Invisable Phys_Props Created 19 years ago2004-12-15 18:06:00 UTC by blackravent blackravent

Created 19 years ago2004-12-15 18:06:00 UTC by blackravent blackravent

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 18:06:00 UTC Post #78532
I dont know if its just me being an idiot or are other people finding that some phys_props are invisable? Some of them work fine and I know that some props are there and they are there in the map when compiled there just transparent, Some just dont turn up at all. Any help?
Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 18:26:25 UTC Post #78534
The ones that don't show up need to be on a prop_static or prop_physics override. Set the tranparent ones to prop_physics_override.

This is because some props have no phys data and aren't intended for the phys system. The override ent forces teh prop to be used during the physics simulation.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
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