : manually specify the number of threads to run
-estimate       : display estimated time during compile
-maxdistance #  : Alter the maximum distance for visibility
-verbose        : compile with verbose messages
-noinfo         : Do not show tool configuration information
-dev #          : compile with developer message
mapfile         : The mapfile to compile
** Executing...
** Command: "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdkbinhlrad.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.casourcesdkcstrike_sample_content" "C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppstalpeer@sympatico.cacounter-strike sourcecstrikemapsenvironment"

Unknown option "-game"
hlrad v3.0 rel 3.0 Beta 4 (Nov 11 2004)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools 3.0 For Half Life 1
Based on code modifications by Sean `Zoner' Cavanaugh.
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (amckern at

If you have a Compile error with this stage of compile, please check or the Mods Mapping Forum `Search Function'.

= hlrad Options =
-sparse         : Enable low memory vismatrix algorithm
-nomatrix       : Disable usage of vismatrix entirely
-extra          : Improve lighting quality by doing 9 point oversampling
-bounce #       : Set number of radiosity bounces
-ambient r g b  : Set ambient world light (0.0 to 1.0, r g b)
-maxlight #     : Set maximum light intensity value
-circus         : Enable 'circus' mode for locating unlit lightmaps
-nopaque        : Disable the opaque zhlt_lightflags for this compile
-smooth #       : Set smoothing threshold for blending (in degrees)
-chop #         : Set radiosity patch size for normal textures
-texchop #      : Set radiosity patch size for texture light faces
-notexscale #   : Do not scale radiosity patches with texture scale
-coring #       : Set lighting threshold before blackness
-dlight #       : Set direct lighting threshold
-nolerp         : Disable radiosity interpolation, nearest point instead
-fade #         : Set global fade (larger values = shorter lights)
-falloff #      : Set global falloff mode (1 = inv linear, 2 = inv square)
-scale #        : Set global light scaling value
-gamma #        : Set global gamma value
-sky #          : Set ambient sunlight contribution in the shade outside
-lights file    : Manually specify a lights.rad file to use
-noskyfix       : Disable light_environment being global
-incremental    : Use or create an incremental transfer list file
-dump           : Dumps light patches to a file for hlrad debugging info
-texdata #      : Alter maximum texture memory limit (in kb)
-lightdata #    : Alter maximum lighting memory limit (in kb)
-chart          : display bsp statitics
-low | -high    : run program an altered priority level
-nolog          : Do not generate the compile logfiles
-threads #      : manually specify the number of threads to run
-estimate       : display estimated time during compile
-verbose        : compile with verbose messages
-noinfo         : Do not show tool configuration information
-dev #          : compile with developer message
-colourgamma r g b : Sets different gamma values for r, g, b
-colourscale r g b : Sets different lightscale values for r, g ,b
-colourjitter r g b : Adds noise, independent colours, for dithering
-jitter r g b : Adds noise, monochromatic, for dithering
-nodiffuse : Disables light_environment diffuse hack
-nospotpoints : Disables light_spot spherical point sources
-softlight r g b d : Scaling values for backwards-light hack

-customshadowwithbounce : Enables custom shadows with bounce light
-rgbtransfers : Enables RGB Transfers (for custom shadows)
mapfile         : The mapfile to compile
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-08 01:02:16 UTC Post #76940
Unknown option "-game"
You have the option -game in your parameters, and it is invalid.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-08 05:19:03 UTC Post #76955
Also: The very important process CSG is not being run.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-08 08:42:10 UTC Post #76970
There is no CSG in HL2 compiling.

Erm, why don't you just use the default Hammer 4 compile tools?

I don't think Zoner's have HL2 compiling tools yet...
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-08 11:40:45 UTC Post #76997
Why are you using Hammer 4 for CS?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-09 03:49:48 UTC Post #77155
I downloaded the version the version of hammer that Steam gave me. I suppose I should know better than to trust them?
Anyways, the stock compile tools work but they are buggy and slow.

I didn't know the Zoners were for half life, not HL2 or cs:source.

You will have to forgive my ignorance though... I'm still learning.

thanks for help though guys... I'm sure I'll be posting some more nub questions here shortly, and then maybe some nub maps! And then good maps!

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