3 questions-0 answers.... Created 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:30:56 UTC by The HL Oracle The HL Oracle

Created 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:30:56 UTC by The HL Oracle The HL Oracle

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:30:56 UTC Post #86808
Have got some doubts about things never seen in half-life....but don't know if they're possible....
1st-Can models have a moving shadow?(eg:monsters)
2nd-Is half-life capable of reflective textures? (like swat3)
3rd-Can be trigger_teleports be triggerable to teleport the player to a location by a multi_manager (it is for the player to not have to walk through the entity)
I'm waitin' for yer answers.......
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 23:56:26 UTC Post #86845
I'm not sure about 1 and 2, I don't think either one can be done. For 3, use a multisource/env-global combination as a master for the trigger_teleport to turn it on and off which makes it triggerable. The player must move inside the trigger-teleport brush for the teleport to work; however, you can make the brush as big as you need to cover the area where the player will be. The example map called "Delayed Teleport" shows how to use this technique.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-30 06:38:42 UTC Post #86892
You can have moving shadows if im right, i dont know how but i saw a picture of that a while ago.
And reflective textures are also possible wiht Spirit.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-30 06:52:24 UTC Post #86896
There's a mod for HL that'll do proper two-foot shader shadows. It's available here. Works best on nVidia cards though.

As for two, as pepper said, Spirit.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-30 07:53:13 UTC Post #86909
Oh, sorry. forgot that :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 06:41:51 UTC Post #87216
On the 2nd Question...the only thing Ive seen around is the famous floor reflection trick, but that isn"t really texture based.

With the other two, I dunno, sorry.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-19 19:07:39 UTC Post #91897
Yes, spirit of HL rules, but.... I know where you saw a picture of hl with shadows, in the installtion process of Opposing Force mod!!!!! That was fixed and arranged for you to believe that there were shadows in the game... by the way, thank you guys....
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-19 19:34:17 UTC Post #91899
Shadows were originally included in HL and removed permenantly in an early patch.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-19 22:10:37 UTC Post #91926
Lol I remember shadows! I don't know why they took them out though, they looked kinda good and the lighting positions worked.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 09:35:36 UTC Post #91994
I thought the shadows of different parts of their bodies cut into each other producing double-shadows from certain angles?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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